Thursday, January 30, 2025

January 30, 2025

When he was a little guy, I would feed him his bottle, and then
we'd chase each other around the yard for a game of hide-and-seek.
When he had enough, he'd simply lay down, and let out a big
I would go plop in the grass beside him, resting my head on him,
and also, let out a big *sigh*.

It was a beautiful day, so I shirked my to-do-list
to enjoy the sunshine and the simplicity of the farm.
I went out into the pasture & was greeted by my cow-kids.
Similar to when he was a little one...Buddy and I took a walk,
I fed him some grain, then shortly after he folded himself
down to the ground and let out a big *sigh*.
I wondered if he'd allow me to do as I used to do...
so with caution, I plopped myself in the grass 
and leaned back against him.
He let out another big *sigh,
and so did I.
Then he hugged me with his head.

Journal bits...

Take on the challenge of seeing who you can become.

Ignore the deceptive lure of the comfort zone.

Ignore the distractions.

It will make sense eventually.

'Focusing on your difficulties intensifies and enlarges them.'

'Open your heart and heed not the voices of fear.'

"Whatever occupies your mind the most becomes your god."
~Jesus Calling~

'Guard your thoughts diligently,
good thought choices will keep you close to God'

Meet limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.

'He is less concerned with our circumstances,
than the attitude of our heart.'

'Your best efforts emanate from your soul.'

'Investing in yourself requires determination.'

'Be determined to invest in you despite delays,
setbacks, sidetracks, & turnarounds.'

"Set aside time to think about the Lord,
listen to Him, and allow Him to examine,
heal, and instruct your spirit."

"When we tell God we don't have time for Him,
we are really saying we don't have time for life,
joy, peace, direction, growth, or achievement,
because He is the source of all of those things."
~Charles Stanley~

Life is much more enjoyable when lived fully!

live today well & in peace...


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

January 28, 2025

Hubby went to get some round bales of hay to feed.
I stayed behind to take a walk through the pasture.
It was a beautiful day at the farm,
everything was still and peaceful.
The cows were sprawled out everywhere, chewing their cud.
The calves were playing & exploring.
I searched around for my Buddy boy ...
and quite bummed that I couldn't spot him anywhere.
After a few moments of breathing it all in,
and soaking up all the farmy goodness,
I started to head back to the coral to open the gates for
hubby when he returned.
I heard the truck coming from a distance, I reached the gate,
then... I heard something from behind me.
I turned around, and there he was! 
My boy... Buddy.
He had spotted me.

Today is my one week mark on the Gut health phase of my program.
I'm starting to enjoy the whole process of searching for healthy eatables,
trying new recipes & foods, souping....
 & the wholesomeness of caring
for my body with nutrient rich vittles.
I checked my blood sugar this morning and it is 91.
My mind feels clearer.
I don't feel gross, but....
I still miss my morning cup of coffee.

"Happiness comes from cultivating a spirit of contentment.
You are exactly where you need to be.
All of the things you wish for may come, 
but for right now,
everything you need has been provided.
Look at your life knowing everything is as it should be.
Breathe in this truth and find peace knowing that all is well.
Lift your arms to the sky with gratitude.
Feel your heart swell with appreciation and 
attract happiness by choosing to be content."

Journal notes...

Dare to walk on the high road with God.

Relying on your own understanding will weigh you down.

Grow strong in His constant nourishing Love.

Focus on new levels of living.

Make decisions that will empower you to rise.

'Don't fear something new, walking in new
arenas, & getting new exposure & knowledge.'

"Fear is incomplete knowledge."

Be an example of God's love.

'When His Presence is the focal point of our
consciousness, all the pieces of our life fall into place.'

'Quit focusing on the handicap & begin
appreciating the gift.'

Monitor how you talk to yourself.

'Next to the voice of God, your own voice is
the most important one you will hear.'

"You are with you all the time,
so guard how you talk to yourself."

You are not alone in your struggles.
He "Will not fail or forsake you."
(Deut. 31:6)

Distinguish God's voice from the clamor around you.

Deliberately seek His direction & purpose for your life.

