Tuesday, October 29, 2024


The first words out of my mouth...(actually my pen)
...this morning were:
"Lord, I am leaning on You.
I trust You.
I guess I don't trust me to trust You.
That is my struggle.
You created me directionally challenged,
but I know your way is good and best."

I've learned it's better to take refuge in Him.
Being directionally challenged has somehow turned into a gift.
Now I feel like I'm always on an adventure.
(*sidenote can be very scary)

Over the last year I have learned that part of being directionally challenged,
is party due to my lack of being integrated.
I found this simple definition of integration: to bring together or incorporate
parts into a whole. To make up, combine, or complete to
produce a whole or larger unit, as parts do.

Now I understand why I felt so lost, like my ducks were always out of a row.
(then I spent so much time trying to put them back in....live and learn.)
It has been a real eye-opener for me.
Everything must be in cooperation to accomplish anything.
I've spend a lot of time trying to DYI this problem.

What I am also learning, is that I have been operating with resistance as my default mode.
Like I've mostly operated that way for...a long time...
I'll guess over 55 years....
(give or take).
And perhaps quite a bit still.
Integration is such an interesting word. Everything truly works together.

This is sample of what integration looks like.

The mind must cooperate with the body.
body with heart
 heart with desire
desire with vision
vision with will power
 will power with ability,
 ability with opportunity
opportunity with timing
 timing with order
 order with outcome
 outcome with mind.

See how it all ties together?

I certainly haven't been as open as I thought...and wayyyy
more resistant than I want to admit.
(I'm seeing the juxtaposition of the words right now as I look at them paired up. Open/Resistant. 
Open just sounds happier to me)

The way I look at it is:
Open connects me with my spirit.
 Resistance is keeping in my bubble.
Bubbles are safe.
Until it pops. 
They do pop.
Not fun.

I believe it's great to climb in for a bit,
to escape and self-care.
We all need time to cocoon.
To rest, heal and morph for a while.
There are times we just don't believe we are worthy
 and our inner and outer worlds don't connect.
We may feel stuck, or unable to move forward.
That is when I think a bubble comes in handy.

I'm in mine right now.  Being back home has always been my bubble.
It nurtures me and gets me ready for the next leg of the journey.
But I don't want to get stuck here. Right?
Being totally honest....I'd be OK with it.
It's safe. It's comfortable. It's familiar.
My family is here. Mostly.
But lets get back on topic.

The need to stay in a bubble could be a sign of resistance.

Here are some ways we resist.

What we tell ourselves = mental resistance
What are we feeling = emotional resistance
What steps are we taking towards manifesting our dreams and goals = 
physical resistance.
Usually resistance is a way of avoiding growth potential.
It can be a fear of being hurt, or facing things that are uncomfortable.
That pretty much sums up some of my struggles in a nutshell.
How about you?

I firmly believe with prayer, and openness, and a willingness to let go of resistance
 we can become more integrated.
Body, mind, and spirit.

We're all a work in process.
Trust in the process. 
It's definitely easier said than done. That's no lie.
 if you really think about it,
what have we got to lose?
I'm willing to let go and see,
to the best of my ability.
(channeling my inner Suess)
What about you?
I dunno...it could be exciting?


"What you resist persists."

"Life will cycle through to refine and erode
hard layers. 
There is beauty in the strength and in weakness.
Embrace both parts of you."

"If you have the courage to begin, 
you have the courage to succeed."


Monday, October 28, 2024

I Want It That Way

This was playing in the background at my favorite shop in the village the other day.
 Me, my kiddo and his girlfriend were all hanging out together.
It was a great moment. 
( I Shazam(ed) the artist)
Now I am kind of having another moment.
I really like these guys. 

"Music is the soundtrack to every good and bad time we will ever have."


Sunday, October 27, 2024

Trusting Intuition

"People should be more like animals...
they should be more intuitive;
they should not be too conscious of
what they do while they do it."

~Albert Einstein~

Because sometimes we think we know,
and we really don't.

