Friday, September 6, 2024


Yesterday, I woke up feeling like a storehouse of bothered things.
We had plans to go the KC for the Chiefs opening game,
 and join in the tailgating festivities with Hubby's grandson and his wife.
Then here comes my stuff!
Try as I might to let it go,
 my mind just started to puke all over the place.
A two hour drive, singing along to Christian hits, a box of tissue,
and some well read journal pages....
and the storehouse had cleared.

Looking back, I wouldn't have hand picked
yesterday to deal with bothersome things.
No please. And thank you.
In hindsight, it turned out to be the most perfect day for it.

Journal letter #3 from yesterday:

My dear child,
I am your friend. Walk hand and hand with me through your day.
Together we will face what it brings;
pleasures, hardships, adventures, & disappointments.
Nothing is wasted when it is shared with me.
I can bring beauty our of the ashes of lost dreams,
peace out of adversity.
I have equipped you to stay conscious of Me while walking 
along dusty earthbound paths.
For better or worse, life will not always go as planned,
and I probably won't lead you in the way you think I will.
What can you learn from this? 
What in this challenge has made you stronger,
more loving or more empathetic?
Seek me in the midst of your circumstances.
Keep looking till you can discern the Light of My Presence 
shining upon your difficulties, reflecting sparkles of joy back to you.
Abandon yourself and all the details of your life
to your faith, and your greater-yet-to-be will burst forth.
You don't have to wait for external circumstances to shift
before a transforming experience overtakes your life.
There will be a tearing down of the strongholds of negativity.
I will move through you in ways you can't even imagine.
Be vigilant in your faith. It is your shield and fortress.
Remember who and what you really are.
Your faith in your true identity creates space for you to
no longer live in the past or future.
You will be available, awake and alive in the now.
Your feelings aren't shortcomings.
Give yourself permission to feel whatever you feel,
and the feelings will pass.
Do whatever is necessary to take care of yourself.
Take appropriate action to resolve the matter. 
Then let go. Let the process happen.
And move on with your life.
You are free to live, to allow yourself to totally
experiment and experience life.
Shift your attention to your blessings and strengths,
and to the aspects of your life that are working.
Stop thinking about your setbacks and disappointments.
There is no way around this. You will experience a deficit of
joy when you pay attention to the things that dissatisfy you.
Turn the spotlight of your concentration to your future hopes and dreams,
 for the grand mysterious future that I have in store for you.
Whatever you ignore, or cease thinking about, begins to fade away.
Fix your mind on your blessings.
Starve worry, fear, and doubt by no longer nourishing them
with your attention.
Enjoy the day. Do the right things for yourself.
Today is your sole concern, make it as good as you can.
My Love interrupts the past and opens the future to new probabilities. 
No matter how old you are, in the present, all things are possible.
You are free to find the path that helps you best.
Know where the land mines are. 
Your path of growth won't be quite like anyone else's.
It will be unique.
It will be you-ier.
It won't always be easy. 
Surrender, and remember that someone far wiser & more competent
is running the show. 
It's My job.
Love you always,


*note* from several different sources written in order as recorded in my journal.


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