Saturday, August 1, 2020


 "Remember this truth:
now matters more than any other time in your life ,
because it's what you are doing today that 
is determining who you're becoming,
and who you're becoming will always determine
the quality and direction of your life." 

This weekend I unearthed some tid-bits of myself
thrown in a file of random notes, saved cards and other what-nots.
It was fun to look back on what I was thinking and doing back in the day.
I have my journals for that too.
But they get kind of deep.
I want to keep track of some of the little things too.
So I am going to start this month of with some tid-bits. 

Currently I am...:

Reading:  The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

Watching: Season 3 of Alone on Hulu

Highlighting:  "We all screw up- often.
Keep moving ahead. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus
 rather than caring how we look to everyone else. 
If we keep it about Jesus, 
He promised we'd come to know more about Him
 while figuring out a few more things about ourselves."

Loving:  Boom Chicka Pop sweet and salty Kettle Corn

Hating: The News

Discovering:  that I am not up in my head as much as I used to be

Enjoying:  A cool breezy morning with all the windows open

Thinking:  This weather reminds me of being back home (NY)
I hope the guy comes and picks up the treadmill today

Hoping for: My sister-in-laws appointment to go well at the cardiologist.

Listening to:  The birds outside, the breeze blowing, the slight hum of the ceiling fan

Smelling: fresh air & slight whiff of my hand soap

Thanking:  hubby for always looking to wave before you drive off to work.

I hope you are happy and safe.
Be well !

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