Monday, December 14, 2020


" Keep me in the moment..." be thankful for what I have,
and all those simple everyday moments
that seem to pass too quickly.

I've been trying to stay focused on the moments as they come.
Be fueled with the words as I read them.
Remember the true gifts are in the Present.

Some recent jots from my journal:

"The ultimate protection against sinking during life's storms, 
is devoting time to develop a friendship with God.

Let go of petty superficial stuff, and trust 
that your life is meaningful in the eyes of God.

Give up control over your future and let God define your life.

God wants you to be continually protected, guided, and comforted.

God wants you to live moment by moment in His Presence.

Do what you can, God will take care of the rest.

Don't let discouragement set in.

When your awareness of God falters & flickers, life feels fragmented.

When you focus on Him in your thoughts, you feel safe and complete.

Turn a way from ill-treatment & rejection.

Do Not let offenses fill your heart.

Watch the quality of your own department.

Trying to order your world is counterproductive to spiritual growth.

We will not see positive results in our daily lives if we speak negative things.

Deliberately turn away from negative thoughts.

Pride, anger, rebellion, complaining, self-pity...
face and deal with these ungodly traits.

We must sometimes go through difficult circumstances to
learn His ways.


Commit to your own healing.

Spend time allowing God's light to infuse your dreams
with life, gradually transforming them into reality.

Take a break from trying to figure everything out.

His purpose for us is perfectly portioned out in assignments
meant for us today. No More. No Less.

Reconnect with God who knows how to breathe life back into
depleted and dead places.

Trust God's mysterious, majestic Presence.

Only in letting go & letting God can you ever find
the joy and freedom you so anxiously seek.

Be Present. Believe that this moment is the moment."

" Be ready at all times for the gifts of God,
and always for new ones."

" God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame."

Praying you are safe and well.

Saturday, December 5, 2020


"Laughing is , and will always be, the best form of therapy."

Laugh more...worry less.
Sharing a laugh with you today.💖


Well...this year is coming to an end.
It has been a tough year, no doubt.
I feel like it has made us all stronger,
and more aware of what our priorities are.
I have always been grateful for all the little things in life.
This year, my biggest achievement was allowing myself
to give up the " I should be doing..." 
(which usually consists of what I think others would want me to be doing.)
and do what gives me contentment.
Give me a book, a cup of Harney and Sons tea...
(grown back home)
nature, and loved ones (animals included),
and I am content.
The busy life is not for me.
Sure, I like to go and explore, and get things done.
That keeps life exciting.
But the simple, little things?
That's what makes my life meaningful.

 Currently I am:

Reading: How to Stop Feeling Like Shit by Andrea Owen

Watching: anything Christmasy

Highlighting: " Showing up is being willing to engage with 
something uncomfortable when you'd rather back off and say
When you show up, you allow yourself to feel scared
and awkward and out of your element.
But you also feel inspired! You dig deep, do the work,
and feel brave at the same time."

Loving: I can do all my Christmas shopping online

Hating: negative attitudes

Discovering: what my values are

Enjoying: twinkle lights, and being connected with close friends
in reading a chapter a day in the book of Luke.
Feeling close even when we are apart.💗

Thinking: I want a bowl of cereal

Hoping for: everyone to stay safe and healthy

Listening to: the tick of the clock

Smelling: coffee and soap

Thanking: the ones who make me laugh, and hear me cry.

I hope you are safe and well
and take some time to enjoy the simple, little things.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Happiness is...
an afternoon nap in his comfy new digs.'s hard enough for me to let go
of my animal babies,
but to see them shivering-cold, wet and on their own?
I can't!
That happened Saturday.
I wanted to bring him back home !!
Or buy him a rain coat.
Sunday, I had an idea...
I ran it by hubby.
 He was cool with it.
So Buddy now has his own little-man-cave.
And I am comforted to know he is 
safe, warm, and dry.

Hope you are safe and well.


Saturday, November 21, 2020


" Spending time getting quiet can be the best remedy 
for tangled situations.  Taking a step back from all
the emotions, frustrations, and exhaustion to sit quietly
with Jesus will do more to untangle a mess than anything
else I've ever found."

"Dear Lord, help me stop trying
to figure this situation out and 
just sit in the quiet with You for
a while. Humble me. Take my
anxiety and replace it with Your
peace, wisdom, and security. I trust 
in You. In Jesus' Name, Amen."

