Monday, October 14, 2024


I honestly never really believed my thoughts were truly
the problem, or that I had any choice than to 
believe in them.
I didn't know I could fix my thoughts on way better things.
I would focus on God, and then would beat myself up,
because 5 minutes later, I was telling myself how miserable this or that was,
and throwing a pity party over something so incredibly foolish.
(I see that now, looking back. It was justified then.)
I had major-monkey brain, and it certainly wasn't
going to be tamed.
It wasn't always loving, or peaceful, or good.
There was never bad intent.  Just scared. My brain just grew up in Ninja mode.
 I spent the majority of my life waiting for...searching for the other shoe to drop.
The next "attacker" that would have the potential to win.
The loss I couldn't get over, the fear that something bad was right
around the corner.
How could I feel that way, and trust God?
I gave it my best shot anyway.
Everything takes time. Especially for late bloomers like myself.
I am seeing though a clearer mind these days.
There is no more Ninja on guard.
 But the monkey still keeps me on my toes.

It's cool and autumn-like this morning. My kiddo and his girlfriend
made it safely to my Dads.
My Dad called. I talked to my Stepdad, and Brandon.
The excitement is building. I leave in 2 days.
The Monkey brain loves this stuff !
I take a deep breath, sip my Chai tea, and thank God.

My morning devo-journal-notes.


Joy emerges from the ashes of adversity through your trust & thankfulness.
Truly let Me take the lead.
Trust the right changes always come at the right time.
Reestablish conscious contact with Me.
It's no easy task to change the thinking of a lifetime, 
even when you want to change.
Each day, each new moment can be an opportunity
to clear the air & start again, fresh & free.
Just be yourself. 
There is no need for you to be some kind of super-being 
in order to measure up to everyone else.
Simply show up, with your smile, your way of doing things &
you way of being exactly who you are.
Stop beating up on yourself for the things you did not do
to everyone else's satisfaction.
Stop doubting & second guessing yourself.
Take a chance on just being enough of yourself 
to make yourself happy.
Allow Me to expose the areas defeating & blinding you.
Listen to Me. And receive the light you need.
When you live purposefully, think rightly,
serve generously, and forgive quickly, you are laying
the groundwork for victory.
You will have negative triggers in your life.
Think before you react.
Deliberately choose words and actions that are lovely,
excellent, & worthy of praise - words & actions
that will help you meet your goals.
Don't be tempted to forget the light within you.
Only the experience of who you really are,
at home at last within yourself,
will bring you the peace you seek.

~ God ~

"Your vision is that mental picture you hold of your future.
If that image is definite, compelling, and detailed,
it exerts a powerful influence on your current decisions,
pulling you in the direction of your dreams."



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I honestly never really believed my thoughts were truly the problem, or that I had any choice than to  believe in them. I didn't know I ...