This morning a letter formed from 10 different daily devotions.
Written as received.
(side note: I'm finishing my coaching course.
I was in the midst of working on my integrative labs,
 when my heart changed direction.
It's a direction that ignited me...
which is why I'm willing to shift my plans.
It's also something new...and I am fighting self-doubt
and fear. 
The way I figure, is I can try and fail, or not try and always wonder.
It's pulling at me.
So I'm going to jump in with both feet (normally I play it safe, and just step with one...).
We'll see where this goes...
I'm going to trust I'll land in the right place. )

"As you become increasingly aware of Me, 
you find it easier to discern the way you should go.
Instead of wondering what is on the road ahead or worrying
about what you should do if...or when...
you can concentrate on staying in communication with Me.
When you actually arrive at a choice-point,
I will show you which direction to go.
I am the most creative Being imaginable.
I will not leave you circling in deeply rutted paths.
I will lead you along fresh trails of adventure,
revealing to you things you did not know.
Stay in communication with Me.
Follow My guidance.
Don't waste precious time wandering when you can 
come directly to Me & seek direction for your life.
The temptation to move forward without receiving direction
from Me may be great because of external pressures that are
very real & stressful.
Remember that I am greater than all the circumstances 
that assail you.
It's of utmost importance that you pause until you 
receive further instruction from Me.
Actively pursue Me, and move toward Me, not the thing you 
are waiting for.
Never fear about whether I have a plan for the next stage of your life.
I won't leave you to guess what I desire of you,
not as long as you're seeking Me.
Remain connected and listen to Me.
Wait actively with great expectation and hope.
I am always by your side, eager to help you-
but sometimes you forget Me.
You are easily distracted by the demands of others.
Turn to Me for help.
Talk to Me about the matters that concern you.
Open your heart to Me.
Allow My blessings to flow freely into you.
Be continually conscious of My nearness.
Be open to new connections.
Opt for the path that enhances your self-esteem.
Your life is a testimony of who you are.
Be aware of how the conditions in your life &
how you live your life demonstrate what you believe 
about yourself.
Trust your gut. 
The next right action, that inner pull, will guide you 
step-by-step the way to go, in the right moment, if you listen.
Let go a little bit. Free yourself up.
Create space to do what truly fulfills you, and live by your own set of values.
I will put the pieces of your life together, and work 
everything out for the good."


"I will instruct you & teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with My eye upon you."
Psalm 32:8

"The only journey is the one within."



Thursday, October 24, 2024

Direction of Flow

Back home.
Where my roots are. 
Where I organically fit.
The place that cleanses my soul of debris,
and brings out my easy-going-run-through-the grass-barefoot-and-enjoy-life side of me.
Walking on the grounds that are forever imprinted with the footsteps I've wandered in the past,
 & those of my relatives that went before me.
It grounds me.
I am where I feel lighter, laugh more, and flow the best.
This place has my heart.

My journaling letters continue to form as I meditate on
my morning devotionals.
I love this place.

Today's words:

Learn to unwind and whenever possible, resting with Me.
Find Me in the midst of your moments.
Take time to see My direction for your life.
I have called you to walk with Me down paths of Peace.
I want you to blaze a trail for others who desire to live in My Presence.
I have chosen you less for your strengths than for your weaknesses.
Depend on Me more & more, and I will shower Peace on all your paths.
Quite often you can be talked out of your greatness by people
who get uncomfortable when you start to rise.
Reach for the stars! Get a grip on your greatness!
Step into your bigness. Never look back!
Move beyond the expectations of others.
Dare to be bigger, better, bolder that anyone ever imagined.
Surprise yourself!
All you need to do is consider the things about yourself that are
bothering you & and getting in the way of your growth,
just for today.
Pay attention to how you listen, & how you interpret what you hear.
Meditation is the foundation of obedient victorious living.
Sit quietly with Me so you can identify My voice above the commotion
and find victory over your trials.
Listen to My voice, be filled with My Peace, and find direction
& purpose in your life.
Keep believing in Me, and be confident 
that I will provide what is best for you.
Keep on asking, seeking, and knocking.
Don't give up. Hang in there. 
You will see My provisions in your situation.
Lasting Joy can be found only in Me.
I shower blessings into your life, and rejoice
when you respond to them with a glad, thankful heart.
Don't let circumstances or feelings weigh you down.
Cling to Me. My light is shining on  you,
illuminating the path before you.
If you find that the world around you isn't what you'd like it to be,
consider what you can do to create small changes within yourself.
Live in a state of acceptance, and come to terms with things
as they are.
There is always room for improvement.
Aim for better and then accept what is.
The only one you can change is yourself.
Give  yourself permission to be happier.
In doing so, you may notice that your happiness becomes contagious.