I hope you are safe and well, and 
you find peace in the quiet moments.

Thursday, November 19, 2020



Lately on my Facebook and Instagram  I've been on a "Happiness is" kick.

It helps me to stay focused on the good right now, 

when everything else just seems wonky.

Yesterday we moved Buddy to the farm.

I really missed him this morning, and wondered how he was doing.

So today...

Happiness is...

grabbing the dog, a book & blanket, my camera,

and a cup of coffee and racing to the farm to 

spend the morning with Buddy.

Be safe, stay well, and
may your moments be filled
with happy things.

Monday, November 9, 2020


There are hard days and difficulties, 
but they are outnumbered by things I can be grateful for.

 This morning I am grateful for:

The smashed and scattered pile of leaves in the front yard

"I love God" written in purple chalk on the front porch by Price

Kaleb (my neighbor boy) stopping by to visit for a minute.

My fur-kids

my neighborhood kids

Roses and raining leaves

My space in the backyard to read, write, and pray

Coffee in my cup

a favorite scripture

" Whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is admirable-if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy-
think about such things."
Philippians 4:8

Praying you are safe and well today!

Friday, November 6, 2020


I geek out when I get to have a baby the backyard. 
I know soon he'll go back to the farm,
& it'll be hard.
But for right now I'm going to get attached and love him.
He just makes everything better.

"Perhaps this is what this season is all about:
trusting in the unknowns,
finding gold in the little things,
trading fear of what's certain
for freedom to thrive within it."

Stay well and have a beautiful weekend.

Thursday, November 5, 2020


The little things have always been important,
but even more so right now.

"Life is too damn short to live in a mediocre way.
Wake up with a purpose and make the best of each day
and your short time here on this earth.
Stop saying, 'I'll do this when I have more money,' or
'I'll start when I'm more settled.'
Stop making excuses.
What if I told you that all you
need is what you have right now?
That's all you need to
just make a start.
It doesn't matter if your 17 or 50, set
your alarm for tomorrow morning
and wake up with a purpose.
Always give your best and live your best life.
Don't let the years just pass you by.
Because we don't get another chance.
This is it."

Be safe and well.


Monday, November 2, 2020


" I wonder what would happen in our lives
if we really lived in absolute assurance of God's love?
Not just knowing He loves us.
Living like we really believe it !
Walking confidently in the certainty of His love
even when our feelings beg us not to."

Lately I'm...

Reading: Stitches by Anne Lamott

Watching: The Good Doctor

Highlighting: "Maybe we don't find a lot of answers to life's
tougher questions, but if we find a few true friends, 
that's even better. 
They help you see who you truly are, which is not
always the loveliest possible version of yourself,
but then comes the greatest miracle of all-
they still love you."

Loving: a few days at Mom's

Hating: Covid

Discovering:  that hardships are hidden blessings as well.

Enjoying: the beautiful fall weather
Mom's cow neighbors
the full moon
making origami cranes

Thinking: I wonder who our next President will be?

Hoping for: good change.

Listening to: Mom whistling for the dog.
The evening news.

Smelling: Mom's shampoo. 

Thanking: my family for understanding me & making me laugh.

I hope you are well and safe!

Friday, October 30, 2020


My mornings always start out right,
I wish I could hold onto that focus for the rest of the day.

Dear God,
I am full of wishes,
full of desires,
full of expectations.
Some of them may be realized, many may not,
but in the midst of all my satisfactions
and disappointments,
I hope in you.
I know that you will never leave me alone
and will fulfill your divine promises.
Even when it seems that things are not 
going my way,
I know that they are going your way
and that in the end your way is the best way for me.
O Lord, strengthen my hope,
especially when many wishes are not fulfilled.
Let me never forget that your name is Love.

~Henry M. Nouwen~

Hugging you today!
Be well, stay safe.


Thursday, October 29, 2020


"Simple kindness to one's self and all that lives
is the most powerful transformational force of all.
It produces no backlash, has no downside, and never leads 
to loss or despair.
It increases one's true power without exacting
any toll."

