Thursday, August 24, 2023

New Beginnings

" Every new beginning comes from the end of something else.
This is the natural ebb and flow of life,
and it asks us to accept 
that happiness often lies on the other side of sadness.
Know that there is always an opportunity 
to begin again as soon as you allow yourself to."

Everything is shifting.
There are signs everywhere, pointing me in a
(I won't say new) direction that feels organic to me.
I am taking cautious steps....not rushing,
following my heart.

There is the old question that is in pretty much every self help book:

" What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

I was faced with a better question this morning:

" What would you do even if you knew that you you very well could fail?"

I know the answer.
 I've been in training all of my life.
I have lived it. 
It's who I am.
The answer is pretty clear.

I've spent so much time searching for my part in life.
And my part was always right in front of me.

" Life always provides us with opportunities for self-correction."

" Get out your proverbial shovel & excavate.
Breathe deeply. Reclaim the ember situated in your soul.
Give it air."


(photo of  a baby cardinal out with it's Dad while I was watering)


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