"Sometimes, to remove the clutter from your life,
you must leave the clutter where it is
and put yourself out on the curb."


Monday, October 14, 2024


I honestly never really believed my thoughts were truly
the problem, or that I had any choice than to 
believe in them.
I didn't know I could fix my thoughts on way better things.
I would focus on God, and then would beat myself up,
because 5 minutes later, I was telling myself how miserable this or that was,
and throwing a pity party over something so incredibly foolish.
(I see that now, looking back. It was justified then.)
I had major-monkey brain, and it certainly wasn't
going to be tamed.
It wasn't always loving, or peaceful, or good.
There was never bad intent.  Just scared. My brain just grew up in Ninja mode.
 I spent the majority of my life waiting for...searching for the other shoe to drop.
The next "attacker" that would have the potential to win.
The loss I couldn't get over, the fear that something bad was right
around the corner.
How could I feel that way, and trust God?
I gave it my best shot anyway.
Everything takes time. Especially for late bloomers like myself.
I am seeing though a clearer mind these days.
There is no more Ninja on guard.
 But the monkey still keeps me on my toes.

It's cool and autumn-like this morning. My kiddo and his girlfriend
made it safely to my Dads.
My Dad called. I talked to my Stepdad, and Brandon.
The excitement is building. I leave in 2 days.
The Monkey brain loves this stuff !
I take a deep breath, sip my Chai tea, and thank God.

My morning devo-journal-notes.


Joy emerges from the ashes of adversity through your trust & thankfulness.
Truly let Me take the lead.
Trust the right changes always come at the right time.
Reestablish conscious contact with Me.
It's no easy task to change the thinking of a lifetime, 
even when you want to change.
Each day, each new moment can be an opportunity
to clear the air & start again, fresh & free.
Just be yourself. 
There is no need for you to be some kind of super-being 
in order to measure up to everyone else.
Simply show up, with your smile, your way of doing things &
you way of being exactly who you are.
Stop beating up on yourself for the things you did not do
to everyone else's satisfaction.
Stop doubting & second guessing yourself.
Take a chance on just being enough of yourself 
to make yourself happy.
Allow Me to expose the areas defeating & blinding you.
Listen to Me. And receive the light you need.
When you live purposefully, think rightly,
serve generously, and forgive quickly, you are laying
the groundwork for victory.
You will have negative triggers in your life.
Think before you react.
Deliberately choose words and actions that are lovely,
excellent, & worthy of praise - words & actions
that will help you meet your goals.
Don't be tempted to forget the light within you.
Only the experience of who you really are,
at home at last within yourself,
will bring you the peace you seek.

~ God ~

"Your vision is that mental picture you hold of your future.
If that image is definite, compelling, and detailed,
it exerts a powerful influence on your current decisions,
pulling you in the direction of your dreams."



Sunday, October 13, 2024

Nothin’ Sweeter

This week we met with our pastor, and we both had a good "come to Jesus" talk.
It's opened our eyes to some things. We were stuck. We now have direction.
My kiddo is on his way to NY with his girlfriend, and they will be
at Dad's when I fly in Wednesday. I can't wait !!
I've decided to create a personal Health plan for my integrative labs.
I've been working with my own sugar detox, vagus nerve stimulation,
and ways to heal the nervous system with Somatic movement and meditation...
and breath. It's a lot...and I can't pick one thing, so I'm going to go for it all.
 I will figure out how to tie it all together into a program to follow.
That will give me more structure, and make it easier for me to stick with it.
I have been getting creative, and putting together some fall projects.
I want to celebrate new beginnings.
I'm ready to take some leaps and create a better space for me and mine.
Time to transform some of my dreams into reality.

