Monday, April 1, 2024

March Journal

March has been bumpy, exciting,
and a little scary for sure.
I am so grateful for my faith, and my 
Both have kept me focused on my priorities,
and what really matters the most in my life.

Here are some of my journal notes from the month...

Disappointments, bitterness, & resentment are ties that bind,
& until you release these feelings, you remain bound to the past.

" If you understand, things are just as they are;
if you do not understand, things are just as they are."

Relinquish your demand to understand.

"The quest of looking for wholeness outside of yourself
is not the way it works. It's an inside job."

'If you do what you've always done,
you'll get what  you've always gotten.'

Whatever has been learned can be unlearned.

" Sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing it's loveliness ...
until it flowers again from within."

Pray for those that hurt you instead of being angry at them
& release it to God.

Bless others. You might be the only one
winging good their way.
You never know.

Live and let live.
Tend to your own acre and not beyond those limits.

Keep you life simple and avoid overcommitting.

Devote today to meaningful things.

When you are tempted to interfere with something
that is none of your business,
turn your attention to some way in which you can 
care for yourself.

"Detach with love means that I stop depending upon
what others do, say or feel to  determine
my own well being or to make decisions.
Detachment is caring more for my serenity."

We are best able to help others when we
ourselves have learned the way to achieve serenity.

Refuse to let other voices tie you up in knots.

" You will be drawn away from everything you know into a space
of unknowing. You may be frightened, but at the same time, 
perfectly fine with not knowing."

"The issues bombarding you aren't contingent upon
your resources, but upon your focus."

" Don't be burdened by the question,
but rather make yourself available for the answer."

This is a time in your life when you must
learn to let go.

God's love chases after you every day of your life.

"Simply, I Am the answer to all of your struggles."

Focus on love and let the rest go.

Have a merciful attitude.

Listen more & speak less.

Refuse to worry.

"Worry is like a rocking chair.
It keeps you busy, but gets you nowhere."

Next time I want to tear my hair out because of some
nagging shortcoming, I'll lighten up and
see how silly my intensity can be.

Everything I need will be provided today. Everything.

Find a way to be OK with yourself, and others.

Try less, accept more, and let go of your
own impatience, self-criticism, and self-hatred.

Be glad you are yourself.

Applaud yourself for trying.
You're doing a terrific job!

When I step back, the power of God steps forward.

Surrender your thoughts to love.

Remind yourself that whoever you are is a choice.

Life offers an endless supply of do-overs.

Take all the stops out.
When you stop trying to make things happen
anything can.

Listen to the call of  your heart.

If you touch any heart with what you do for the brief
moments you are here, that is enough.

Awareness is the first step toward healing.

Find the root of destructive behavior.

"You create the script, so don't be afraid to be funny, 
brilliant and brave. You are not here to be small."

God goes ahead of me and opens up the way.

If you are struggling to make things happen & they
are not happening, it's you, not God running the show.

With God nothing is impossible.

Gods power is subtle, silent, and irresistible.

" Do the best you can to make wise decisions & trust Me
to cover you if you make mistakes. I got you !"

Opt out of playing games,
displaying defensive behavior,
and feeling miserable.

Be a good friend to yourself.

Your negative emotions drown out the voice of intuition.

If what you are thinking doesn't make you feel good,
change that thought.

"Real difficulties can be overcome;
it's only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.
But even the imaginary ones can be conquered with 
right thinking."

The power to change leads to powerful changes.

I am running with progress instead of indecisively going nowhere.

"Courage has genius, magic, and power in it."

"It is not what is happening on the outside,
but how we view it from the inside."

"Your outer world will fall into place
when your inner world is filled with light."

Anxiety gives power to the problem.

Stop trying to work things out before their times have come.

Accept the limitations of living one day at a time.

Take mini-breaks from the world today,
finding a place to be still, pray and meditate.

'Cry when you need to. Laugh when you are called to.
Dance when you want to.
Feel whatever you are compelled to.
Trust that the world will fall back into place.'

A day will come that you will take a breath 
and see through your own disguise.

"Today withdraw from living in some future fantasy
& live right now. Carry yourself as if all your needs
are met. They are."

Allow your wild spirit to boldly flourish.
Don't waste your magic by trying to  be just 
like everyone else.

"Time is a precious resource, & there often
doesn't seem to be enough of it.
But the truth is, how you invest the minutes & hours 
you've been given demonstrates what's most
important to you."

"Wasting time is wasting one of the most precious gifts
God has given you. Once time is used, you never get it back,
so spend it wisely."

I want to have as many good memories as possible.

Go for the love, and have fun while you're doing it.

Compassion and understanding on my part can have the power to heal.

"It takes a long time to become young."
~Pablo Picasso~

" The beautiful life of your dreams is possible.
It's waiting for you, as soon as you decide to let go
of those old beliefs & that critical inner voice.
It's not simple, but you can break free & open
up to the real possibilities."



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