I'm still at my kiddo's, enjoying my fur-grands...💕
I woke up this morning with this song stuck in my head,
a spring in my step,
and a smile on my face.
'Love almost seems a lost art'
Some journal & love quotes that showed up the last two days...
Keep my thoughts on God. Serve with love.
God's power shows up more when you're focused
on love, then "fixing" (yourself & others).
' Love & good-will destroy the enemies within one's self,
therefore, one has no enemies on the external.'
Love fully in the now.
Faith allows deep love.
"Give perfect, unselfish love, demanding nothing
in return, do not criticize or condemn. Bless."
'Follow the path of love, and all things are added,
for God is Love,
and God is Supply;
Follow greed & selfishness, and the supply
"Perfect love casteth out fear.
He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
~ 1John 4:18 ~
"With any challenge, start with God who gives you
His perspective, wisdom, power and Love
for every person you encounter."
Love yourself.
"Love yourself and be good to yourself because if you do so
the world around you will start mirroring your behavior."
'Treat yourself with kindness and compassion &
learn to express your gratitude for the many gifts life
offered you up until this moment.'
'Take your focus away from those things that cause you to feel pain,
stress, anxiety, fear and unhappiness,
onto the things that make you feel happy and loved.'
"You'll receive love if you shine with love in the first place."
live well & in peace...
"To love yourself right now, just as you are,
is to give yourself heaven.
Don't wait until you die.
If you wait, you die now.
If you love, you live now."
~ Alan Cohen ~
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