Monday, August 24, 2020


I unearthed loose notes that were
crumpled into drawers, held in place on a clip board,
stuck in pages of books or tucked into a folder.
I thought since I was focusing on simplifying my life,
why not share them on my blog, and clean out some clutter?
Couldn't think of a good reason not to.
More than I love a good note...
I love a good memory, so I am tucking in a
 few of those too.
My life lately.

My Notes:
(from the clipboard)
* Life is zooming past us. Live in contentment.
* Laugh more.
* Dance more.
* Get messy.
* Do things that make you feel good
right here. Right now.
* You can come as you are.
* Be kind:
actions you do
thoughts you think
things you say

* Let your intuition be your guide.
* Just adding some beauty to the world is enough.
*Don't be afraid to leave the past behind.
* Choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.
* Let things be imperfect.
* Be in the moment not escaping.

* Stop. Reflect. Check in.
* Be aware of toxic people, news, junk food, talk of others...
* Don't settle for status quo because it's "safe".
* When you don't know who you are- you run from yourself &
let other people show you who you are.  God does not see us that way.
*What God says- not what I see.  Leave it alone.

* Let go of the need for certainty.
*God always moves on the other side of faith.
* When God brings us out of something, he does not let us choose our escape route.
" He will provide the way."

* Step out of your head & into your heart.
* Take healthy risks. Do something that scares you.
* Eliminate negativity & clutter.
* Don't look back. A momentary glance can be motivating,
but a constant gaze can be paralyzing.
Our destiny is not locked in our past.
* Life is too short to live stuck.
* I used to think I had to please everyone.
Now I know it's an audience of one.

I hope you are happy, safe and well !


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