Monday, December 30, 2024

December 30, 2024

What a fantastic little getaway to huddle together
as a family over the weekend, and celebrate Christmas.
All under one roof.
Afternoon till morning.
Our very own version of a quirky little Hallmark movie.

During our little road trip,  I listened to the audiobook
"Be Water, My Friend. 
The teachings of Bruce Lee" 
What a great book so far.

"Empty your mind. Be formless. Shapeless.
Like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.
You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle.
You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Water can flow, or it can crash. 
Be water, my friend."
~Bruce Lee~

It started me thinking of my coaching,
and what I've learned about bio-individuality.
And how so very different we all are, and are meant to be.
Yet...we compare, and try to conform to our outer world,
never learning about our own unique selves.
How can we possibly become everything we are meant to be,
if we don't have a clue to who we are?
How can we heal, or be happy with our life...
if we don't have any idea what truly works for us?'s nutty.
Most of us just learn to survive.
That was not a part of God's plan.

I was a slave to my past.
I needed to find my own voice.
I needed to be enough.
My habit of choice, was to try to "fix" everything!
Well...that's not possible.
Just sayin'.

I had to get out the way.
I had to trust myself...
(still working on that. Got to know you, before you can trust you.)
Then as if that's not a big enough challenge...
trust, open up & surrender to a God that I hardly knew...
and, that He's also in you.
It can get confusing.
I'm learning as I go.
Water gave me a good visual to meditate on.

Journaling has been a great tool for me.
It keeps me on track.
I still like to go off road quite a lot.

Some notes from today...

God is leading you along a way that is uniquely right for you.

The closer to Him you grow, 
the more fully you become your true self.

Enjoy the adventure of finding yourself
through losing yourself in God.

'Today find out who you really are.
There's a beautiful person within you that has
no need to build your identity around suffering.
Learn to let yourself blossom.
Don't miss any more of the wonderful opportunities
available to you to live, grow, and enjoy.'

There's so much to appreciate in this life.
Don't waste another moment feeling
sorry for yourself.

"...the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on
our disposition & not our circumstances."
~Martha Washington~ 

be well...

Amazon link for the book, "Be Water, My Friend"


Saturday, December 28, 2024

December 28, 2024

We are heading out on a mini road trip to
celebrate Christmas with hubby's side of the family today.

I have been struggling with some things,
and the thing is, 
is that I know better....and I can't help it.
But I know I can help it.
So it's something I'm aware of...
and pushing through.
This picture pretty much sums it up nicely.

Firefighters vs. Police hockey game

As I stood at the counter waiting for my coffee to brew this morning,
I saw the picture of Donatello (Ninja turtle),
(my great nephew drew for me last Summer)
hanging on the fridge.
It connected me to my family many miles away...all over...gone.
 It fueled me with their strength, endurance, perseverance and love.
It reminded me of who I am.
Where I came from, and what fuels me.
It lifted my head & perked me up before the coffee ever hit
my mouth.

Some journal nuggets for today...

You don't need to be afraid of anything.

As you grow closer to God, He opens your eyes
to see more of Him.

He wants you to go to Him. Always.

The more you focus on your unworthiness the more you struggle
& distance yourself from God.
His loving arms await you.

Take heart. He has absolute authority over 
everything in creation.

He will protect you and provide whatever you need.

Never doubt Him because of your lack of understanding
about your circumstances.

He is good and fully worthy of your devotion and trust.

Nothing can touch you except what He allows.
He has His purposes & in His perfect way & timing,
will bring blessings from everything you face if
you'll continue to trust Him.

Nothing that touches your life is a mistake.

Live and let live.

Remember who you are.

Keep it simple.

Don't second guess yourself.

Remain true to yourself.

Unity starts with yourself.
Get things together inside you own head.

God will show you the path of life.

Accept what is. Simply bear witness without wanting to change it.

Handle all things in love.
Love others.
Love yourself through every experience.
Walk with God and watch for miracles.

Stand tall as you journey through your life.

" You yourself, as much as anyone in the
Universe, deserve your own love & affection."

and my favorite quote of the day....

"There is a basket of fresh bread on your head,
yet you go door to door asking for crusts."

be well...


Friday, December 27, 2024

December 27, 2024

This morning I started writing in my fresh, new journal.
It's like starting a new chapter.
Which I am...continuously....always, it seems.

I have been setting some intentions for the new year.
Getting them on paper.
Little things really, like writing more letters,
more time connecting, more self-care, and 
what I can eliminate to keep life more simple.
Focusing on what's important to me.
A roadmap to refer to if life seems to start going
sideways, and I have to find my footing.
It's good to have some tools ready.

