Saturday, September 14, 2024

Breathe and Recenter

Good morning! 
Today I am going to take time to breathe & recenter.
It has been a full week.
Hubby had his bladder cancer removed Thursday, 
and all looks well.
My kiddo has a job interview with the city Monday.
I'm so happy for him.  If it is a good fit, 
then I'm confident he will get it.
I called my Dad yesterday, he was excited
about my stepmom winning an award for 
her watercolor painting. She won FIRST place !! 
She's put a lot of time and practice into her art.... and we were both gushing with pride.
I went for a (new) doctors appt. close to my old stomping grounds (during my 20's),
and had an x-ray of my shoulder....(to be continued).
While in the area, I planned to spent the night with some dear old friends.
It felt organic and welcoming, as if I had returned back home to my family.
I was longing for the belonging.
I truly believe God provides for us in the best ways.

This morning as I wrote in my journal, 
I noticed it paired well with yesterdays blog post,
so I thought I'd go ahead and share that too!

Dear Beloved,
Each day is an important part of the journey.
Walk close to Me, I will keep you from stumbling.
Ask for what you want. Be willing to accept that 
life is on your side and wants for you exactly
what you want for yourself.
Open your heart and free it from hatred, anger, resentment and fear,
then ask for what you want.
Do what you need to do to prepare yourself
to have exactly what you want.
I am constantly speaking to you and drawing you 
into My presence. Even now.
Are you listening?
I have great things to show you. I desire to guide, comfort,
and protect you.
I want to express my unfailing love to you.
Don't allow the incessant noises of life 
to drown out My voice.
Listen to Me.
I am always available to you.
Set your heart to seek My presence at every turn.
Be aware of My guiding presence with you moment by moment.
Experience My energy, peace, and fulfillment 
in every step of the way.
Listen to Me closely & obey My every prompting.
Others may be responsible for your problems,
but the solutions are up to you.
Focus on yourself. I have given you many things-
from family & friends, to tools for living.
The painful lessons of a lifetime are not unlearned overnight,
but I am helping you to learn that it is safe to feel,
hope, even to dream.
Follow the signs as shown. 
When the right time comes, it just organically happens.
Act in your own best interests. 
Understand that your choices will not please everyone
around you.
Take responsibility for your life and your choices.
Your past has passed. When you are called to release
what you've held on to for to long, let go.
Surrender as best you can.
Begin again in whichever way you choose.
Prepare yourself for the energy of bright, 
brand new beginnings.

With unfailing love,

"She believed she could, so she did."

"Make peace with the broken pieces."

"She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her."

"She remembered who she was,
and the game changed."

Be well,

*note* words from several random readings,
 copied in order as written in my journal. 


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