Friday, September 27, 2024

Training Ground

Life has felt a little shifty lately.
I am continuously anchoring in.
We're coming to the end of Summer,
a change in the seasons of our lives,
and I'm nearing the end of my course at
the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.

The only thing I can count on is the continuous hope and reassurance
my faith brings me and anchoring into that truth.
This morning, along with the daily letter (to follow) that formed from my devotional
reading and journaling, I also had this video pop up in my feed.
Right on cue.
I've noticed a lot of synchronicity in my life lately.
I thought I'd share.
I hope it brings a little comfort to your day.

Dear Child,

Go gently through this day.
Keep vigilant watch over your heart.
Be picky about your daily inputs,
and be selective in what you choose to expose yourself to. 
Pay close attention to what you hear from Me,
and trust that I will lead you on the right path.
Grab ahold of hope.
You can only work with what you have today.
Don't miss out on the great stuff.
Enjoy the many gifts today has to offer, rather than worry.
Let go of the need to control every detail of your life,
because life will happen whether you control it or not.
How much you enjoy it in the midst of it all is
entirely up to you.
Live life.
You are in good hands.
I love you,


"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything flows from it."
Prov. 4:23

"Be confident that you will see My goodness. Wait for Me,
be strong & take heart."
Psalms 27:13-14

be well,

Monday, September 23, 2024


He drew me a picture of Donatello in June.
Seeing it hanging on the fridge, triggered me in a good way.
I wanted to connect, so I decided to write him a letter
complete with my own version of Donatello just for fun.
He called me Friday.
I wish I could have bottled up his excitement.
It totally made my week!
 A simple letter.
And... my picture made it to the fridge too.

I've been trying to fill my life with more of 
the things that light me up, like creativity and connection.
I am leaning in to what inspires and influences me in a good way.
My little grand-nephew definitely checks all my boxes.

"Life is about moments;
don't wait for them, create them"



Thursday, September 19, 2024

Inner Compass

Know when you need to shift.
The signs are there.
Pay attention.

You'll know when you've had enough.
You'll know when you're not happy.
You'll know when you need to change.
The best thing you can do 
is to take good care of yourself.
Follow your heart and stay true to what you stand for.
You'll find your people.
You will find your support.
When it's time to shift, you'll know.

"Life is from the inside out.
When you shift on the inside,
life shifts on the outside."

"The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you.
Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision.
So write and draw and build and play and dance
and live as only you can."

Journal letter #4

Dear girl,
Seek to please Me above all else.
Let that goal be your focal point as you go through this day.
Such a mindset will protect you from scattering your energy to the winds.
A relationship with Me will keep you from unraveling around the edges.
Don't worry about tomorrow.
When you become troubled about what lies ahead,
look back to see where you've been.
Allow Me to draw you closer.
Relinquish whatever is standing in the way,
and allow Me to satisfy your soul.
Seek to increase your awareness that I am with you.
Align your- self, mind, heart and spirit- with the reality 
that in Me you live, move, and have your being.
Increase your awareness by looking for signs of My
Presence around you, in the beauties of nature and 
the pleasure of loved ones.
I entrusted you with a powerful mind.
Use it wisely to keep your thoughts on the good things
in your life. 
Work as hard on accepting the good, as you have worked
in the past accepting the painful and the difficult.
In a world gone mad, you can choose to be sane.

Keep your thoughts on Me,
Love always,


*letter composed of my daily journal entries*


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Breathe and Recenter

Good morning! 
Today I am going to take time to breathe & recenter.
It has been a full week.
Hubby had his bladder cancer removed Thursday, 
and all looks well.
My kiddo has a job interview with the city Monday.
I'm so happy for him.  If it is a good fit, 
then I'm confident he will get it.
I called my Dad yesterday, he was excited
about my stepmom winning an award for 
her watercolor painting. She won FIRST place !! 
She's put a lot of time and practice into her art.... and we were both gushing with pride.
I went for a (new) doctors appt. close to my old stomping grounds (during my 20's),
and had an x-ray of my shoulder....(to be continued).
While in the area, I planned to spent the night with some dear old friends.
It felt organic and welcoming, as if I had returned back home to my family.
I was longing for the belonging.
I truly believe God provides for us in the best ways.

