Saturday, July 22, 2023

Truth Notes

My morning routine has been the best decision I ever made.
It all started on July 17, 2011 when I was gifted "Jesus Calling" 
from my Pastor back home in NY.
It is also the birthdate of my late sister-in-law. 
God rest her soul.
Both have blessed me in ways I can't put words to.

I discovered what is best for me, is an hour or more of a
soul-sustaining respite from distractions.
Time spent in the word and prayer, and journal notes.
I always find what I need for that day, whether it be peace,
directions, assurance, comfort, affirmation, grace, conviction...
or answers to my prayers.
This morning my subject du jour was on TRUST.
I definitely have some struggles with this.
Not only with others, but in myself.

" We can learn to appropriately trust our Higher Power-
not to make people do what we want them to, but to help
us take care of ourselves."

This morning I can testify to this.
A year ago I could not. 
I am still learning.

About an hour ago, I picked up a spiritual book to re-read for the second time.
There were highlights marked on the pages from the first time through,
and memories of how I never thought it was going to be true for me.
Yet...this morning as I read the highlights, my heart was skipping beats.
Literally. Not kidding.
I felt joy (which also happens to be my late sister-in-laws name)
and excitement.
I am finding my truth.

Truth is truth.
We all have it.
I hope some of these words help you find your own.

Highlights and journal notes:

Truth is absolute. 

You have your own unique truth, it is only found when you seek it within,
not through others.

" You must do your own independent investigation of truth."

"The sheep always know the voice of the Shepherd."

" The truth will set you free"

"The truth will eliminate your need to be anything other
than you already are...Divine"

" The truth allows you to just Be. The ability to be okay with
who you are, doing whatever it is you are doing, in any given moment,
is the piece of heaven we spend our lives killing ourselves to find."

" God is the only power that is in control of life, spirit, and mind."

" God is within you and every living thing."

" God does not punish us. We punish ourselves with guilt, shame,
and fear when we choose not to act in concert with our
inherently divine nature."

" There is a Divine Order to everything in life.
It is for this reason that exactly where you are at any
given time in life is exactly where you should be according
to the Divine unfolding of your consciousness in life."

" When we live in harmony with the natural laws,
it becomes easy to understand the experiences we have."

" Our lives are a reflection of our conscious and subconscious 
choices. When we do not choose, we live by default."

"Everybody is born to fulfill a divine purpose, and God has given us 
everything we will ever need to fulfill that purpose."

" You are freed from the chains of habit by reminding yourself
daily that you are a perfect and unique representative of all that God is,
you will find that you are equipped to handle anything."

" God is Truth"

"Truth is consistent. It never changes."

"Truth is greater than any problem on the physical level."

The truth is that God believes in you !


side-note: book One Day My Soul Just Opened Up



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February 10, 2025

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