"When a flower doesn't bloom,
you fix the environment it grows in,
not the flower."

a few notes from my journal this week...

The world can be wild and unpredictable,
but you can find humor among the heaviness.
Humor is a simple form of hope.

Seeking our lightness is an essential tool for living a positive life.

You are worthy of life & love & all sorts of other good things.
Come off the head trip of trying to prove your worth to others
to convince yourself.

Always trust where your intuition takes you.

If you can't say something  positive, silence is the best substitute.

It's one thing for others to full you with junk.
It's even worse when you choose to feed yourself
toxic thoughts. 
Speak life & spread joy.

Believe in and experience your own sense of worth,
make decisions that you are worth believing in.
Then tell yourself that.

Gather the awareness, courage, self-love and willingness 
to stop suffering.

Love life in a different way with healthier attitudes & choices.
Use your intellect instead of your emotions,
detach from the person or situation and face your problems 
in a healthier manner.

Attach yourself mentally & verbally to what you do want, such as joy,
peace, fun, prosperity, significance and excellent health.

Cultivate and environment around you that helps you bloom.
Do something that nourishes you right now.

Breathe slowly and deeply.

You may have believed that having a dark side makes you unworthy.
Remember that only stars shine in the darkness.

It is possible to attain whatever it is that you want.

Flow in the moment, find humor & acceptance in even the difficult times.
Adapt to what you cannot change, seeing the gifts in every dilemma.

Show up for life & participate to the best of your ability.

Focus on the real workings of your life, instead of the trappings.

Pray your tail off.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Uncertainty & Trust

I am going through integration labs in my coaching
It's time for me to choose a destination and start moving 
toward it.
Both in my course, and in my life.
It all goes hand-in-hand.

I'm facing some resistance in certain areas.
Hang-ups, fears, anxiety, uncertainty.
It's all very much on the surface right now.
I have been reminding myself to stay present, breathe,
and remember that trying to control what I 
cannot control is a good way to end up in 
the loony bin.

The way my journal notes formed today.

My Child,

Trust Me enough to let things happen without
striving to predict or control them.
Relax & refresh yourself in My Light & Love.
When you project yourself into the future, rehearsing
what you will do or say you are seeking to be sufficient
without Me.
Live fully in the present depending on Me each moment.
Rather than fear your inadequacy, rejoice in My abundant supply.
Don't divide your life into things you can do alone,
and things that require My help.
Discipline yourself to rely on Me in every situation.
Work on your attitudes, take care of your mind, body and spirit.
Change the things you can.
Accept your powerlessness, put your energy where you can do
some good & surrender to My care.
Don't miss what I am saying.
When you find yourself dwelling on a persistent problem, bring it to Me 
and confess the mental bondage you're experiencing.
Request My help.
I am teaching you to fix your thoughts on Me more & more.
To achieve this goal you need discipline & desire.
It's all there. Everything you need to know. Why you are here,
what you are here to do, & how you must go about accomplishing
every task.
Every experience you have endured or conquered were designed to teach you.
It's all right there in the heart of your soul.
That is where you find My voice.
It will be difficult to hear if you are angry or blaming others.
Spend time listening to your heart. 
Ask for My guidance away from what you no longer need or desire
onto the path you deserve.
Be devoted to renewing your spirit by cleansing your heart.
Life gives endless new beginnings, endless chances to remember who you are.
You can endlessly reinvent yourself. 
Be more accepting, welcome change, and trust the process.
Let go of the need to stay in any unhealthy systems.
Reclaim your inner peace. Stay there.
Be sure in My love.
I have a plan for you.
Trust Me to bring you just what you need to help you become 
closer & closer to the person I created you to be.
Let Me do My part while you do yours.
I will meet all of your needs.


"The pain is not in the surrender and acceptance.
It is in the resistance."


