Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Michael Singer

As the saying goes, 
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."
I've read his books in the past, and since February I have
developed a healthy addiction to listening to him daily.
Sometimes on repeat.
He's calming, fun, and so refreshing !

His books I've read (or listened to on Audible)

The Surrender Experiment:  My Journey into Life's Perfection

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament






Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Between Friends

I unearthed an old sketchbook/ journal today.
I remember the day I copied this text off of my phone,
it was from my best friend.
I still remember the day.
I believe it was the start of a new level of healing.
We're still healing together.
It was dated 2-5-14.

Ang: Hi sister! Thinking about you! Checking to see
how you are? Love you! XOXO

Me:  Awww! Love you so much ! How did you know?
I am doing better now...
(sent a pic. of kleenex scattered, devotionals, and my
Had a come to Jesus this morning.
I gave him some more "stuff".
I honestly want to let go of it...but it keeps multiplying.
Eventually I will flush it out.
How are you?
I was thinking about you last night.
I am so thankful you're my sister.
I adore you ! XOXO

Ang: It keeps multiplying because you are actually
dealing with it.
When we stop hiding and burying our shadows &
bring them into the light to be seen through &
healed, it sometimes seems like we aren't getting
Just remember you've been burying stuff since you were
a child, and so it's like an onion...
peel one layer off and lo & behold there's another
layer, and another...
But eventually we come to the center of our
Brilliant, Beautiful, Amazing, Authentic self, 
and we see the point of it all.
Even now we have moments,
and even sometimes mornings or afternoons or days of clarity,
and being centered.
Remember this is not a destination but rather an
exciting, joyous, loving, magnificent, & sometimes challenging,
eternal journey.
We are on a GRAND adventure!
You are doing and being exactly who,
what, and where you need to be right now.
You are surrounded by love and light.
That is your true identity.
And when you feel less than love filled,
just remember that at that moment,
you are just playing dress up and it's just a game...
an activity you made up to hide your true identity while you play
this particular game we call life.
It's all good my powerful, amazing, loving, kind sister!
It's all good !
I love you!!



Thursday, July 25, 2024

Setting Intentions

What would help you become a healthier
version of yourself?

What would radically change  your life?

Today I reached the 66th day/the making of a new habit.
 I absolutely LOVE getting up and going for a jalk (jog/walk)
first thing in the morning.

I am on week two of eliminating sugars and eating 
more mindfully.
I celebrate with a brownie made
with 3 ingredients.
peanut butter
and cacao.
and a blood sugar reading of 110.

When you believe you can, you can.

Why not set an intention today, and connect with it daily.
What really matters to you?

 keep you accountable
keep you on track by practicing focus & motivation
help you make better decisions, and prioritize your time.

There are no right or wrong intentions.
How would you like to feel?
Be honest.

I found my intention wrote in my notes today.
On November 16, when I started at the Institute for
Integrative Nutrition.
I'm keeping it personal, but It's kept me on
the right path, and I have come a long way.

Be honest with yourself.
Own your intention fully.
Don't say "'I'll try."
Say "I will !"

No intention is too big.
When you fully shine your light,
you give others the permission to do the same.



Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Coaching Mode

What loving action can you take today?
Maybe take sometime for nothing more than
the simple pleasure of reading a good book, 
or taking a deep breath of fresh air. 
(or both)
 Perhaps making a commitment to eat well,
and get some rest.
A simple step can be the beginning of a life-long
habit of self care, and love.

Give yourself grace and lightness into wellness.
This is an amazing journey.
Soak it in.



Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Five AM walk, nice breeze, startling a Cicada 
in the dark, which startled me. Pop-up 
thunderstorms, and plans to meet my kiddo later for lunch,
and to run our errands together.
Life is good.

" Be exactly as you are. 
The things that make you different 
are also what makes you incredible.
The world does not need more people
to think and act like everyone else.
Ideas, acceptance, and the depth of true
inner beauty are all born from uniqueness.
Hone the confidence that you need to stand
out from the others, and every day
you will become more of who you genuinely are."



Monday, July 15, 2024


I feel myself shrinking and expanding.
Somewhere in between the familiar and the uncertain.

I have had to look at everything in regards to healing and health.
I am in transition in so many ways, that I go from
being euphoric with inspiration, to falling on my knees for guidance.
I am over midway through my course.
It has been the most amazing experience.

You know... for so long I let others tell me what I should and 
shouldn't want, regardless of how I felt about it.
Even worse, I listened long enough,
I believed I should or shouldn't want, 
regardless of how I felt deep down.
I became stuck because I didn't want
to disappoint anyone, including my own
inner critic. I'd rather do what's expected of me,
than give myself permission to be, do or have what
feels good, right and fulfilling to me.
I'm currently grappling with that.



Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Set Back

I got a little lot off track over the fourth of July weekend.
We went on a little escape to celebrate our 9th. Anniversary & independence day with family.
I totally self-sabotaged.
I ate WAY too much....(mostly sugary, and fried foods),
and one evening we visited a beautiful winery. Enough said.

 I did stick with getting up at 5 in the mornings to walk.
It was actually quite awesome (the first morning) in the city...
 no traffic, no people, having the whole city to myself.
Until I didn't.
 Then I ended up running up hill & back to base.
I'm not a runner.
(just a little scare, that's all).
I stayed closer to base on day two.

We did have a really good getaway.
It's always good to let loose and have some fun!
It was good for both of us.

I did set myself back on my health goals though.
 I'm not going to tell myself that it was OK.
I could have made some healthier choices.
I didn't. I went all out !
Fun is fun....but paying the price for 3 days because of it...
(I'm realizing) sorta dumb.

Today is the first day I felt somewhat back to normal again.
My blood sugar is still on high alert.
I am back on track with my self-care,
and I've evolved out of sloth mode...
it'll just take a while.

I ditched sugar on Monday.
(after we consumed all the sugary treats we brought home...).
This coming Monday, I start a 6 week sugar detox with Dr. Axe and Dr. Cole.
(both are speakers in my course)
I'm super excited? I think?
I want to do this. For sure.
I will be learning so much.
I have received the recipes for week one.
At first I was overwhelmed with all the new recipes 
and thought about quitting (already),
 I changed my perspective.
Healthy new recipes, healing at the cellular level, detoxing...
uncomfortable yeah...
but I'm up for the challenge!
I've done this before. Two months on a candida diet.
I can do this!
  I have the support of coaches this time, and access to the Doc's once a week.
They have all the recipes, grocery plans, and everything I need.
All I have to do is commit.
I truly want to kick the sugar addiction.
It's my nemesis.
I'm ready...
this is going to be awesome!?



Monday, July 1, 2024


Well...hello July! 
It seems so bizarre to me that this year
is already more than 1/2 way over.
It has been such an educational,
emotional, eye-opening year for me.
I have a break from my coaching modules this week,
so I am going to go back over some of my favorite topics,
to marinate in them for a while.
No pressure, no agenda, no information overload...
just going to go with the flow, and enjoying this little break.
As always ....the timing is perfect.

This quote seemed to sum up where my heart and my mind 
currently are. So in going with the flow....:

"Life is a process of taking what you have
 and turning it into something worthwhile.
Your willingness to do this determines the 
conditions of your life. The process of living
encourages you to leap and to fly, to run and to
soar, to meander and to piddle, to embrace and to release.
What you tell yourself about your ability to do one
or all of these things at any given time
determines how hard life will be for you."



Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

I am heading back home today...  feeling like one of those little glow sticks that you snap, and then they're filled with light. I am so...