Wednesday, May 22, 2024


During my first coaching circle yesterday,
a classmate was trying to decide what interest to pursue in her life.
She's been an artist since she was 11, loves yoga, swimming, and 
now pursuing coaching with her interest in nutrition.
She is spending a lot of energy trying to wear many hats, 
and it is has started to drain her energy.
We were all allowed to ask her a question, and when my turn came around,
I asked " What is really in your heart? What do you love the most?"
There was a pause. Her head dropped. Silence.
She looked up, her voice shaking with emotion,...
"Art!...I love my art. I love all the other hats too...
but I've always loved art."
She's going to put together a show at the end of the month.
I pray her gift find it's wings.

" Omaha has to run a mile before he gets his stride."
~newspaper article~

There are a lot of us " Omahas"
in the world, but we can get into our spiritual stride, 
and win the race in the twinkling of an eye.

Follow your intuition, instead of trying to think
things out. Intuition is silenced with reason.
Pay attention to the signposts.
Listen to that still small voice.

"There came a voice before me, saying, 
'This is the way; walk in it.' "
~Isaiah 30:21~

"We can only be a success in a line which interests us greatly."


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