Sunday, July 23, 2023

Choice Notes

This morning as I sat on my porch, listening to the windchimes
jangle in the breeze and the Cardinal chirping from the Maple tree,
I also noticed the uncomfortable feeling within.
Everything was wonderful, yet...unsettling as well.

I picked up my journal, and wrote my thoughts..
my feelings, and my prayer. 
Throughout my time in prayer and devotion,
the icky bit came into the light.
Turns out, it was a visit from resentment.

It's a visitor that's been here before.
We're friends now.
I made that choice way back.

Truth is;
we may not have control over many things in our life, 
but we will always have the control over our choices.
We can choose where we want to direct our focus.
We can choose what we give our focus & energy to.
We can choose how to respond to our thoughts and emotions.
And, we can choose what will influence our choices and behaviors today.

I didn't want to ride out the day struggling with resentment.
It just wanted my attention.
So, I invited it to have a seat with me.
I thanked it for showing up, sat with it for a while, 
and then gave it my love as it slowly began to move away.

Truth is, God knows my past, my future, my woundedness.
He knows everything that makes me who I am-
and He love me anyway. 
And you.
If He can love us even with our icky bits....
shouldn't we love those things too?
Little by little Love does heal all things.
We just have to be willing to take part in the process.
Sometimes that requires finding a way to love the unlovable too.



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February 10, 2025

' Imagine how it would be if the things you love, were the reason for your existence. Think about how your life might change if you were...