 Love. Loss. More love.
Ollie passed away last weekend.
It's so hard.
There are all the empty spaces where he isn't any more.
Pets are definitely a gift, and I am grateful for the short time
we enjoyed this sweet little guy.
We are not sure what happened.
It happened so quick.
I still had his morning slice of banana in my hand,
petting him with my other.
Then in a flash, he was gone.

Be safe, and stay well.

Saturday, October 17, 2020


It's a gorgeous Fall morning, and I am
sitting here snuggled in my hoodie,
and slippers, just finishing up my coffee
while it's still warm.
Getting ready to head outside, with a slobber cloth and a big ol' babby bottle. 
Normally I'd stay all cozy and warm with a book...
but there have been a few alterations to my morning, since we brought Buddy home.
He's our little bottle calf. 
I am smitten.
This is a very gratifying alteration.
I've always loved the farm life,
it seems to suit my passions.
So anytime I can bring a portion of that farm-feel home...
everything feels right in my world.

 Some words I wanted to share....

" What we see will violate what we know 
unless what we know dictates what we see."
~ on trust ~

" When you succumb to fear,
you are under the illusion that you
can predict the future."

" God wants you to be happy today and everyday.
He doesn't want you to merely exist, but to enjoy being alive."

" Live with more passion; laugh more, relax more, smile more;
and simply enjoy more."

Enjoy your day!
Be safe and stay well. 


Thursday, October 15, 2020


The song I want to share...

A quote that makes me feel all the feels.... 

" Fall in love.  Maybe it doesn't have to be with someone.

Fall in love with music, art, dancing in the dark,

car rides at 1 AM., the glistening of the stars,

the colours of the sun as it rises, the smell of flowers,

the feeling of adrenaline that takes over your whole body

and suffocates your lungs with joy,

good friends who bring out your best, silence, noise,

fall in love with the little things that make you feel most alive

and find purpose.

Fall in love with life."

A few journal entries lately:

*Look inward at your own attitude.

*When you are unhappy it's usually because of some wrong thinking on your part.

*Live wisely, pay attention to the way you spend your time & make the most

out of every opportunity.

*When you feel low, use wisdom & get the rest you need, 

do something fun for your emotions, & don't make big decisions.

*Check your heart, not your emotions before making a decision.

* Keep you thank-tank full.

*Do all things without grumbling & faultfinding & complaining.  Phil.2:14

*I will satisfy the weary soul, & I will replenish every languishing

 and sorrowful person. Jer. 31:25

*Trust God enough to let things happen without striving to predict

or control them.

*Live fully in the present.

*You and God are more than adequate together.

*Be love and you can't go wrong.

I pray you are staying well, and safe.




Friday, October 9, 2020


I was looking through my sketchbook at some of
my doodles and such, 
and I found this list of promises.
I'm making a few of these promises to myself.
Maybe there are some promises that you'd like to make
to yourself too..? 💖

  'Promise yourself.... be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity.
To make all your friends feel their specialness.
To look at the sunny side of everything, and make your optimism come true.
To think only the best, and expect the best.
To be enthusiastic about the success of others, and your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times.
To smile.
To focus so much time on improving yourself, that you don't have time
to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, and too strong for fear.'
To meditate daily.
To be grateful for the little things that remind you of the miracle your life is.
To do some sort of exercise daily. 
(walk, run, yoga, dance, cycle...)
To keep on learning.
To find the time to be creative.

" But if you have nothing at all to create,
then perhaps you create yourself"

Be safe and well !!
Have a happy weekend.

Thursday, October 8, 2020


I celebrated my 58th birthday recently.
My dear hubby took the day off,
and Brandon planned on spending the day with me too.
The gift of time. Priceless.
My plan was to do as many happy-making things as I can.
Keep it simple.
Enjoy the company of my two special guys.
Go with the flow, and just enjoy the moments.
Nailed it !

Today I am...

Reading:  Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies

Watching:  Debates, for the first time ever!

Highlighting:  " Use your imagination, follow what feels right,
play, push yourself, let it rip, and get good at making new, 
exciting choices that bring as much beauty into
the world as possible."

Loving:  my people a little more than usual.  Appreciating them so much, for
who they are, what they do, and how they have made me who I am.

Hating:  That I am not in New York this year visiting my family, 
and being awed by the New England Autumn.

Discovering:  That a lot of the things I've worried about,
things I've tried to "fix",
things I've tried to figure out...
pretty much just ate up precious moments of my life.