I don't have any resolution to set.
If I need to start, or stop something, 
I just do it.
But... a new year does give me a sense of a fresh start.
So I'm taking all that I learned this year...
packing it in my carry on, 
and rolling into the New year stronger, wiser
and open for whatever.

Some Journal notes:

Be still so He can strengthen you.

Trust God in every situation.

God knows what He's doing in your life.
He always knows what's in your best interests,
and acts accordingly.

Draw close to Him rather than your circumstances.

Pruning is necessary for spiritual growth.

It can be frustrating and scary to lean on God,
and not your own wisdom.
It is always best.
You can trust Him.
He won't steer you wrong.

"Doubts and fears poison the mind and body
and imagination runs riot,
attracting disaster and disease."

Trusting that you are doing the very best you can will 
increase your peace.

You are responsible for your effort & 
not the result.
The consequences of the action are up to God 
& the Universe.

Be nicer than you think you should be.

There are countless ways of looking at life.
Keep an open mind.

Believe in yourself & respect that others
are entitled to do the same.

You don't have to invalidate anyone else's views
in order to validate your own.

It's alright to disagree.

"Think for yourself & let others enjoy
the privilege of doing so too."

When you start believing, 
you'll discover that all things are really possible.

be well...

P.S.  About the Nativity tray..."maybe new tradition",
I read in a book that it was an English medieval tradition,
and it served both animals and humans...on Christmas Eve.
To leave a tray out with gift offerings for the passerby.
So I took a tray, and lined it with cloth,
and placed on it,
a small dish of cat food 
a small dish of dog food
2 cookies stacked
sunflower seeds
and a fleece hoodie.

I was going to place it on the porch, but Brandon thought that
might be kind of  creepy if a passerby was on our porch...
good point.
So I walked it out and placed it near a bush close to the road.
Not your average sight, but that made it even more fun for me.
(Pretty sure my neighbors get me.)

Waking up early, I  snuck outside to see if anything took the offerings.
Both bowls of food were empty and undisturbed.
One of the two cookies were eaten.
(which I thought was kind of cute)
and the sunflower seeds were a little scattered and
half eaten.

We all had our own version of what we imagined.
It was fun.
It served.
I think I'll do it again next year.

Sharing the amazon link to Simple Abundance
by Sarah Ban Breathnach
(the book I speak of..)

Copy and paste in your browser:


Thursday, December 26, 2024

December 26, 2024

I feel invigorated this morning, and although there
was an incident that triggered me to head for
the rabbit hole (on Christmas eve) and go on down....
I didn't.
I'm not going to pretend it didn't hurt.
It did.
I am learning.
About me. About them.
Funny how one little thing can steal your joy if you let it.
Honestly, I'd rather focus on the things in my life that deserve more attention.
So I switched my focus to that.
It also required a few deep breaths, and a prayer or five...
however the night ended up going even better than I expected.

With that said,
our Christmas was very sweet.
Every. Single. Moment.

 The new "possible" tradition left it's mark.
I put together a little Nativity tray, and
surprisingly it exceeded my expectations.
I'll share more about that in a future post.

Today I want to share this :

"When you realize that joy is
less fireworks more firefly
less orchestra more birdsong
she will come back more often
for joy will not fight
with the fast pace of life
she is not in the shiny and new
She breathes in the basic
shimmers in the simple
and dances to and fro
joy has been beckoning you
for many a year my friend
you were just too busy doing to see
the vey next time joy wraps
her quiet warmth around you
as the garden embraces your weary body
in it's wildness
tip her a nod
you cannot force her to stay
but if you are a gracious host
joy comes back."

~Donna Ashworth~

As for my journal today...
I filled a whole journal since Nov. 16.
(normally I can squeeze in 2 or 3 months)
I have had a LOT to write.
Thankfully hubby got me one for Xmas.
The quote on the front says'
"Happiness Blooms from within."
It's double the size of my last one.
It's perfect.

Some ending journal notes:

When you are dissatisfied with your behavior
you tend to feel unworthy of God's love.
You punish yourself, and attempt to earn His approval
by trying harder.

One of the greatest blessings in life is godly friends.

Don't remain isolated. Reach out to others.

God will do what's best for you,
even in the most difficult trials.

'God loves you so much that He will not allow you
to stay as you are.
He wants to transform you into your best self
and help you mature in faith.
He knows what good will come from the challenges 
you face.
Your difficulties are evidence God is working on you,
and that the best is yet to come.
Trust Him and don't lose heart.'

