Monday, October 7, 2024


An acronym for:
....another f***ing growth opportunity.
I usually try to be more filtered,
but my filter is faulty today.

It's been a weekend.
Maybe I needed to get to this point.
Maybe it's preparing me for what is waiting for me.
There is something I needed to learn,
that could only happen this way.
I'm processing...

sitting with the letter that took form in my journal notes this morning.

My dear child,
In order to hear My voice you must release all of 
your worries into My care.
Let Me free you from fear that is hiding deep 
inside you.
Sit quietly in My Presence, allowing My Light to
soak into you & drive out any darkness lodged
within you.
Accept each day just as it comes to you,
remembering that I am sovereign over your life.
Rejoice in this day that I have made, 
trusting that I am abundantly Present in it.
Instead of regretting or resenting all circumstances,
trust Me and don't be fearful.
Cast all of your anxieties on Me.
Give thanks, for this is My will for you.
When troubles assail you, exert yourself to think 
about who I am- your savior & friend.
Acknowledge My sovereignty & trust Me.
Commit to following Me wherever I lead.
Ask Me for the courage to always obey Me, no matter the pressure.
" The destruction of self-worth begins the moment we assign a value
to something outside of ourselves."
Being a spouse is not more important than being a whole, healthy being.
Anytime you place value on anything or anyone greater than the value
you place on yourself, you are engaging in an unconscious form of suicide.
You may have considered someone more important than you.
You may have pushed yourself to take care of people & things,
believing they were valuable & important aspects of your life.
Just for today, and again tomorrow, make yourself the most
important & valuable aspect of your life.
Think of you. Do for you, and take care of you first.
Life will test you. People may seek your weak spots,
and push your tolerance over the edge.
These people are here to help you learn about what you don't want,
won't tolerate, and how to own your own power.
You can thank them for what you learned.
There are times to not trust others, but
instead trust yourself & set boundaries with those around you.
I will always reveal the truth to you if you simply
don't block My guidance.
This happens when you push too hard, trying frantically
to make things happen, or keep things from happening, because you lack faith.
Be still. Be quiet and My Spirit will make right all things.
In any moment you are free to restart your life.
Free yourself from the chains of the past,
and free the future to be unlike it.
Love will make all things right.
Dwell fully in the present.
Release everything to Me.
There is great power in adversity. It is what molds your
character. Trying to avoid it is like trying to avoid life.
With My help it is possible to retain your joy even in the midst
of hardships. And with more poise & calm, you will do a better job
of responding to the difficulty, whatever it may be.
It all depend on how you choose to respond to your circumstances.
It can shape you into something exceptional, or something
entirely unremarkable. It's what you learn from it that upgrades you character.
Your character is the essence of who you are.
" Character cannot be developed in ease & quiet
only through experience of trial and suffering can the 
soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambitions inspired,
& success achieved." ~Helen Keller
" You never quite know what you're made of until you are put through the fire."
Consider this problem you are facing may be exactly what you need to chisel
your character so that you become perfectly prepared to follow My plan for your life.
As you deal with the trials, look for the lessons, the wisdom & opportunity that can
transform the situation into something productive and valuable.
Remember the presence of tension, conflict, & difficulty indicates that 
growth is trying to take place.
Trust Me to be bigger, stronger, & more tenacious than anything you ever face.
Time may be tough now, & these challenges can either defeat you 
or inspire you.
They will tear you down, or build you up.
Affirm your ability with My help, to convert all difficult circumstances
to your advantage & My glory.
Get back up!

I'm listening.



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I honestly never really believed my thoughts were truly the problem, or that I had any choice than to  believe in them. I didn't know I ...