Wednesday, December 11, 2024

December 11, 2024

Life has seemed more fragile lately.
We came upon an accident Sunday night while we 
were returning home from Christmas shopping.
A woman lost her life.
It has left a lingering sadness within me.
My kiddo has been in the area for work.
He came over one afternoon and we baked
our traditional Swedish spritz cookies together.
Yesterday we met for a nice chat and lunch before he left.
During lunch, I was nudged to do something kind for a stranger.
I listened to the fear that would rather I question my heart.
Fear and doubt.
But I ended up following my heart, (after I shared my feelings with Brandon ).
No big deal really, but also a very big deal to me.
I'm learning to listen to that quiet inner intuition. 
It absolutely turned my whole day into a series of synchronous occurrences.
I even ran into a long lost friend that I have been trying to connect to,
as I came out of the Walmart bathroom...and she was on her way in.
(ending up at Walmart also being an occurrence...for both of us.)
It's been years.
We couldn't quit hugging.
And if that wasn't a big enough takeaway for the day....
finding a parking spot right next to the door is worth noting.

Life still feels fragile.
We hear of another loss almost daily.
Friends and family are going through rough times.
Constant shifts and several changes in our own world.
But even among the craziness of life,
my life is pretty damn sweet.
So I'll savor these moments,
the ebbs and the flows.'s all we have.

Some quotes from my Journal today...

Hurry is not God's nature

Take a break from trying to figure everything out.

"In a sane culture children would learn to follow their 
inner guidance from the beginning.
Nothing to fear & everything to gain."

"The city cannot be built on the swampy ground of skepticism."
~ Albert Schweitzer~

"Move but don't move the way fear makes you move."

"God doesn't always call on us to win.
Sometimes He just calls us to try."



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