Sunday, May 5, 2024

Don't Stop Praying

Hubby's surgery went very well. 
We stayed with family, to be close to KU hospital.
He is recovering nicely.
We're starting to get back in our groove.

A little late, but here is my Journal Dump from April:

Stop trying to change yourself &
think first about accepting yourself.

Easy does it. Lighten up.

Quiet the mind & open the heart.

" The Holy Spirit is present in situations,
people, and circumstances that you have
difficulty facing or accepting."

So much of my anguish is created when I resist.
So much relief, release & change are possible
when I simply accept.

Not every lesson feels fun while it's happening.

I won't let the beauty of this day slip
by unnoticed.

Don't fight against what you cannot change.

I will not allow old resentments
to drag me down any longer.

Don't waste energy wondering if your adequate
for todays journey.

"Keep up the good work!
Keep putting one foot in front of the other,
taking one step at a time,
moving at a pace that may seem slow
but is steady for sure."

I envision the future as a beautiful thing.

If we stopped examining one another for flaws
and just walked in love,
we could all enjoy life much more.

I will not get so bogged down in dealing with old wounds,
that I forget about new growth.

Sometimes you obstruct the very things you desire
by trying to hard to make things go according to 
your will and timing.
~trust God's

Reject discouragement.

There is a benefit in this challenge
if you'll set your mind to learn.

Detach with love not indifference.

Condemnation hardens the heart and creates seperation.

If you don't like what you feel,
you know it's time to clean up.

Even your mistakes and sins
can be recycled into something good.

Surrender. Ease up. Sit back & simply allow
the magic to happen, & it will.

Live within today's boundaries,
and find joy.

Take a break from your concerns.

You are good enough!
Exactly as you are!

If I'm not giving my all to myself,
I am not giving my all, at all.

Take care of the little things in your heart,
your mind, and your life that have major impact
on your ability to help and give to the world.

Surrender. Accept your discomfort & pray for guidance.

Refuse to accept defeat.

Work on strengthening your trust muscle.

Be thankful for the quiet days when
nothing special seems to be happening.

Even when others are not happy with my decision,
I can behave in a way that feels good to me.

Be more self aware and open hearted.

Grant yourself permission to live the life you want,
there is little in the world that can stop you.
Believe more in faith and less on the limitations.
There is no limit to what is possible.

Speaking to speak out of fear or anger
sabotages my good.

When I wish to put a stop to negative thoughts,
awareness is just a beginning.
I must replace them with something positive.

When I concentrate on my personal progress,
the difficulties over which I have no control
will iron themselves out.

What I go through in life is not as important
as how I interpret the experience.

Give them the love you so desperately 
want them to give you.

Be someone I'd like to have in my own life.

Be conscious of the choices you make every day-
each one is a seed you are planting for the future.

Allow others to say what they think &
allow myself to think about what they say.

Become aware of excessive planning & 
how pervasive it is.

The light within you, will guide, protect &
supply you with everything you need,
at all times, under all circumstances.

Move your attention from the outside world 
to the inside of you.
Know how to plug into your power.
~light within

I am not pushing myself to fit 
somewhere I don't belong.

Pour out your heart to Me,
I am your Refuge.
Psalm 62:8

Maintain serenity in spite of your fears.

Disappointments are inevitable but
discouragement is a choice.

Move on with the grace and wisdom that
you've learned from every yesterday.

LET yourself enjoy life more &
feel better right NOW.

There is a voice that doesn't use words.


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