Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Life Lately

" The strength that you want is on the
other side of the weakness that you are
willing to work through."

I'm all about trying to walk the walk that I talk.
This week I struggled with fatigue and emotions, 
and was all about ready to abort mission.
Hubby had a surgical procedure.
2 days in the hospital.
A lot of conversations with strangers, emotions and... stuff.
We rested on the 3rd day.
The 4th day an early morning drive to the emergency room for a visit.
That's also when my attitude just packed up and headed south.
I was in overwhelm.
It happens.
It happens especially when I'm full of emotions that I can't share with anyone but God,
and have to say my prayers in bursts between distractions .
 I totally need my Jesus time.
I'm not a dabbler with that.
First. Daily. Alone.
My attitude has significantly improved.
Thank God !
Hubby's recovering and
  taking it slow for a while.
We went back to the Dr. today.
Everything is getting better.

We've got this!

" Sometimes you simply have to accept that you can't
accomplish as much as you'd like to.
If you're sick, tired, or hurting emotionally
you just have to do what you reasonably can
and then give yourself whatever you need to feel better.
You may feel like you're falling behind,
but you're not failing.
You're doing what you need to do to take good
care of  yourself, and that's the most important
thing you can do when you're struggling." 



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