This morning as I wrote in my journal, 
I noticed it paired well with yesterdays blog post,
so I thought I'd go ahead and share that too!

Dear Beloved,
Each day is an important part of the journey.
Walk close to Me, I will keep you from stumbling.
Ask for what you want. Be willing to accept that 
life is on your side and wants for you exactly
what you want for yourself.
Open your heart and free it from hatred, anger, resentment and fear,
then ask for what you want.
Do what you need to do to prepare yourself
to have exactly what you want.
I am constantly speaking to you and drawing you 
into My presence. Even now.
Are you listening?
I have great things to show you. I desire to guide, comfort,
and protect you.
I want to express my unfailing love to you.
Don't allow the incessant noises of life 
to drown out My voice.
Listen to Me.
I am always available to you.
Set your heart to seek My presence at every turn.
Be aware of My guiding presence with you moment by moment.
Experience My energy, peace, and fulfillment 
in every step of the way.
Listen to Me closely & obey My every prompting.
Others may be responsible for your problems,
but the solutions are up to you.
Focus on yourself. I have given you many things-
from family & friends, to tools for living.
The painful lessons of a lifetime are not unlearned overnight,
but I am helping you to learn that it is safe to feel,
hope, even to dream.
Follow the signs as shown. 
When the right time comes, it just organically happens.
Act in your own best interests. 
Understand that your choices will not please everyone
around you.
Take responsibility for your life and your choices.
Your past has passed. When you are called to release
what you've held on to for to long, let go.
Surrender as best you can.
Begin again in whichever way you choose.
Prepare yourself for the energy of bright, 
brand new beginnings.

With unfailing love,

"She believed she could, so she did."

"Make peace with the broken pieces."

"She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her."

"She remembered who she was,
and the game changed."

Be well,

*note* words from several random readings,
 copied in order as written in my journal. 


Friday, September 13, 2024

Healing Process

I've been studying self-healing for about 30 years now.
I thought if I read enough books, prayed hard enough, and found the right people,
that somehow healing would just automatically happen.
I would wake up one morning, and all the icky bits, feelings, and triggers, would just
magically disappear. *poof*

Little did I know that old wounds get stored in our cellular memory, and they cause
all kinds of disruptions in our bodies, and minds.
We have to do the work. 
It's an inside job.
I just never knew, until I knew.
I've learned so much this year.

 As always, something new popped into my YouTube feed this week.
I pay attention to the little cues, and am willing to check out any new sources.
Typically it's something random that helps me to understand,
 inspires, validates, or helps me to heal just a little more.
Have I mentioned, that I love this stuff?


"One of the most courageous decisions you'll ever make
is to finally let go of what is hurting you heart and soul."

" A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey,
but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where
she will become strong."

"The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.
The challenge is to silence the mind."

"You have to grow from the inside out.
None can teach you, none can make you spiritual.
There is no other teacher but your own soul."

"Healing may not be so much about getting better, as
about letting go of everything that isn't you-
all of the beliefs- and becoming who you are."

Monday, September 9, 2024

Ordinary Day

Yesterday, I would have loved to keep the little one around.  I LOVE ANIMALS!
However my neighbor has chickens, and I LOVE them...& FRESH EGGS too!
For over a week, I've been playing hide and seek with my suet feeder.
I'd fill it, hang it, and the next day or a few days later, I'd search for it.
Sweet little game, but it wouldn't have been so fun if the cutie had tried it with a chicken.
We won't even go there.

 we caught it, took it for a ride, then released it on our favorite spot, (an old home site) at the farm.
 It seemed pretty content. 
I left a little care package of tomatoes and cat food as a housewarming gift.
In hindsight, I wish I'd left a suet block too.
He'll be safer there.

