Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 6, 2025

"There's a lot in this world you can't see that
you still believe in,
Like love & courage.
Well that's the way it is with faith
Just because you can't hold it in your hand
doesn't mean it's not there."

~Delany Sisters~


My focus on living slowly & simpler,
no plans, no expectations, no strategies.
Just showing up & being present. 
Just living.
There is loveliness in the ordinariness.

Journal notes and quotes....

The only thing you can grasp without damaging
your soul is God's hand.

Your most persistent choice is whether to trust God,
or worry.

"A Happy heart is good medicine, and 
a cheerful mind works healing."

"Your heart and mind are intricately connected.
It is impossible to have a happy heart when
your mind is full of negative thoughts."

"Open your eyes and see what is around you 
in this world."

"The problem is not the Father's ability to bestow
what you need, but your ability to receive it
when fear or the desire for control governs you."
~Charles Stanley~

'When you have what you need spiritually,
all else falls into place.'

Live today well & in peace...

"It's all a matter of paying attention,
being awake in the present moment.,
and not expecting a huge payoff.
The magic in this world seems to
work in whispers and small kindnesses."


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Believe. Show some grace to yourself. Everything that needs to happen will. You are not in control of the universe, but you do have a choice...