The book store was amazing!
A small little shop filled with old used books.
I wasn't really looking for anything in particular,
so I wondered if I were to be searching for something,
who or what would I want to find?
I thought, a C.S Lewis book would be nice .
I've contemplated buying one, but was unsure
which one I'd want to read.
As soon as that thought left my head...
a big fat book sat tucked right in front of me on the shelf.
"The Complete C.S. Lewis Signature Classics."
$15. Done.
I love synchronicity.
It was a beautiful spring-like day today.
Me, a blanket, my grand-dog and my journal.
All day.
I started on my goals.
I decided my first goal is to improve my imagination.
A few journal notes from today...
Set my mind on things above, not on earthly things.
'Your failure and successes are only 1/2 of the picture.
The other 1/2 is love & it will outlast everything else.'
"God doesn't play hide & seek with our hopes and dreams."
He places beautiful desires in our heart's.
'The thoughts that arise because of your doubts will
wear you out, discourage you, cause you to act rashly
and limit you from perceiving God's perfect work on
your behalf.'
There is a champion within you. God. He won't let you down.
Position yourself to receive, not resist.
'Walk through the doors in front of you,
and if one seems closed, find a window that
is ajar to climb through.'
'There is no limit to what is possible-
that's simply the way the world was made.'
'Trust in your God idea more than other people's ideas.
Reach for the sky, and the sky will bend down to
greet you.'
No challenge. No reward.
"Imagination, focus and courage are the fuels for the fire,
the steel that builds a house where dreams can become real."
'Your inner compass is trying to lead you on a fantastic voyage.
Each step has the potential to lead you in new directions
or take you to a new level of accomplishment.'
'Nothing should be more important than achieving what you want.'
live well & in peace....
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