Enjoying: My bottle calf (Buddy) ,
cooler nights,
Mourning Doves 
trees changing color
girlfriends and flower crowns
learning more about politics from Brandon
(he's so stinkin' smart)
reading in the sunshine
Ollie binkies in the back yard
the last of my flowers

Thinking:  I could go on forever about the things I'm enjoying.

Hoping for:  The hurricane to miss Lake Charles this time.
My family to be safe and well.

Listening to: Crickets under my window. A lawnmower in the distance. 
A Blue-jay squawking.

Smelling:  Autumn breeze blowing in.

Thanking: God for it all

I hope you are safe and well!!


Monday, September 28, 2020


 Waking up everyday, 
noticing all the little things,
that remind me of God's goodness.

* A wall in the barn that doubles as a backboard for pickleball,
while hubby checks the heifers.
* Finding Mom's missing cell phone under the seat of my car.
* A random trip to AR for a sleepover, and Mom hugs.
*Kit's affection & purrs.
*Picnic lunch at the park before I go, sharing crumbs with our guests.
* Blondie
* Mornings on the porch, with Ollie & playing with my chalk.
*Brandon's visits on maintenance night.
*Morning glories

" Let my brain venture down the tiny little opening of love.
A sliver of light sweetness in this world wrought
with dark judgements, disgruntled comments,
jagged-edged opinions, and lofty huffs of disgust."

I pray that you are safe and well,
and your enjoying the little things in life.


Saturday, September 19, 2020


" We don't have to have all the answers.
We just need to stay connected to the One who does."

the little things...

Some journal entries that kept me focused:

Begin to accept & enjoy yourself where you are,
and God will help you get where  you need to be.
(note: accept)

Treat kindly those who have treated you wrongly,
it is the most powerful thing you can do.

You don't have to perform to receive God's love.
He has boundless unconditional love for you.

God's Presence can eliminate much of the struggle
 we experience in  in our life.

Living close to God, makes me more fully myself.

Reasoning is not faith.

A wide-awake mind & a grateful heart will help you
not only pray better, but also live better.

Be committed and disciplined to staying close in touch with God.

Be firm in faith. Strong, immovable & determined.

We have to be willing to set aside our own desires
so that we can hear a word from God.

Fret not. Trust in the Lord and do good.
Delight yourself in the Lord.
Commit your way to the Lord.
CAST each care !

Be still in the Lord ,
wait for HIM patiently.

Cease from anger- evildoing.

" Knowing you belong to God, will give you the confidence
to walk in this world with your head held high.
You will be able to follow your own heart &
avoid adverse effects when people do not agree with you
or your choices."

This week:
I have continuously let go of trying to "fix" things.
Spent time with my family & friends, 
and soaked in what a blessing that is.
Kept it simple, and let go of how I thought it should be.
There is something in my life that causes me lose my focus.
Frustration starts to take over.
Hope starts to dwindle.
If I am not careful, I go into "fix-it-myself" mode.
If I've learned anything in my struggles...
I've learned that usually that only makes matters worse.
It steals all my energy and ends up kicking me to the curb.
I am noticing that if I can keep my focus on words like this...
and stay disciplined with my own thoughts and actions,
life is more enjoyable.
Focus on the little things.
God is there.

I pray you are staying well,
and safe.



Friday, September 11, 2020


A bit how I feel at the moment.

Some other things:

Reading:  Anything and everything that inspires me.

Watching:  the birds outside my window.

Highlighting: This prayer I read this morning:

I don't want to let disappointment and heartbreak
cause me to approach this life more cautious than creative.
More critical than compassionate.
More cynical than surrendered.
Thank You for the ways you tenderly meet me
in my brokenness and my pain.
And thank You for reminding me 
that I still have light and beauty to offer this world.
Today I am choosing to grab the brush.
No attempts at perfection.
No apologizing or strategizing.
Just me.
Lighting this world with my color.
Showing up with Your compassion and grace.
In Jesus' name, amen."
~Lysa TerKeurst~

Loving: bonding with my Mom and my Aunts over the last week.
 Mom joining me on the ground to do a restoration pose.
Looking over at each other.
Burst out laughing.
My Aunt opening the door, to see me laying there on the floor in restoration pose.
Her face.
Laughing till we cried.