Plenty of unacceptable behavior is directed at you.
You are not helpless.
You have choices.
Rather than blame, look to your own involvement.
That is where you can make changes.
Accept the challenge.
Work at becoming your best self,
rather than spend your precious life
wishing someone else would change.

When the road gets difficult,
the key is to right your course as best you can.

It's OK to struggle trying to make things fit,
trying to figure out if indeed it no longer fits, and why.

It's OK to outgrow, and to let go of things
that don't work anymore.
(attitudes, habits, beliefs, possessions, relationships....)

be well...

I decided to share my Amazon links on the blog.
Little things that I try. Like. Favorites. 


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

December 24, 2024

This morning, I am super-excited that my kiddo, and his person
are coming to spend the day.
They'll leave this evening to celebrate with
his Dad's family out of town, but then return later to tuck in here for the night.
 Christmas eve is always special to me, knowing that I'll wake up to my kiddo
& my granddog being here...
and this year Molly too?
Santa sure delivers.
Spending Christmas morning together has always been our little family tradition.
Next year it could all change, so I'm gonna savor every little moment.

I'm pre-prepping for our church outing this evening. 
I listened to this song in advance, to see if the weepiness 
just happens when we sing during candlelight service at church,
or always.
It's always.
I forgot to bring tissues last year.
This year I'll bring a roll of paper towels,
and hope I don't start a fire.

I have a new tradition I want to start tonight.
I got the idea from an old book.
Last year I hoped my Grandma's lasagna would be
the new Christmas tradition.
Hubby's not a big fan of lasagna

Here are a few little notes from my journal this morning.

Clear out the clutter and open your heart to the wonders
of Christ's birth.

Gaze at the Glory of His birth, and respond
with childlike wonder.

You will feel exhausted & overwhelmed when you believe
everything depends on you.
God can calm your soul.
He takes full responsibility for your needs, as you obey Him.

You'll find peace when you trust Him.
So when you are overwhelmed, stop and spend time with Him.
He's got everything under control.

You'll only see what you're looking for.

Show love to others.

Much more than presents & parties,
what people need from you is to know you care 
for them.

Show up for yourself even when others don't.

"Trust yourself enough to know you are exactly where you should be
(even if where you are ain't pretty in this moment.)"

Be willing to be wrong & listen to the opinion of others.

"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Brace yourself for the beauty that is right in front of you.

be well...

Monday, December 23, 2024

December 23, 2024

There's a lot in life I have to pull it all together for,
and our friendship isn't one of them.

'Gather your tribe and let them know how important they are to you.
Spending time with our tribe fosters connection and understanding.
Life is designed to be shared, and when we identify the people
who make our lives better just by being in it, we foster a
sense of belonging.
Choose those who uplift, inspire, and interact with a spirit of love.'

Had a bunch to do today and a case of the emotions.
It happens a lot lately.
Tis the season.
I miss my family.

Just a couple journal notes from today...

Today, if only your would hear His voice.

You can't expect to receive the things you say you want if you
are not physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually present
to receive them.

Allow things to happen as they wish to happen.

There are no bad decisions, it's what you do with 
the decisions you make.

Just sit there. Don't do a thing. Just rest.

be well...


Friday, December 20, 2024

December 20, 2024

I have pushed the hermit mode button.
A gift I gladly give and receive for myself on this day.
I was worn down yesterday.
(update...Mom is still caring for her dog.)
As I was brewing my first cup of coffee this morning,
a story of KC Chiefs Isaiah Pacheco was airing on the Today show.
(I am becoming a die hard fan, despite my lack of football knowledge, or love of sports.)
The message was inspiring.
I shared the link below.
I tried to share the video...
but my technology skills showed 
their true colors on that one.
So I went with plan B.
 Tried the link. 
It worked. 
It reminds me of what's right with the world, and how
much better life can be when we choose to have the right mindset. 

My journal notes seemed to pair well with the theme of the day....
here are a few of my favorite picks.

"Sometimes saying 'No' at the right time just makes more 
and more space for the pleasure of saying 'yes'."

In the end, what really matters is the right state of mind.

"She finally knew that her outer security came from her
alignment with God, from a receptive, abundant state of mind."
~Outrageous Openness~

"Let yourself be what you think you need,
one way or the other it will come."

'If you dwell in fear, doubt and constriction, 
that you will undoubtedly attract.'

You must learn to love yourself before you can
truly love others.

Tend to your own spiritual needs.

"The best sermon is a good example."

We can all be more loving.

"Don't be so preoccupied perfecting the cracks in you 
that you fail to realize the light that comes through the cracks."

