Sunday, September 1, 2024

Everything Beautiful

"God grant me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things,
I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference."

There are more changes happening, more growth, of course,
always more obstacles....but all is well.
I'm pretty sure this will be my last monthly journal dump.
My journal has morphed into a new form,
most every page has become like a letter from God.
I've been given the nudge to share some of the messages 
so in going with the flow of things.....

Quotes & notes from my August journal:

" Accept what you can impact,
and let go of what you cannot change."

"Sustain relationships that take you outside
of your comfort zone.
They will support growth"

"Experience is not what happens to you,
it is what you do with what happens to you."

"You learn by force. You learn by choice. 
You learn by being forced to make a choice."

" Open your mind to all possibilities.
Let go of what you've been trained to believe.
If you believe something is possible or impossible,
you'll be right.
What you believe determines your outcome."

"Have a mind open to everything but attached to nothing.
Let it all come and go as it will."

"Transformation happens by the renewing of our minds.
The key to transformation is changing
what and how we think."

"You can change your life by changing what's inside 
if you're willing to go that extra mile."

Energy and time are precious, and limited.
Use them wisely.

Life is simpler than I make it!

God's will is good.

"When you find yourself in the darkness of an unfamiliar
experience, do not grope, grab, or swat off 
imaginary demons. Rather than shield yourself,
Take a deep breath & open your heart."

"You will find the answers in the silence."

Its almost as important to know what is not serious
as to know what is.

Consider quiet acceptance in times of stress.

Refuse to feel sorry for yourself & do your absolute best possible.

"Contentment is like a big ol' hug at the end of the day
you inhale deeply,
and everything else disappears around you."

When you are feeling out of sorts in anyway,
go to  nature & find your peace.
Listen to the birds, the insects, the rustling leaves,
the wind.
These are the sounds of healing.

"Your old methods do more harm than good.
What once allowed you to function in a nearly
impossible situation is now an obstacle to 
further growth.
An asset has become a deficit."

"As long as you are stuck internally,
your life will be stuck externally;
the only way to go wide in life is
if you are willing to go deep."

Surround yourself with people that make you laugh.

"Getting in touch with heavy, loaded feelings
from the past & allowing yourself to 
express them-
is far more useful than trying to reason yourself
out of them."

It is an illusion that depleting myself will help someone else.

Making a life for ourselves,
regardless of what others are doing or not doing,
must be a top priority."

The more I feel my smallness & powerlessness,
the more I grow in spirituality.

"I yam what I yam, and
that's all I yam."

"If you are wondering who your people are,
they are the ones who make your heart feel seen
& your nervous system feel calm."

You'll be OK even if they don't like you.
You like you.
And that is the greatest gift you'll ever
bestow on yourself.

Respond with  kindness to those who offend you.
You'd rather be kind than right.

Don't waste time regretting the way things are
or wishing you could go back to yesterday.

Work for what you are rather
than what your against.

"Give up the pleasure of condemning people."

Give yourself permission to allow yourself to be
totally involved with just good thoughts.

"It is necessary to the happiness of man 
that he be mentally faithful to himself."

The  more you see yourself as what you'd
like to become, the more inspired you are.

Process your feelings, 
but you don't have to indulge them.

What you think about expands.
Be more mindful and careful what you think about.

"The real truth might be that we are far more valuable & loveable
than other people have led us to believe."

"Choosing to set boundaries & create wellness for 
ourselves is our primary responsibility."

"Let go of expectation: whatever happens is happening
as it should.  Challenge your own beliefs.
Do the thing that feels difficult.
The only way you'll arrive at the magic is if
you're willing to travel a few
challenging roads to get there."


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