Saturday, April 27, 2024

Release It

As much as I love the simple, quiet life,
and try to keep to that plan,
life has a way of showing up and just taking over sometimes.

The what-ifs overwhelm me.
The uneasiness consumes my thoughts and keeps me inching 
towards the rabbit hole of the dark unknowns ahead.
I'm learning better coping mechanisms with every battle I face.
Like focusing on the present, self-care, ( yesterday: time of reflection,
breathwork, prayer, yoga *above, tea, reaching out for help, and a nice walk. 
I didn't make the chocolate balls. Maybe today. )
Also focusing on gratitude, and trusting in my Higher Power. God.

A lot of my anxiety originates from negative experiences
from my past that influenced  my perceptions of life,
and the way I viewed God.
It's all been a process of unlearning and learning.
I still have a load of learning to do....
mostly, in my ability to trust.

I do have faith that I will be guided in the best possible direction,
 (along with my side of trust issues..)
 and I will have the wisdom and strength necessary 
to get through the scary unknows.
Time and time again, I pop out on the other side of the what-ifs,
a little weary, but also wiser and with a stronger faith than before.

"Casting the whole of your care
[all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all]
on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully."
1Peter 5:7


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