"Practice meditation. When you are alone with the Lord &
quiet before Him, you are better able to listen."

Worrying about what's going to happen is a negative
contribution to your future.

Living in the here and now is the best thing we can do.

Things will work out if we let them.

Focus on what is happening now instead of 
what's going to happen tomorrow.

live today well & in peace...


Saturday, January 25, 2025

January 25, 2025

As I opened the shutters, the sun was just starting to rise.
I threw a hoodie on over my pj's 
and prepared my warm mug of lemon-ginger water to go,
and headed to the lake.
Two young guys, and one of their little girls
were standing on the dock.
One-by-one they plunged into the icy water,
except the girl, who got lowered in to her knees.
They were screaming as they hustled back to 
the warmth of their truck.
(27 degrees and water frozen in spots)
It was a perfect start to a beautiful day.

" God is not demanding something from us and
is not disappointed in us.
Rather God is smiling upon us waiting on us,
not merely to do the right thing,
or to be more obedient,
but to play our one note.
You are part of a big, beautiful work of 
music called humanity.
When God gestures in your direction, it's your cue, 
all you have to do is play your note."

Journal notes this morning...

'These quiet moments with God transcend time,
accomplishing far more than you can imagine.'

'Learning to live in the present moment
is part of the path of joy.

Let God set the pace.

Learn to trust the teacher.

"Suspend your disbelief.
Take a leap of faith.
After all, what have you got to lose
but misery and lack?"

The best is yet to be.

be well...


Friday, January 24, 2025

January 24, 2025

I was out of sorts, until I grabbed my camera,
& bundled up to go for a walk.
Once I was moving and getting some fresh air,
I felt so much better.

I'm learning that when I am at a low, 
not to use the energy against myself,
and make a shift in a direction for myself.
It's a tool.
Micro-shifts become breakthroughs.

 Day four of  the gut reset.
It's a challenge to completely change my eating patterns,
and the foods I eat. 
Meats and vegetables only.
I miss my rice and beans with avocado,
and my cup of coffee in the morning.
My blood sugar was 109, so I am happy
about that.

A few things from my journal lately:

Anything that makes you anxious is a growth opportunity.

Instead of running away from challenges, embrace them,
eager to gain the blessings in the difficulties.

Don't waste energy regretting the way things are or thinking
about what might have been.

Do not be tempted to despair.

Remain positive and optimistic.

"Life is 10% what happens to you & 90%
how you respond to it."

The perspective you take on life's flow and
transitions makes the critical difference.

Quiet your heart and mind and be still.

"If you can't change your fate,
change your attitude."

"Real progress only happens when we aren't 
focused on the progress.

The hallmark for your healing journey is to fully
accept where you are. 
For all that it is.

Release what is holding you back,
and nourish what is calling you forward.

"It's not the daily increase but daily decrease.
Hack away at the unessential."
~Bruce Lee~

Nurture, listen, walk, sing,
find things that are nurturing for you.
What nurture does your body respond to?

Take it one day at a time.

be well...


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Thought Battles

This video was perfectly timed this morning.

.... in training.
We all have our battles.

My first day on the reset went well.
I sure missed my morning cup of coffee though.

Journal notes from this morning...
which formed this letter.

Dear child,

'I am weaning  you from other dependencies.
Your security rests in Me alone- not in other people,
not in circumstances.
Depending only on Me may feel like walking on a tightrope,
but there is a safety net underneath.
Don't be afraid of falling, instead look to me.
I am always before you beckoning you on.
You are feeling broken hearted & bound;
entangled in webs of discouragement.
Pick up the pieces of your broken heart-
scattered all around you-
and bring them to Me.
Wait in My healing Presence. Sit still in My holy Light
while I cleanse you from binding webs of discouragement.
See the great love I have for you.
Your disappointment is real, My Presence is even more real.
Stay close to Me as I work on mending your broken heart.
Tune out the critical voices. Train your mind to hear Mine.
Live fully in the Present.
Love requires a different kind of seeing than you're
used to- a different kind of knowing and thinking.
Love doesn't mean you you give up power;
love is how you reclaim it.
In places where you doubt yourself or feel insecure,
or not enough-
ask Me to heal your self-perception.
At times I will send adversity to motivate you to linger
in My Presence.
When you focus on Me, you will be transformed from within &
equipped to face the challenges that await you.
I utilize every person and every situation to work it for your good.'


