Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 1, 2025

I am embracing this clean slate of a new year.
Breathing in the newness, possibility and hope.
*deep breath*
I feel...hmmm....fresh today.
Sounds a little cheesy....but it's all I got in
my available words at the moment.
Yesterday, was an interesting day.
I tried to get on here so many times to share my 
thoughts and feelings....
and it just wasn't in my heart.
My heart wanted to tuck in and rest.
And I honored that.

I journaled, but did not share.
My mind wanted to, but my heart wasn't there.
I let go...
and listened to my internal needs.

Let me back up to Monday.
I took a step in my health and healing with acupuncture.
When I was in massage school (2002) I had some treatments
for anxiety and depression. 
My healers name was Blaze.
She was also one of our instructors.
She was amazing.
My healer this time was Beth.
I asked her if she knew Blaze.
She did. Very well. 
She is her Mom.
It was a small-world-complete-circle-moment for me.
During the treatment, she told me I was holding a lot of sadness and grief.
Makes sense.
She took a picture of my back to show me what was going on.
Deep down...I knew this, but didn't know how to release it other
than in tears....which I seem to have no shortage of.
My triceps have felt like they needed to explode this last month, 
not to mention other issues I was having.
I left feeling very light and serene.

I woke early yesterday, and had
barely enough life in me to crawl to the coffee pot.
Slightly exaggerating.
Normally I'd be pushing myself to feel productive,
motivated, and upbeat.
Even my inner critic seemed a bit lethargic yesterday.
It was all a little out of sorts.
In a good way.

Moving on...

The very first thing I wrote in my  journal this morning were...
And then,
"with God."

"With God".
It is a fun tool I have started using.
It can go two ways...
to cover pretty much any of my rambling thoughts.

When I feel like I can't do something....
I add "without God".

When I feel I can do something, I like to add "with God".
It's powerful.
And, it's my truth.

So, now I feel like I've caught up.
I'm optimistic about this new year ahead.
I changed out my devotionals,
purchased a new one (tradition),
and I kept "Jesus Calling" out as my first read.
(since 2011) I feel I have been given the perfect words for a
mantra to start off every day.
"Moving on, up, open, and enthused."
I want to start this year with a mindset that is focused and more conscious
of  that, 
and the good things in my life.
Build from there.
It's a start.
Hoping to operate more on love and non-resistance.
Grounding there.
Continue to let go of the old (lifelong) habit of pinpointing the things that need to be fixed,
and focusing on that.
Trying to control what I can't.
Especially things that are not mine.
What a waste of energy.
It's a slow learn.

"The good  life is a process not a destination."

Today's journal highlights...

Have a teachable spirit,
eager to be changed.

Do not cling to old ways in the New Year.

"Do not conform to the patterns of this world."
~Romans 12:2~

'God's plans are  to prosper you, not to harm you.
Plans to give you hope and a future.'

Let go of control, trust God today, &
allow Him to lead step-by-step.

When I allow myself to be influenced by what others
say & do, it makes blots and smears
on the pages of my years.

Pondering His love will transform your life.

Take each day at a time. Hour at a time.
Minute at a time.

No matter how you feel about yourself,
embrace the truth:
God loves you, &
longs to shower His goodness upon you.

Fear is misdirected energy & must
be redirected into faith.

To get rid of fear,
walk up to the thing you are afraid of.
(with God ;)

Be aware of your thinking hourly.
Detect is your motive for action
is faith or fear.
What are you serving?

Happy New Year!
And thank you for being here.
I Sincerely appreciate you, and  the fact that we are all in this life together.
May we all find our way.

Moving on, up, open and enthused.
With God.
Be well...

"The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book,
waiting to be written."

We can help write that story by setting some reachable goals.
Journaling serves as a great tool.
Tomorrow I'll share some food for thought for the new year.

Amazon link to my favorite devotional, Jesus Calling.
(Copy and paste in your browser.)

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