"Not everything that appears to be broken needs to be fixed.
In fact, some of us are strong at the broken places."
~Earnest Hemmingway~

"Your perceived imperfections are the source of your beauty.
Love yourself exactly as you are, and so, too, will others."

"The law of electricity must be obeyed before it becomes man's serrvant.
When handled ignorantly, it becomes man's deadly foe.
So with the laws of mind."

"Let go, and take your mental hands off,
put it in God's Hands."

Learn to stand still.

Do you trust God more than you do yourself?
Our choices show whether we do or not.
We either say "yes" to Him,
or rebel, choosing our own wisdom over His.
It is a choice.
It ultimately reveals what we truly believe about Him.

"Happiness depends on ourselves."

And then this Quote seemed fitting as well.

"Choose to have an awesome day. Let your mind dwell
on possibility instead of negativity.
By choosing to find possibility, 
you will infuse your day with hope.
This optimistic approach will make you feel lighter.
Challenges are unavoidable,
yet our outlook is the only thing we have
control over in such times.
As you rise, spread brightness on what is dark."
~Sunrise Gratitude~

be well...

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

December 18, 2024

Up earlier than usual.
 Text from Mom at 5:15.
Her dog has been failing, and she thinks it's time.
A couple of appointments first,
then a short road trip to head her way.


"How sweet life can be when you allow it to be easy.
Letting go of resistance and embracing the lessons
that come with each struggle and reveling in victories
are part of the ride.
Learning to allow things to come and go can be one of the hardest lessons
 because we crave control.
But the lesson shows us that surrendering to what is
makes life richer.
When you feel the urge to resist,
remember that on the other side of the resistance 
is a  new  level of comfort."
~Sunrise Gratitude~

This mornings journal notes:

"When you are plagued by a persistent problem-
view it as a rich opportunity."
'An ongoing problem is like a tutor by your side'.

Learning possibilities are limited only by
your willingness to be teachable.

"Once you become grateful for a problem,
it loses it's power to drag you down."

"God uses difficult times to purify & prepare
people for greater things."

Learning, growth and understanding can only
be measured by doing.

As you learn, your behavior changes.

Practice the thinking and the behavior of the greater good.
This builds new pathways in your brain and your life.

Be well...

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

December 17, 2024

I was looking for a photo to post today, and
as I was downloading it, this song streamed from my YouTube channel.
Better yet. 
It's an old favorite.
It's giving me goosies.

Hubby's appointment went well,
and my kiddo closes on their new house the 9th.
It passed inspection today.
We are thankful.

Journal dump:

Take loving care of yourself.

Be thrilled with the small, daily changes you can
make in your attitudes & actions.

"Surrender is like dancing with a partner.
If both try to lead, it gets messy and confusing,
with little forward movement.
But when one partner who follows can relax &
let the other do all the steering,
both can flow easily across the dance floor."

God knows best how to satisfy our soul.

"Love and good-will destroy the enemies within one's self."

"There is peace on earth for him who sends goodwill to man."

"Be certain any answer to a problem God solves 
will always be one in which no one loses."

Be still.

Don't be too busy to listen.

He brightens the world around us.

Listen like one being taught. He opens our ears and helps us.

"If  you do not run your subconscious mind yourself,
someone will run it for you."

"Resistance is Hell, for it places man in a state of torment."

"Man can only get the right idea of non-resistance,
through spiritual understanding."

"So long as man resists a situation,
he will have it with him. If he runs away from it,
it will run after him."

Lot's wife looked back & was turned into a pillar of salt.

"The robbers of time are the past & the future.
Man should bless the past, and forget it, it keeps him in bondage,
& bless the future, knowing it has in store for him endless joys,
but live fully in the now."

Begin the day with the right words.

Thy will be done this day.

Look at wonder at that which is before you.

Honor people and their process.

Trust and respect others enough to let them live their own lives.

Trust that you will know what to do in every situation.

Joy is a powerful antidote to fear.

"Your willingness to love others must never depend
on their ability to give back to you."

You don't have to give up on your hopes and dreams-
God is not limited by your lack of imagination.

You don't have to understand everything.
Some things aren't your business.

"If you need help it will come.
But first, you know, you do have to make the damn call."

Here today gone tomorrow.

"When you learn to handle things, it's beautiful."

We came here with nothing. We leave with nothing.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do,
but I know what I'm not supposed to do.

Raise the moment. Not how you want, but how you can make it better.

You learn to believe by believing.
You learn to love by loving.

"You don't fear change, you fear the unknown. If you knew the future
would be great, you'd welcome the change to get there.
Well...the future is great. Proceed."

