Saturday, August 24, 2024

My God Can

My heart and mind are bubbling up with an incredible
amount of gratitude, excitement, hope, and thoughts that
I cannot even begin to put into words.
I literally feel like my heart flung it's doors open this morning
during my prayer and meditation time. 
I was so emotional, I had to come in from my nook on the porch,
and seek solitude to process it.
It all started with my 5 AM walk, ( in hindsight, perhaps all week...)
when I felt something stirring within me.
I felt little mutants coming to the surface, and my gut and heart were a little fluttery.
I took note to reflect on them during prayer.

I can't find the words really....or maybe I have too many?
I think this song pretty much says it all.

I looked back and found some notes I wrote at the beginning of the week,
(after some course activities)
 just scribbled on a tiny notebook I keep for 
lists and to do's.
It was a little wordy....
but the last part seems to summarize in a nutshell
what I am having difficulty verbalizing today.

'Healing needs trust, and we may not be healed
in the way we had hoped to be.
However we are healed in the way we need to be.
Trust that you will be OK, even if today looks different
than it did before.
Let healing flow through your body.
When you refuse to deal with a problem God has pinpointed,
your basically telling Him your right and He's wrong.
You will be tethered to the obstacles that have held you back,
down, and in the darkness of your own fears, doubts,
and insecurities.'

"Each morning we are born again.
What we do today is what matters most."


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