Monday, October 7, 2024


An acronym for:
....another f***ing growth opportunity.
I usually try to be more filtered,
but my filter is faulty today.

It's been a weekend.
Maybe I needed to get to this point.
Maybe it's preparing me for what is waiting for me.
There is something I needed to learn,
that could only happen this way.
I'm processing...

sitting with the letter that took form in my journal notes this morning.

My dear child,
In order to hear My voice you must release all of 
your worries into My care.
Let Me free you from fear that is hiding deep 
inside you.
Sit quietly in My Presence, allowing My Light to
soak into you & drive out any darkness lodged
within you.
Accept each day just as it comes to you,
remembering that I am sovereign over your life.
Rejoice in this day that I have made, 
trusting that I am abundantly Present in it.
Instead of regretting or resenting all circumstances,
trust Me and don't be fearful.
Cast all of your anxieties on Me.
Give thanks, for this is My will for you.
When troubles assail you, exert yourself to think 
about who I am- your savior & friend.
Acknowledge My sovereignty & trust Me.
Commit to following Me wherever I lead.
Ask Me for the courage to always obey Me, no matter the pressure.
" The destruction of self-worth begins the moment we assign a value
to something outside of ourselves."
Being a spouse is not more important than being a whole, healthy being.
Anytime you place value on anything or anyone greater than the value
you place on yourself, you are engaging in an unconscious form of suicide.
You may have considered someone more important than you.
You may have pushed yourself to take care of people & things,
believing they were valuable & important aspects of your life.
Just for today, and again tomorrow, make yourself the most
important & valuable aspect of your life.
Think of you. Do for you, and take care of you first.
Life will test you. People may seek your weak spots,
and push your tolerance over the edge.
These people are here to help you learn about what you don't want,
won't tolerate, and how to own your own power.
You can thank them for what you learned.
There are times to not trust others, but
instead trust yourself & set boundaries with those around you.
I will always reveal the truth to you if you simply
don't block My guidance.
This happens when you push too hard, trying frantically
to make things happen, or keep things from happening, because you lack faith.
Be still. Be quiet and My Spirit will make right all things.
In any moment you are free to restart your life.
Free yourself from the chains of the past,
and free the future to be unlike it.
Love will make all things right.
Dwell fully in the present.
Release everything to Me.
There is great power in adversity. It is what molds your
character. Trying to avoid it is like trying to avoid life.
With My help it is possible to retain your joy even in the midst
of hardships. And with more poise & calm, you will do a better job
of responding to the difficulty, whatever it may be.
It all depend on how you choose to respond to your circumstances.
It can shape you into something exceptional, or something
entirely unremarkable. It's what you learn from it that upgrades you character.
Your character is the essence of who you are.
" Character cannot be developed in ease & quiet
only through experience of trial and suffering can the 
soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambitions inspired,
& success achieved." ~Helen Keller
" You never quite know what you're made of until you are put through the fire."
Consider this problem you are facing may be exactly what you need to chisel
your character so that you become perfectly prepared to follow My plan for your life.
As you deal with the trials, look for the lessons, the wisdom & opportunity that can
transform the situation into something productive and valuable.
Remember the presence of tension, conflict, & difficulty indicates that 
growth is trying to take place.
Trust Me to be bigger, stronger, & more tenacious than anything you ever face.
Time may be tough now, & these challenges can either defeat you 
or inspire you.
They will tear you down, or build you up.
Affirm your ability with My help, to convert all difficult circumstances
to your advantage & My glory.
Get back up!

I'm listening.



Tuesday, October 1, 2024

My Light

"What you tell yourself you are, you will be.
What you allow yourself to be reflects
what you have told yourself you are."

The message for today...💝

May you always remember who you really are,
a spark of My love.
Seek to live your authentic truth, regardless of 
whether it is a solitary path.
Don't try to fit into the crowd.
Seek to discern more clearly the path that is yours to walk.
Walk it without fear.
Be who you are. Be true to yourself-
regardless of the reaction of others.
Who you are has always been good enough.
It's who I created you to be.
I am taking care of you.
Rest in Me.
Enjoy your day!

You are loved.



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...