This morning I had an opossum in captivity & released it into it's new home in the country.
Also happy...although he growled as he walked away...
I imagine it was because he didn't receive a parting gift.
 Nothing personal. It was early.
I actually have a tender spot for opossums....
A zillion years ago, my kiddo and I raised baby opossums 
when their mama was killed. 
They were actually quite cuddly and sweet.

Then there was a dog, that just showed up....a happy frenzy of fur.
It appeared to have gotten loose. It was carrying it's own lead in its mouth, like it was taking itself 
for a walk. 
  So I'm reciprocating her affection, and thinking to myself, 'great, I drop off
an opossum, and I'll return home with a dog.
I started to imagine how that would play out.
I could see hubby's face.
Then there was a man that appeared in the distance.
It seemed he was talking to himself, then he looked up and saw me,
and apologized for the happy attack I was under.
"Oh, no! I love dogs !! She's so sweet !"
Apparently she was abandoned a year ago, and he took her in.
He shared his story, and then we parted with...
"Have a beautiful day!"

I began a new module this afternoon, and it was a gorgeous day, 
so I sat out on the porch to study.
This week we are learning about soil, farming, the ecosystem, and how it all 
affects our health.
It is also on our different energies.
I never cease to be excited about this course.
My kiddo worked in town today, and dropped by after work. 
I knew he was coming, so I baked a sugar free almond cake,
that I wanted him to try.
He had a piece, then 2nds, then 3rds.
He said it was AMAZING! 
I gave him extra to take home.

It's so true that the best of days can be found among the
ordinary ones.



Saturday, September 7, 2024

My Day

Today, I'm listening to what my body tells me,
taking some time for myself,
practicing some somatic movement, 
with my sweet Buddy boy...
and doing things that I love.

Love this...

"It's good to know both your specialness and your
utter dispensability.
Then you can let go and embrace it all.
You can play your roll in this exquisite, absurd story
with complete abandon.
You can be a melting snowflake, a drifting leaf, 
or a nature spirit dancing in a pond.
And if you touch any heart with what you do
for the brief moments you are here, that is enough."



Friday, September 6, 2024


Yesterday, I woke up feeling like a storehouse of bothered things.
We had plans to go the KC for the Chiefs opening game,
 and join in the tailgating festivities with Hubby's grandson and his wife.
Then here comes my stuff!
Try as I might to let it go,
 my mind just started to puke all over the place.
A two hour drive, singing along to Christian hits, a box of tissue,
and some well read journal pages....
and the storehouse had cleared.

Looking back, I wouldn't have hand picked
yesterday to deal with bothersome things.
No please. And thank you.
In hindsight, it turned out to be the most perfect day for it.

Journal letter #3 from yesterday:

My dear child,
I am your friend. Walk hand and hand with me through your day.
Together we will face what it brings;
pleasures, hardships, adventures, & disappointments.
Nothing is wasted when it is shared with me.
I can bring beauty our of the ashes of lost dreams,
peace out of adversity.
I have equipped you to stay conscious of Me while walking 
along dusty earthbound paths.
For better or worse, life will not always go as planned,
and I probably won't lead you in the way you think I will.
What can you learn from this? 
What in this challenge has made you stronger,
more loving or more empathetic?
Seek me in the midst of your circumstances.
Keep looking till you can discern the Light of My Presence 
shining upon your difficulties, reflecting sparkles of joy back to you.
Abandon yourself and all the details of your life
to your faith, and your greater-yet-to-be will burst forth.
You don't have to wait for external circumstances to shift
before a transforming experience overtakes your life.
There will be a tearing down of the strongholds of negativity.
I will move through you in ways you can't even imagine.
Be vigilant in your faith. It is your shield and fortress.
Remember who and what you really are.
Your faith in your true identity creates space for you to
no longer live in the past or future.
You will be available, awake and alive in the now.
Your feelings aren't shortcomings.
Give yourself permission to feel whatever you feel,
and the feelings will pass.
Do whatever is necessary to take care of yourself.
Take appropriate action to resolve the matter. 
Then let go. Let the process happen.
And move on with your life.
You are free to live, to allow yourself to totally
experiment and experience life.
Shift your attention to your blessings and strengths,
and to the aspects of your life that are working.
Stop thinking about your setbacks and disappointments.
There is no way around this. You will experience a deficit of
joy when you pay attention to the things that dissatisfy you.
Turn the spotlight of your concentration to your future hopes and dreams,
 for the grand mysterious future that I have in store for you.
Whatever you ignore, or cease thinking about, begins to fade away.
Fix your mind on your blessings.
Starve worry, fear, and doubt by no longer nourishing them
with your attention.
Enjoy the day. Do the right things for yourself.
Today is your sole concern, make it as good as you can.
My Love interrupts the past and opens the future to new probabilities. 
No matter how old you are, in the present, all things are possible.
You are free to find the path that helps you best.
Know where the land mines are. 
Your path of growth won't be quite like anyone else's.
It will be unique.
It will be you-ier.
It won't always be easy. 
Surrender, and remember that someone far wiser & more competent
is running the show. 
It's My job.
Love you always,


