Monday, December 2, 2024

December 2, 2024

This capture totally sum up my thoughts this morning.
The chatter in my head has been haunting me with a horrible case of the SHOULDs.
 I "should" be...
doing more with my coaching, making things happen,
figuring things out, researching, setting up something on social media,
moving forward, even when I really feel the need to be still...
to push pause....
yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah...!
It's annoying!
Truth is... I have so many topics that I care about deeply,
that I can't devote to all of them.
And I'm not sure what I want to do!
I'm waiting for the dust to to speak.
Gradually the path seems to be narrowing.
Then it expands again.
It's complicated.
There are definitely certain things I know 100%, without a doubt
that I want and will work toward.
But where I am going with it?

I'm still getting to know myself.
  Making healthier choices.
Focusing on the things I want in my life,
rather than what I lack..., or give into the SHOULDS.
It's a better system for me.

Journal notes to self today...

It is in stillness that I experience God's Love.

I will wait for Him.

" If you don't have a dream, keep learning while your waiting.
Get into God's word, and God's dream will get into you."
~ Chase The Lion~

I will spend time focusing on what makes me unique.

I will break out of the habit of worry and wondering.

I believe God is absolutely sufficient for whatever
I require today.

What I learn to do, I learn by doing.

I will focus on making the most of whatever God provides.

My make-things-happen-habit is falling away, &
being replaced with a more relaxed, trusting openness to
answers as they arise.

" Show me your ways O' Lord, teach me your paths,
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for You are God my Savior and my hope is in You
all day long."
Psalm 25:4

I listen deeply.

Making decisions based on God's will for me is
far more rewarding in the long run,
then making them based on other people.

Decision making is one of life's great adventures.

He will perfect that which concerns me.
Psalm 138:8

Be well,


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