"Hope looks forward, Faith knows it has already received & acts

be well...

Monday, January 20, 2025

January 20, 2025

Preparing for my 16 weeks of  "Nourishing and nurturing"
my body with Dr. Will Cole's, Autoimmune Reset program.
I will be detoxing at a cellular level. 
I met my lovely coach Kelly this afternoon
and I am excited that I'll be working with her.
Unlike strict programs in the past, this time I will have a wonderful support team
to help me through emotionally, mentally, and physically. 24/7.

Phase one, will take me through 30 days of healing the gut.
It all starts in the morning...

"Living an awesome life is all about making choices
that make your heart sing, and in order to do this,
you must become aware of the choices you've already made.

Pulling back and taking stock of your habits, your
beliefs, your thoughts, your identity, your words,
and your actions is some of the most important work
you can do, because it gets you out of victim mode
and puts you in control of your life."

Journal bits...

Don't try to figure it all out.

Remember it is God who orchestrates your life.

Trust in the twists and turns.

The more you struggle, the more you are relying on 
your own strength rather than His.

God wants to bless you even more than you want to be blessed.

Stop striving and set your heart on Him.

He will lead you to life at it's very best.

Invite God into your circumstances,
and actively place the results in His hands.

'Faith without nerve is dead.'

'Never look or you'd never leap.'

"Never argue with a hunch."

'Christopher Columbus followed a hunch.'

'It's a great life if you don't reason.'

"Sure-ism is stronger than optimism."

be well...


Sunday, January 19, 2025

January 19, 2025

It's easier to say no to ourselves than to say no 
to someone else.
It's easier to let ourselves down. hard to turn around.
But I'm working on it.

Rescued & set free

I have spent a lot of my time putting energy into 
things that don't matter. 
When you sit down and really take an honest look at where your time
is spent,
and really ponder how quickly it passes you by,
 & how valuable your time is...
it can shed some light on a few things.
Today I'm going to work on better time management,
which in turn will help me towards simplifying my life a bit more.

Yesterday, I blogged about the bird.
After around 3-4 hours...
I took the basket outside on the stoop, 
and lifted the lid. The sweet little one
was sitting upright and ready to go.
It looked at me for a bit...
 & then it flew away.
It was a happy moment.

Some journal notes...

"What we do with our time is what we do with our life.
We don't get time back."

Walk away from things that are a waste of time for you.

Stay focused on things that matter.

Learn to say "no".

'It's inevitable to disappoint people along the way, but
we don't have to choose to disappoint ourself. 
Learn to honor yourself.
Know that whatever you do, you will disappoint someone.
That's OK. Just don't disappoint yourself.'

Take charge over your time.

Call yourself out on giving up on yourself.

Put your efforts and energy into the things you care about.

You can bring opportunities into your life by the 
choices you make.

Start now. Move toward your goals. Work smart. Move forward
putting one step in front of the other.

Be proactive in your own life.

"If you are truly content, you will not be
plagued by anxiety."

'It is essential to exert some control over your thinking.
Think God's thoughts.'

Get...your mind set,

Negativity won't get you anywhere.

'Negative thoughts only make you depressed and hopeless.'

'Change your mind & focus your energy toward God's
promises instead of man's.'

'Everything you have been through whether heavenly
or horrific, will serve a meaningful purpose in your life
if you allow it to.'

'Consider whether your mind is open & free
to explore the path God has for you.'

Create a mental and spiritual environment for greatness.

Negativity can be turned into stepping stones.

Make up your mind that you are not going to be 
held back anymore.

Develop new hope & new thoughts.

Do not fear challenges.

Don't complicate your life.

The more you ignore yourself,
the more complicated your life becomes.

"As the writer of your journey,
it's your responsibility to make your story

'You do not need someone else to complete
you. You are enough.'