*note* from several different sources written in order as recorded in my journal.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Pet Vibes

Yesterday I rode along with hubby to do farm chores.
 It was an absolutely gorgeous morning for it, 
and I haven't spent time with my cow-kids for a while. (both in pic,)
Buddy (back) is a sloppy kisser, and I came home slimed with love.

I have been reading The Wisdom of David R. Hawkins:
Classic Teachings on Spiritual Truth and Enlightenment.
I picked it up before bed last night, and he was explaining
the energy we transmit. how we vibe, so to speak.
Studies show that a majority of the worlds population vibes at below 200.
"Those who are 200 and up-are keeping the world from going down the tubes."
Cows, horses, cats and dogs are over 200.
Dogs wagging their tail are around 500.

If it weren't for them....Oh my gosh...
I shudder to think.


" People ask me, 'How can I become more Spiritual?'
Well, I say, "First, just become a decent human being.
Try that. Be considerate, decent. Be responsible. If you say
you are going to close the door when you leave, please do so."
~Dr. David R. Hawkins~


Monday, September 2, 2024

Letter #2

Ups and downs. Mostly Ups.
No course this week.
No processed sugar for over 7weeks now.
Hit 900 days of learning a new language.
Past 100 days of rising early to walk.
Experimenting with sugar free deserts, and it has been rewarding.
The kiddo sold his house.
Mostly all good....dealing with the rest.

Morning letter from God #2.

Dear child,
When you depend on Me continually, your whole perspective changes.
You begin each day with joyful expectation, watching
to see what I do.
Look for the good in every experience and, as best you can,
find the lesson in each setback.
Celebrate wins.
Surround yourself with positive people & environments.
When you have faith, you develop trust. When you trust, 
faith is not required. you already know.
Put your faith in a heart's desire, then trust that your faith
will bring it to pass.
You will experience the things you put your trust &
faith in.
As you listen & love in dependence on Me,
My Spirit will flow through you, refreshing your soul.
I want you to trust in Me fully-
with absolute faith that I provide the absolute best for you
regardless of what happens.
When you seek Me, I reveal Myself to you.
I want to work through you.
Spend time with Me in prayer.
Follow your intuition. It is your guide.
Trust that I will open the way for great abundance.
'Ask, and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find,
knock , and it shall be opened unto you.' Matt. 7:7
Nothing stands between you and your highest ideals &
every desire of your heart, but doubt and fear. 
When you can wish without worrying, every desire will
be fulfilled.
Your only enemy is fear of lack, fear of failure, fear
of sickness, fear of loss, and a feeling of insecurity on
some plane.
Substitute faith for fear.
Break all the old bad records in your subconscious mind,
the records of your life you do  not wish to keep,
and make new beautiful ones.
Make perfect records through my Spirit within you,
of health, wealth, love, and perfect self-expression.
Experience the cleansing, renewing, & invigorating power
that is always available to you.
Let Me create your day!
Invite Me to reveal what I want to see happen in your
life today. Ask Me about the next important step I want you to take.
Joyfully launch each day with Me.
I create anew in every moment the chance for you to shine.
Because of Me you can.
Love always,


*note* out of 8 individual books, read in no particular order,
written as recorded in my journal.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Everything Beautiful

"God grant me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things,
I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference."

