Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I Hope

To see life with beauty and compassion,
one of our most valuable tools is perspective.
It can change everything, if we choose to let it.

"You get to choose how you see your life.
So I hope you choose serendipity.
I hope that when something beautiful happens,
you take it as a confirmation,
and when something hard happens,
you take it as a moment to rest and heal.
I hope you choose to put together the pieces.
I hope you seek understanding.
I hope you find wells of Joy that may spring up through the day.
I hope you feel connection where others see separation.
I hope you know that a thousand failures are the 
building blocks of your becoming.
I hope you're not dissuaded by the dead ends.
I hope you know that they are not final destinations.
I hope you know that it is the courage yo keep beginning,
that ultimately gets us all where we are meant to be."



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