Your happiness is in your own hands,
no one else's.

'Your destiny is a matter of choice in the present,
not the chance of your past.'

Excuses won't get you what you want.

"Imagine it, going through life as a slave
to the opinions of those around you,
looking for approval & validation outside instead
of realizing that the answer is inside."
(Some of us don't have to imagine....)

be well...

Saturday, January 18, 2025

January 18, 2025

Do you know the fear, worry and those racing heartbeats you get 
when you start overthinking the path your on...and start second guessing 
That was what I was experiencing at the moment of thud.
I was right in the midst of my prayer....fear was 
getting it's jabs in...
& doubt was entering quickly...
 my attention span was starting to circle the drain.
This little one bravely intervened by flying full force into the window.
Startled by the thud, I looked out to see if all was well.
It wasn't.
It just sat there.
I went out and wrapped it in a hand towel to bring it in where it was safe,
& then started to pray over it.
That was about an hour ago.

I have it nestled in an old small basket on the shelf, 
and it seems to be doing pretty good. 
It won't fly off when I take it outside, but it did fly and perch on my Aloe plant
when I opened the lid to check on it.
 It's frigid out. 
I don't blame it for wanting to stay nice and warm while it recovers.
Take your time little one....
I'm just grateful that you're OK.

Some journal notes...before the thud...

Allow God to direct my path.

'Trusting acceptance of trials brings blessings
that far outweigh them all.'

Trust does not falter when the path becomes rocky.
Breathe deep. Hold tightly to His hand.

Don't be intimidated. Don't worry.

Your risks to fulfill your destiny are worth it.

Fight to keep going.

'Don't settle for the least out of life because you think
you're not strong enough.'

Embrace your true identity.

Feel the fear, but don't wallow in it.

"Do. Not. Be. Afraid."

'Fear is the antithesis of faith.'

'There can be no happiness where there is fear,
apprehension or dread.'

Don't believe everything you hear, even in your own mind.

When God is in my thoughts, my day feels more user-friendly.

Walk on. Have faith. Fear not.

be well...


Friday, January 17, 2025

Just Breathe

I took a walk down the trail to the lake. My Dad's 
"favorite spot" when he has been here to visit.
I find a flat, dry rock, and decide to sit.
I turn my face toward the sun. I close my eyes...and breathe deep.
A Pileated woodpecker is raising a ruckus somewhere behind me on the opposite shore.
I turn trying to spot it, but it is hidden in the trees.
I call my Dad, because I want to share this moment, this spot, this beautiful day with him.
He answers, and then with a little chuckle....said he was getting ready to
call me too. 
An Eagle soars over the lake and tucks into the cedars nearby.
Dad and I have a nice catch-up-chat.
After our good-byes, I mosey back toward the path.
I pause to build a mini snowman.
I go to take a picture, and it topples over backward into the lake.
Three snowballs...bobbing...
I feel so bad, that I build another.

"Our lifestyles have made us into irritable, anxious
question marks."

'It's always the simplest things in life that
cause the biggest impact.'

"Simplicity is the key to happiness."

"Breath is the link between life &
the silence behind the mind."

"If you don't do something with your life,
life will do something with you."



Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16, 2025

Nothing like a little Michael in the morning,
to put a smile on my face.
It's like I have a wise quirky, fun-loving friend to
sit down with, and have a little laugh to start the day.
The dove is cooing outside my window,
the windchimes sound like church bells...
and it's sunny and mild today....
I believe I hear the lake trails 
calling my name...

'There is an outer you - your body - that is being shaped all the time
by the way you eat, drink, sleep, exercise, and live.
Then there is the inner you - your thoughts, desires, will, and character.
This is being shaped all the time by what you see, read, hear, think,
and do. We can call this inner you the spirit.

Spiritual formation is the process by which your inner and outer
self and character are shaped.

Everyone has a spirit. Everyone's inner life is being formed - for better
or worse.

We flourish when our spirits are rooted in and shaped by the Spirit 
of God - and God want's to do that in a way that uniquely fits us.'

Journal notes from this morning...

God will transform your fear into confidence.

