Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Being Me

It's starting to feel good to let the real me out.
My thoughts this morning...are on how
my whole life I was under the impression 
that happiness came from someone, or
something outside of me.
And I'm here to tell you if your are falling for that lie....

Now. Quick like.

Learn to find the happiness within.
Take good care of you, and love and appreciate the unique,
valuable and totally lovable human that you are.
(even if you're quirky, emotional, and misunderstood)
You are precious and lovable.
Trust in yourself. 
You have everything you need to do you.
Do it with all of your heart!
Be the best you can be for yourself,
not to prove yourself to someone else.

I learned this lesson pretty late in life, 
and made a load of mistakes along the way.
Understand this, that mistakes are how we learn.
Don't beat yourself up like I did.
Nurture yourself.
As with everything in life,
you don't know until you know.
Life is a process.
I've been going through the unlearning...the healing, 
and the shifts for a while now...(like years....)
The unlearning is not for wimps.
It gets pretty rough sometimes.
(the good news, is if your young...you have less to unlearn :)
Learn to go through, 
be gentle and kind to yourself as you do.
Self-care is essential!
And get really excited, because when you start
to feel your happiness bubble up,
you'll feel a sense of freedom, enthusiasm
and empowerment.
You'll know that despite what's going on around you,
who does or doesn't approve,
who leaves you, or hurts you...
you still got you,
and you are absolutely enough!
And you are going to be OK,
because you were put here to be a very special
piece to this whole puzzle called life.
May you feel that truth.



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