Friday, May 31, 2024

May Journal

So long May, you've been an amazing month.
Thank you for the not so great moments, that continue to teach me
where I still need to work on acceptance and trust.
Thank you for the letting go, the letting in, and the changes
that have taken place in all areas of my life,
physically, mentally and spiritually.
Thank you for the rain that has blessed our community in so many ways,
after the long horrible drought we cringed through last year.
Thank you for your beautiful cool morning breezes when I walk,
cloud dappled sunsets, and all your springy goodness.
Much love...*kiss*

Little nuggets from my Journal in May:

Make decisions based on what is best for you.

Keep your thoughts focused on the present 
as much as you can.

Find  your voice & sing your song.
Live true to you.

Jump in the center of your own life & get comfortable there.

"The reason you cannot let go of being a victim
is because to do so means deciding for yourself
what else you can be."

See things plainly & keep it simple.

Do not search for security in the world.

Taking responsibility for your energy is as
important as taking responsibility for your behavior.

"Live each day to the best of your ability
and you will soon find you don't have time to worry 
about the future or regret the past.
You'll be too busy enjoying life."

"Much of our discomfort comes from our attitudes."

"A good decision you make today, however small,
may set you on a path to accomplish something very important."

"God doesn't call the equipped-
He equips the called."

"Our power lies in meeting limited circumstance
with unlimited thought."

When things seem all wrong, look for growth opportunities.

You don't have to earn, prove, change, fix, blame, figure, worry.
Just be.

"With every thought we think, we either summon
or block a miracle."

The most important thing to determine,
is what to do right now.

"Enjoy every step of your progress, 
or you will waste a lot of your life
being frustrated about something you cannot change."

Choose what you can do in the present.
Fashion your dreams for tomorrow with the 
choices you make today.

Look for areas you need to let go.

It's important for me to let go & let others
make decisions for themselves.

Let go of attachment & embrace new possibilities.

Self-care is always appropriate.

Liking you is not anyone's purpose in life except yours.

"Never let go of the child within. Be playful.
Laugh often. Do things that don't make much
sense to anyone else."

The purpose of living is to honor life, God and myself.

"It is the mindset we embrace which determines
whether or not we experience peace or turmoil."

"Your spirit, unlike your personality, is not concerned with your comfort.
It is concerned that you have a safe journey on the path of growth."

"Don't take responsibility for matters that are beyond your control-
which include most matters."

"If you let go of everything that is not your responsibility,
you are freed from carrying unnecessary burdens."

Pray about all your concerns.

" Develop an attitude of appreciation.
Decide to see the good in situations & choose to be thankful
regardless of what goes wrong."

Thoughts are just thoughts, they aren't the boss of me.
I don't have to let them control me.
(on meditating)

" Love easily. Hold hands with others.
And don't take yourself so seriously that you forget
how to be lighthearted in this big ol' crazy world."



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