Monday, November 2, 2020


" I wonder what would happen in our lives
if we really lived in absolute assurance of God's love?
Not just knowing He loves us.
Living like we really believe it !
Walking confidently in the certainty of His love
even when our feelings beg us not to."

Lately I'm...

Reading: Stitches by Anne Lamott

Watching: The Good Doctor

Highlighting: "Maybe we don't find a lot of answers to life's
tougher questions, but if we find a few true friends, 
that's even better. 
They help you see who you truly are, which is not
always the loveliest possible version of yourself,
but then comes the greatest miracle of all-
they still love you."

Loving: a few days at Mom's

Hating: Covid

Discovering:  that hardships are hidden blessings as well.

Enjoying: the beautiful fall weather
Mom's cow neighbors
the full moon
making origami cranes

Thinking: I wonder who our next President will be?

Hoping for: good change.

Listening to: Mom whistling for the dog.
The evening news.

Smelling: Mom's shampoo. 

Thanking: my family for understanding me & making me laugh.

I hope you are well and safe!

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