Hating:  The destruction of Lake Charles & my Aunt's and cousins homes.
It's my birthplace, where I graduated from High School...
where I left a piece of my heart.

Discovering:  that  "fake it till you make it" 
was bad advise.
Like...what if I don't make it ?
Or make it, but as a fake?
I'll just be real, and deal.

Enjoying:  A cool drizzly day.

Thinking: I need my family.  I miss them.

Hoping for: some changes

Listening to: the bird chirping outside of the window, 
and the grandfather clock Dad made me, chiming that it is 12:00.

Smelling:  fresh air and the steamy scent from the dishwasher

Thanking: God, for lifting me up when I am down.
For keeping my friends and family protected.
Every. Single. Day.

I hope you are safe and well.

Monday, August 31, 2020


"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
What choice do we have anyway?
Yet...I feel like I have spent my life
trying to blend, bend, stretch, mold,
and play the game the way I thought it was supposed to be played.
Don't ruffle feathers.
Please others.
I have not been 100% me.
I hate that truth.
We don't know, until we know.
We have to be willing to dig deep for that.
I am a good digger!
I know I am following the right voice,
the voice of truth.
He loves me.
I feel it now.

In my morning "Jesus time" I read something that sent me rushing 
to the computer to post it here.
Some words from Bob Goff:

" We want to experience love, so we strive to have relationships
 that will let us feel loved and accepted. 
We want purpose in our lives,
so we'll join or identify with social groups
and issues and begin defining ourselves this way.
We want connection, so we buy what it takes
 to wear the uniform of the social groups we want to fit in with.
Most of all, what all of us want are those few
authentic relationships-and we'll trade who we really are
for who we think we need to be."

Wanting to belong.
Wanting to be a part.
Fit in.
Fearing the rejection.

" The fact is, we're God's most creative act.
If God wanted you to be like other people,
He would've made us all the same."

" Be yourself and let others be themselves-
because that's the starting point of God's love.
God has never looked in your mirror
and wished He saw someone else."

I. Love. That!

" We were created in His image, 
with all the wonderful variety that includes.
God made some of us sensitive and others analytical,
some slender, and some burly,
some soft-spoken, and some rambunctious."

 " When He saw his creation, He said it was good,
and there were no exceptions."

I pray that every day we know and feel that we are loved.
That today we discover something wonderful about our individuality,
and embrace it.

Times are wonky right now.
Be strong. Stay well.  Hold onto hope.
Believe in yourself.


Monday, August 24, 2020


I unearthed loose notes that were
crumpled into drawers, held in place on a clip board,
stuck in pages of books or tucked into a folder.
I thought since I was focusing on simplifying my life,
why not share them on my blog, and clean out some clutter?
Couldn't think of a good reason not to.
More than I love a good note...
I love a good memory, so I am tucking in a
 few of those too.
My life lately.

My Notes:
(from the clipboard)
* Life is zooming past us. Live in contentment.
* Laugh more.
* Dance more.
* Get messy.
* Do things that make you feel good
right here. Right now.
* You can come as you are.
* Be kind:
actions you do
thoughts you think
things you say

* Let your intuition be your guide.
* Just adding some beauty to the world is enough.
*Don't be afraid to leave the past behind.
* Choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.
* Let things be imperfect.
* Be in the moment not escaping.

* Stop. Reflect. Check in.
* Be aware of toxic people, news, junk food, talk of others...
* Don't settle for status quo because it's "safe".
* When you don't know who you are- you run from yourself &
let other people show you who you are.  God does not see us that way.
*What God says- not what I see.  Leave it alone.

* Let go of the need for certainty.
*God always moves on the other side of faith.
* When God brings us out of something, he does not let us choose our escape route.
" He will provide the way."

* Step out of your head & into your heart.
* Take healthy risks. Do something that scares you.
* Eliminate negativity & clutter.
* Don't look back. A momentary glance can be motivating,
but a constant gaze can be paralyzing.
Our destiny is not locked in our past.
* Life is too short to live stuck.
* I used to think I had to please everyone.
Now I know it's an audience of one.

I hope you are happy, safe and well !


Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

I am heading back home today...  feeling like one of those little glow sticks that you snap, and then they're filled with light. I am so...