Tuesday, December 17, 2024

December 17, 2024

I was looking for a photo to post today, and
as I was downloading it, this song streamed from my YouTube channel.
Better yet. 
It's an old favorite.
It's giving me goosies.

Hubby's appointment went well,
and my kiddo closes on their new house the 9th.
It passed inspection today.
We are thankful.

Journal dump:

Take loving care of yourself.

Be thrilled with the small, daily changes you can
make in your attitudes & actions.

"Surrender is like dancing with a partner.
If both try to lead, it gets messy and confusing,
with little forward movement.
But when one partner who follows can relax &
let the other do all the steering,
both can flow easily across the dance floor."

God knows best how to satisfy our soul.

"Love and good-will destroy the enemies within one's self."

"There is peace on earth for him who sends goodwill to man."

"Be certain any answer to a problem God solves 
will always be one in which no one loses."

Be still.

Don't be too busy to listen.

He brightens the world around us.

Listen like one being taught. He opens our ears and helps us.

"If  you do not run your subconscious mind yourself,
someone will run it for you."

"Resistance is Hell, for it places man in a state of torment."

"Man can only get the right idea of non-resistance,
through spiritual understanding."

"So long as man resists a situation,
he will have it with him. If he runs away from it,
it will run after him."

Lot's wife looked back & was turned into a pillar of salt.

"The robbers of time are the past & the future.
Man should bless the past, and forget it, it keeps him in bondage,
& bless the future, knowing it has in store for him endless joys,
but live fully in the now."

Begin the day with the right words.

Thy will be done this day.

Look at wonder at that which is before you.

Honor people and their process.

Trust and respect others enough to let them live their own lives.

Trust that you will know what to do in every situation.

Joy is a powerful antidote to fear.

"Your willingness to love others must never depend
on their ability to give back to you."

You don't have to give up on your hopes and dreams-
God is not limited by your lack of imagination.

You don't have to understand everything.
Some things aren't your business.

"If you need help it will come.
But first, you know, you do have to make the damn call."

Here today gone tomorrow.

"When you learn to handle things, it's beautiful."

We came here with nothing. We leave with nothing.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do,
but I know what I'm not supposed to do.

Raise the moment. Not how you want, but how you can make it better.

You learn to believe by believing.
You learn to love by loving.

"You don't fear change, you fear the unknown. If you knew the future
would be great, you'd welcome the change to get there.
Well...the future is great. Proceed."

"Facing the emptiness inside you is simply
the prelude to being filled with God's fullness."

It's a perfect day to depend on God with 
childlike trust. Persevere in dependence.

The pain you feel can be a bridge to a deeper
relationship with the Father.

"If holding on is disturbing your peace of mind,
it makes sense to let go."

"Whenever you are questioning your own capability.
The answer is always yes,"

You cannot experience your full potential
unless your willing to take risks.

I am willing to be a bigger person
so that I might have a bigger life.

Where there is love there are miracles.

Move through the world with an open hand and an open heart.

"If we want to stop the vicious cycle of unhappiness,
we must learn new ways of living, new ways of relating to each other."

I will dare to be myself.

Be well..

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