Friday, April 19, 2024

Childhood Toy

Lately I have been processing a lot of emotions.
They pop up randomly, and I am learning that if they
rise to the surface, the best thing I can do is relax,
and let those babies go.

Random tears, moments of joy.
I don't try to analyze why anymore.
I just sit with them. Let them be, and when they have had
their moment, they move on.

I'm in my sixties.
I had a lot of pent up emotions lurking in the shadows.

After I posted yesterday, I thought of my cherished 
childhood stuffy.  It has been on a lot of adventures with me.
I got it for Easter the year I was in the auto accident.
I remember when I regained consciousness in the hospital,
everyone was standing around my hospital bed.
They asked me how many fingers they were holding up.
I answered 3 ( or maybe it was 4?) and I was right.
Then I asked for my bunny.
( I still have my blankie too)
Whenever I connect to the bunny, I also connect to a part of  myself.

" Real isn't how you are made. It's a thing that happens to you.
When a child loves you for a long, long time,
not just to play with, but REALLY loves you,
then you become Real."

" Generally by the time you are Real, 
most of your hair has been loved off,
and your eyes drop out and you get 
loose in the joints and very shabby.
But these things don't matter at all,
because once you are Real, you can't be ugly,
except to people who don't understand."

~Velveteen Rabbit~



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