As a recovering people pleaser....this really says it all.
Journal notes:
'Learn to cast away negative feelings & thoughts within
your head to move forward & live the life you were
called to live.'
Get your mind right & focus on the positive.
Dispel negative, fearful thoughts & push forward.
Keep your thoughts in a good place.
Protect the positive person inside you who
is telling you that you have what it takes.
Watch your self-talk. Tell yourself you will
make it- no matter what happens, no matter
what anyone else thinks.
Don't let other peoples negative thoughts
hold you back.
Think on the things that are true, holy, just,
pure, praiseworthy;
these thoughts will cancel out the negative.
Get back on track and find the true key to happiness-
Acknowledge how great God is.
'Build the tools needed to nurture yourself back to health.
You are the only one who can dedicate yourself to
daily practice & free your heart from the false prison
passed onto you.'
Another persons behavior has very little to do with you.
Let rejected feelings go.
Replace old messages of "not enough"
with messages of love & kindness.
Come to love yourself.
live well & in peace...
" Finally, brothers, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
whatever is of good repute,
if there is any excellence and if
anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things."
~Philippians 4:8~
"Don't be afraid of losing people,
but be afraid of losing yourself trying to
make everyone happy."
"Had I not created my whole world,
I would certainly have died in other
~ anais nin ~
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