Friday, December 20, 2024

December 20, 2024

I have pushed the hermit mode button.
A gift I gladly give and receive for myself on this day.
I was worn down yesterday.
(update...Mom is still caring for her dog.)
As I was brewing my first cup of coffee this morning,
a story of KC Chiefs Isaiah Pacheco was airing on the Today show.
(I am becoming a die hard fan, despite my lack of football knowledge, or love of sports.)
The message was inspiring.
I shared the link below.
I tried to share the video...
but my technology skills showed 
their true colors on that one.
So I went with plan B.
 Tried the link. 
It worked. 
It reminds me of what's right with the world, and how
much better life can be when we choose to have the right mindset. 

My journal notes seemed to pair well with the theme of the day....
here are a few of my favorite picks.

"Sometimes saying 'No' at the right time just makes more 
and more space for the pleasure of saying 'yes'."

In the end, what really matters is the right state of mind.

"She finally knew that her outer security came from her
alignment with God, from a receptive, abundant state of mind."
~Outrageous Openness~

"Let yourself be what you think you need,
one way or the other it will come."

'If you dwell in fear, doubt and constriction, 
that you will undoubtedly attract.'

You must learn to love yourself before you can
truly love others.

Tend to your own spiritual needs.

"The best sermon is a good example."

We can all be more loving.

"Don't be so preoccupied perfecting the cracks in you 
that you fail to realize the light that comes through the cracks."

"Not everything that appears to be broken needs to be fixed.
In fact, some of us are strong at the broken places."
~Earnest Hemmingway~

"Your perceived imperfections are the source of your beauty.
Love yourself exactly as you are, and so, too, will others."

"The law of electricity must be obeyed before it becomes man's serrvant.
When handled ignorantly, it becomes man's deadly foe.
So with the laws of mind."

"Let go, and take your mental hands off,
put it in God's Hands."

Learn to stand still.

Do you trust God more than you do yourself?
Our choices show whether we do or not.
We either say "yes" to Him,
or rebel, choosing our own wisdom over His.
It is a choice.
It ultimately reveals what we truly believe about Him.

"Happiness depends on ourselves."

And then this Quote seemed fitting as well.

"Choose to have an awesome day. Let your mind dwell
on possibility instead of negativity.
By choosing to find possibility, 
you will infuse your day with hope.
This optimistic approach will make you feel lighter.
Challenges are unavoidable,
yet our outlook is the only thing we have
control over in such times.
As you rise, spread brightness on what is dark."
~Sunrise Gratitude~

be well...

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