There are more changes happening, more growth, of course,
always more obstacles....but all is well.
I'm pretty sure this will be my last monthly journal dump.
My journal has morphed into a new form,
most every page has become like a letter from God.
I've been given the nudge to share some of the messages 
so in going with the flow of things.....

Quotes & notes from my August journal:

" Accept what you can impact,
and let go of what you cannot change."

"Sustain relationships that take you outside
of your comfort zone.
They will support growth"

"Experience is not what happens to you,
it is what you do with what happens to you."

"You learn by force. You learn by choice. 
You learn by being forced to make a choice."

" Open your mind to all possibilities.
Let go of what you've been trained to believe.
If you believe something is possible or impossible,
you'll be right.
What you believe determines your outcome."

"Have a mind open to everything but attached to nothing.
Let it all come and go as it will."

"Transformation happens by the renewing of our minds.
The key to transformation is changing
what and how we think."

"You can change your life by changing what's inside 
if you're willing to go that extra mile."

Energy and time are precious, and limited.
Use them wisely.

Life is simpler than I make it!

God's will is good.

"When you find yourself in the darkness of an unfamiliar
experience, do not grope, grab, or swat off 
imaginary demons. Rather than shield yourself,
Take a deep breath & open your heart."

"You will find the answers in the silence."

Its almost as important to know what is not serious
as to know what is.

Consider quiet acceptance in times of stress.

Refuse to feel sorry for yourself & do your absolute best possible.

"Contentment is like a big ol' hug at the end of the day
you inhale deeply,
and everything else disappears around you."

When you are feeling out of sorts in anyway,
go to  nature & find your peace.
Listen to the birds, the insects, the rustling leaves,
the wind.
These are the sounds of healing.

"Your old methods do more harm than good.
What once allowed you to function in a nearly
impossible situation is now an obstacle to 
further growth.
An asset has become a deficit."

"As long as you are stuck internally,
your life will be stuck externally;
the only way to go wide in life is
if you are willing to go deep."

Surround yourself with people that make you laugh.

"Getting in touch with heavy, loaded feelings
from the past & allowing yourself to 
express them-
is far more useful than trying to reason yourself
out of them."

It is an illusion that depleting myself will help someone else.

Making a life for ourselves,
regardless of what others are doing or not doing,
must be a top priority."

The more I feel my smallness & powerlessness,
the more I grow in spirituality.

"I yam what I yam, and
that's all I yam."

"If you are wondering who your people are,
they are the ones who make your heart feel seen
& your nervous system feel calm."

You'll be OK even if they don't like you.
You like you.
And that is the greatest gift you'll ever
bestow on yourself.

Respond with  kindness to those who offend you.
You'd rather be kind than right.

Don't waste time regretting the way things are
or wishing you could go back to yesterday.

Work for what you are rather
than what your against.

"Give up the pleasure of condemning people."

Give yourself permission to allow yourself to be
totally involved with just good thoughts.

"It is necessary to the happiness of man 
that he be mentally faithful to himself."

The  more you see yourself as what you'd
like to become, the more inspired you are.

Process your feelings, 
but you don't have to indulge them.

What you think about expands.
Be more mindful and careful what you think about.

"The real truth might be that we are far more valuable & loveable
than other people have led us to believe."

"Choosing to set boundaries & create wellness for 
ourselves is our primary responsibility."

"Let go of expectation: whatever happens is happening
as it should.  Challenge your own beliefs.
Do the thing that feels difficult.
The only way you'll arrive at the magic is if
you're willing to travel a few
challenging roads to get there."



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...