Monday, July 3, 2023

Thoughts and Breakthroughs

" The trick in life is learning how to deal with it."
~Helen Mirren~

I'm still on a self-induced high of a mixture of home, family, self-discovery,
acceptance, growth, awareness, accountability...and
other ingredients floating around in my heart right now.
Maybe I've gone off the deep end, 
and if so....I'm cool with it!!
Life feels good.

I took this pic. yesterday of hubby and I...(it makes me giggle)
like he's saying...."oh no....wait....let me get ready for..."
In this case a selfie....however, I can look back and see
how he never knows with me.
I never knew with me.
Things would be wonderful, then something would trigger
me like a ninja!
I have come a long way.
And that just makes me giddy.
I thank God, and all who helped me get to this place in life.
(good, difficult or even all counts)

I read this quote this morning, and I wanted to share:

" True heroes and heroines are those who refuse to give up on the 
part they've been created to play on the stage of life."  

So, if you're reading this...that is you !
Keep believing that anything is possible.
I say that with sincerity!
It's true!
Never give up on yourself.

I will also paraphrase another page in my reading today,
 that just resonated with my mood lately.

'She's such a positive, upbeat woman.
She's always smiling. She's always calm. 
She's always reassuring.
She exudes confidence. 
Who is this woman you might ask?
This is the real you! It's who you are on the inside.
If you don't act this way all the time, it's simply because you haven't
evolved to a higher plane of existence yet.'

" When a woman falls in love with the magnificent possibilities within herself,
the forces that would limit those possibilities hold less sway over her."

'Occasionally we get glimmers of what it's like on this higher plane:
on a good hair day; when we've had 12 hours of sleep;
when we fit into last years clothes, soar through a business meeting,
or throw a great party & everyone enjoys themselves immensely.
When moments occur that we tend to think all is right with the word.
Everything just falls into place.
What we don't realize is that all's right with ourself.
We're in the flow of life and loving it.
We're in place where authenticity and reality merge into wholeness.'

How do we access the flow of life and tap into that spiritual energy more often?

'Meditation helps. so do long walks, soaks in scented bubble baths, smiling at
everyone we meet, being more gentle with ourselves,
watching a sunrise or a sunset, petting an animal,
playing with a child, having some small pleasure to look forward to every day,
being grateful'

" But above all, being open to change. Welcoming it."

" Watch. Wait. Time will unfold and fulfill its purpose."

' We must not go unconscious. we must think and grow. Rejoice and dream,
kneel and pray.'

Quotes for today:

" If you don't love yourself,
you'll always be looking for someone else to fill the void inside you,
but no one will be able to do it."

"Sometimes people wound us because they're wounded
and tell us we're broken because that's how they feel,
but we don't have to believe them."

" Be the person you needed when you were younger."

"If you love yourself it doesn't matter if other people don't like you
because you don't need their approval to feel good about yourself."

Today I'm thankful for God helping me to get to know who I am.
And the people he gave me to help me on the journey.



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February 10, 2025

' Imagine how it would be if the things you love, were the reason for your existence. Think about how your life might change if you were...