"Facing the emptiness inside you is simply
the prelude to being filled with God's fullness."

It's a perfect day to depend on God with 
childlike trust. Persevere in dependence.

The pain you feel can be a bridge to a deeper
relationship with the Father.

"If holding on is disturbing your peace of mind,
it makes sense to let go."

"Whenever you are questioning your own capability.
The answer is always yes,"

You cannot experience your full potential
unless your willing to take risks.

I am willing to be a bigger person
so that I might have a bigger life.

Where there is love there are miracles.

Move through the world with an open hand and an open heart.

"If we want to stop the vicious cycle of unhappiness,
we must learn new ways of living, new ways of relating to each other."

I will dare to be myself.

Be well..

Monday, December 16, 2024

December 16, 2024

Maybe it's my meditating habit, maybe it's the work
I've been doing spiritually, or perhaps just being dang grateful
for my life for a change.
I looked back over some pictures from over the last 
10 years (piling up in my phone gallery),
and it hit me how many blessings I've been given.
My photos are a way of revisiting the timeline of my life...
and all along, I have definitely been grateful.
 That was always the prompt to take the photo in the first place.
 It was a desire to capture and hang onto the moment I was grateful for.
However....the unhealed victim mentality I have had to 
learn to let go of...(still...)
well, it sucked juice out of the blessings...
and that is a fact I am well aware of today.

Old friends. This weekend in
Monett. We go back over 40 years. 

I wrote these words this morning after my meditation.
They just came up.

"Always when...
then it will be better.
Wishing away the moments before me.
Trading in the now & investing presence, time, and energy
for a tomorrow of uncertainty.
Looking back, wishing I invested more in a time gone by."

I may not be voted Miss Poetic anytime soon...
but my heart feels happier, and I'll take that !

"People come and go throughout our lives.
We make friends and lose friends in cycles.
Some people are meant to be in our lives for a season
and others for a lifetime.
Each type of relationship valuable,
because each soul we encounter is a gift,
offering a lesson.
Reflect on your relationships today
and give thanks for the lessons and for the souls
you've been able to meet in your lifetime."
~Sunrise Gratitude~

The last few days have been packed full of journaling notes.
I'll share a collaboration on my next post.
For now this is enough.
Hubby has a Dr. appt. in the morning.
It's a cancer screen.
Please hold him in your thoughts and prayers.




Friday, December 13, 2024


I unearth this photo every Christmas hidden amongst the decorations.
I sure loved that sweet boy.
The goat, not Santa.
Well, I love Santa too.

Oliver with Santa 2018

Today, may we all... take a deep breath, slow down, 
 believe in miracles,
awaken to a sense of wonder and awe,
and trust that love makes it possible to believe in all things.

Grab a cup of your favorite warm beverage, sit down & enjoy for a moment.

"Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus"
by Francis Pharcellus Church 
Published in The New York Sun

"Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist,
and you know that they abound and give to your life it's highest
beauty and joy.
Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus!
It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias.
There would be no childlike faith then,
no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence.
We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight.
The eternal light with which childhood fills the world
would be extinguished.
Not believe in Santa Claus!
You might as well not believe in fairies!
...The most real things in the world are those that neither
children nor {grown-ups} can see.
Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn?
Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there.
You tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside,
but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the
strongest {grown-up}...
that ever lived, could tear apart.
Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance,
can push aside that curtain and view...
the beauty and glory beyond.
Is it all real?
Ah, Virginia,
in all this world there is nothing else so real and abiding.
No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever.
A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand
years from now,
he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood."

I believe...

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Little Drummer Boy

Gifts are great when they come from the heart.
I think we all get a little too stressed out & try
too hard to make everything perfect,
and we let the meaning of Christmas
slip right through our grasp.
In trying to keep my nervous system in a happy place,
this year I decided to slow down.
 I have really enjoyed, and been more appreciative of the little gifts tucked into each day...
all with a greater sense of awe.🎄

Gifts of:

Peaceful surroundings
Undivided Attention
Simple seasonal pleasures
Good cheer

My journal shares today:

God can do anything-there is absolutely
nothing impossible for Him.

Submit to Him without yielding to feelings of doubt or fear-
especially when it comes to moving forward on important decisions
 or facing serious challenges.

Be confident that God will fulfill every promise.
Trust Him. 
Do not falter in unbelief as time passes.

"Little faith says, 'God can.'
Great faith says, 'God will.'
But perfect faith says, 'God has done it.'"

"God only gives us three answers,
'Not yet'
'No, I love you too much.'"

Be well!


This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...