Sunday, August 20, 2023

Week-end Notes

"Each morning when you take your head off the pillow,
you have all that you need."

This weeks notes to self:

Truth is. It never changes.

"If you are the sun, you don't feel your own warmth,
but you witness it in those around you."

" Your never ready for the words that matter most to your heart"

Words that spoke to my heart through an email
I received this week from someone who is dear to me.
(and I was not ready.)
" You can pretty much do anything you set your mind to.
The key is to know exactly what you want then go for it!
You know I'll help any way I can and know that I'll
always have your back."

Let love destroy your barriers.
That missel (email) destroyed a bunker.

"Agitation is a form of inner conflict arising in someone 
who yearns  to be valued and validated by others,
who is not valuing & validating themselves."
( I wish I had learned this sooner. )

"The greatest fortune is when you get to be you!"

Sad and devastated can become beautiful.

There's beauty in the sadness if you look deep enough.

The innocence in you just 
wanting to be told that everything is going to be OK,
is the sweetness in fear.

" It couldn't have been any other way,
because that's the way it happened."

"If it could have happened any other way, it would have."

" Every person on your path is taking you further on your path--
not taking away."

"Don't let the things that you think are stupid outsmart you."

You lose yourself when you fill other peoples needs
and disregard your own.
Pay attention to your needs.

"Laughter helps us release the emotions that need to
be healed."

90% of all pain experienced is due to trapped emotions.
Release them and start to heal.

We are not made wrong.

"Think of what you want not what you don't want.
If you keep doing what you're doing,
you're going to keep getting what your getting.
resolve your issue."

I don't know,
and it's OK.



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