Monday, September 9, 2024

Ordinary Day

Yesterday, I would have loved to keep the little one around.  I LOVE ANIMALS!
However my neighbor has chickens, and I LOVE them...& FRESH EGGS too!
For over a week, I've been playing hide and seek with my suet feeder.
I'd fill it, hang it, and the next day or a few days later, I'd search for it.
Sweet little game, but it wouldn't have been so fun if the cutie had tried it with a chicken.
We won't even go there.

 we caught it, took it for a ride, then released it on our favorite spot, (an old home site) at the farm.
 It seemed pretty content. 
I left a little care package of tomatoes and cat food as a housewarming gift.
In hindsight, I wish I'd left a suet block too.
He'll be safer there.

This morning I had an opossum in captivity & released it into it's new home in the country.
Also happy...although he growled as he walked away...
I imagine it was because he didn't receive a parting gift.
 Nothing personal. It was early.
I actually have a tender spot for opossums....
A zillion years ago, my kiddo and I raised baby opossums 
when their mama was killed. 
They were actually quite cuddly and sweet.

Then there was a dog, that just showed up....a happy frenzy of fur.
It appeared to have gotten loose. It was carrying it's own lead in its mouth, like it was taking itself 
for a walk. 
  So I'm reciprocating her affection, and thinking to myself, 'great, I drop off
an opossum, and I'll return home with a dog.
I started to imagine how that would play out.
I could see hubby's face.
Then there was a man that appeared in the distance.
It seemed he was talking to himself, then he looked up and saw me,
and apologized for the happy attack I was under.
"Oh, no! I love dogs !! She's so sweet !"
Apparently she was abandoned a year ago, and he took her in.
He shared his story, and then we parted with...
"Have a beautiful day!"

I began a new module this afternoon, and it was a gorgeous day, 
so I sat out on the porch to study.
This week we are learning about soil, farming, the ecosystem, and how it all 
affects our health.
It is also on our different energies.
I never cease to be excited about this course.
My kiddo worked in town today, and dropped by after work. 
I knew he was coming, so I baked a sugar free almond cake,
that I wanted him to try.
He had a piece, then 2nds, then 3rds.
He said it was AMAZING! 
I gave him extra to take home.

It's so true that the best of days can be found among the
ordinary ones.



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