Tuesday, October 29, 2024


The first words out of my mouth...(actually my pen)
...this morning were:
"Lord, I am leaning on You.
I trust You.
I guess I don't trust me to trust You.
That is my struggle.
You created me directionally challenged,
but I know your way is good and best."

I've learned it's better to take refuge in Him.
Being directionally challenged has somehow turned into a gift.
Now I feel like I'm always on an adventure.
(*sidenote can be very scary)

Over the last year I have learned that part of being directionally challenged,
is party due to my lack of being integrated.
I found this simple definition of integration: to bring together or incorporate
parts into a whole. To make up, combine, or complete to
produce a whole or larger unit, as parts do.

Now I understand why I felt so lost, like my ducks were always out of a row.
(then I spent so much time trying to put them back in....live and learn.)
It has been a real eye-opener for me.
Everything must be in cooperation to accomplish anything.
I've spend a lot of time trying to DYI this problem.

What I am also learning, is that I have been operating with resistance as my default mode.
Like I've mostly operated that way for...a long time...
I'll guess over 55 years....
(give or take).
And perhaps quite a bit still.
Integration is such an interesting word. Everything truly works together.

This is sample of what integration looks like.

The mind must cooperate with the body.
body with heart
 heart with desire
desire with vision
vision with will power
 will power with ability,
 ability with opportunity
opportunity with timing
 timing with order
 order with outcome
 outcome with mind.

See how it all ties together?

I certainly haven't been as open as I thought...and wayyyy
more resistant than I want to admit.
(I'm seeing the juxtaposition of the words right now as I look at them paired up. Open/Resistant. 
Open just sounds happier to me)

The way I look at it is:
Open connects me with my spirit.
 Resistance is keeping in my bubble.
Bubbles are safe.
Until it pops. 
They do pop.
Not fun.

I believe it's great to climb in for a bit,
to escape and self-care.
We all need time to cocoon.
To rest, heal and morph for a while.
There are times we just don't believe we are worthy
 and our inner and outer worlds don't connect.
We may feel stuck, or unable to move forward.
That is when I think a bubble comes in handy.

I'm in mine right now.  Being back home has always been my bubble.
It nurtures me and gets me ready for the next leg of the journey.
But I don't want to get stuck here. Right?
Being totally honest....I'd be OK with it.
It's safe. It's comfortable. It's familiar.
My family is here. Mostly.
But lets get back on topic.

The need to stay in a bubble could be a sign of resistance.

Here are some ways we resist.

What we tell ourselves = mental resistance
What are we feeling = emotional resistance
What steps are we taking towards manifesting our dreams and goals = 
physical resistance.
Usually resistance is a way of avoiding growth potential.
It can be a fear of being hurt, or facing things that are uncomfortable.
That pretty much sums up some of my struggles in a nutshell.
How about you?

I firmly believe with prayer, and openness, and a willingness to let go of resistance
 we can become more integrated.
Body, mind, and spirit.

We're all a work in process.
Trust in the process. 
It's definitely easier said than done. That's no lie.
 if you really think about it,
what have we got to lose?
I'm willing to let go and see,
to the best of my ability.
(channeling my inner Suess)
What about you?
I dunno...it could be exciting?


"What you resist persists."

"Life will cycle through to refine and erode
hard layers. 
There is beauty in the strength and in weakness.
Embrace both parts of you."

"If you have the courage to begin, 
you have the courage to succeed."


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