"The Spirit He gives does not make you timid,
but gives you power, love , and self-discipline."
(2Timothy 1:7)

Face your fear and do what you have to do.

It is essential to live in the Present.

'God will help you rest in His sufficiency, depending on Him
more and more.'

Recognize your neediness and receive what God offers.

His Presence is with you always, providing everything you need.

'At times, God will beckon you to step out into the unknown.
To do the unfamiliar of go in a direction that is untried.
In His presence step into the unknown with confidence."

"If you do little things like they're big things,
God will do big things like they're little things."

"Spiritual greatness has nothing to do with being greater than
others. It has everything to do with being as great as each of us can be."
~Henry Nouwen~

be well...

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

January 15, 2025

Do you know that feeling, when you make a huge investment
in yourself, and you know your life will be changed forever?
Well...I just took another huge step. 
Starting Monday I will begin a 16 week Autoimmune Health
Reset with Dr. Will Cole.
I have been playing a game of whack-a-mole with nutrition,
 labs, and Dr. visits. 
I have been very proactive in my own health.
Doing the right things.
Yet...something was still off.
My girlfriend was like...
"Well....if your having issues with your health...
all the rest of us are screwed!"
I have sincerely done my best.
I refuse to fall for the 
"You're just getting old." line...
however I have certainly been feeling older than my age in the last few months.
I thought it was in my head.
I reached out to Dr. Cole.
Took the Inflammation Assessment (previous post),
it measures the malondialdehyde in my urine.
Let me share the meaning here:
Malondialdehyde :
is a byproduct of fat metabolism and a marker of oxidative stress.
it is a highly toxic molecule ....

It goes on. I got that on Google if you want to find out more.

The Assessment covered :
Detoxification process
Blood Sugar problems
Hormone problems.

The level they would like to see in each system is below 5.
My lowest level was an 8 in two of the systems.
My highest was 16.

Quite a reality check for me.
I went over the program, got the assurance I need, and I am in.
As with all will take discipline and dedication.
I know I have what it takes. I've done hard things before.
This will heal me at a cellular level, and teach me so much.
There was also a mention (with my coaching and my own health journey) 
that I could possibly become an affiliate on the team.
Who knows?
It was pricey...but also considered continuing education for me.
I can't really think of anything I want more for myself than my health.
It is worth the investment.
Bye bye for now bucket list....xo

"You have options; you can do something different.
Wake yourself up and take a look around at the environment
you've made for yourself.
Don't keep swallowing things that make you sick.
You can change the faces, the places, and the spaces in your
world. Circumstances don't have you, 
you have them.
Stop being a victim of circumstances and start being a
victor over your circumstances."

A few journal nuggets for today...

God is always beside you, helping you to face your challenges.

'When you know you've been called to more & truly want to 
follow your destiny, you've got to be committed.'

If you know you need to do it, then do it. Do it with all you 
have inside of you.

'If you are going to get to your destiny, you are going to 
have to invest in yourself. Commit.
You have go to push & press.'
It's worth your sacrifice and hard work.

"He who believes in Him will not be disappointed."
~1Peter 2:6~

"There is nothing better you can do than abandon yourself
to God's will, provision, & protection.
That is the path through adversity to an abundant,
fulfilling, joyous life."
~Charles Stanley~

'He is you ever-present help who encourages, blesses,
and sustains you in your journey.'

"You cannot stress your way into wellness.
Give yourself grace and lightness in all that you do."
~Dr. Will Cole.~

be well...


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January 14, 2025

This morning I got teary eyed with gratitude over...
pretty much everything!
But mostly...connection.
Sitting here with my pinecones gathered from Dad's yard
this last Fall, and a mug of Chai tea, that my kiddo picked up
 at Harney and Sons while he was showing his girlfriend around to some 
of our favorite places back home.
It's always such a special time when we can all be there together.
Revisiting the moments in my heart, and feeling the fuel.
Then out of the blue...I receive a phone call from a dear friend from Louisiana,
followed by a letter in the mail from another dear old friend.
It feels a little magical....

'Your ultimate purpose in life is not happiness.
Your ultimate purpose is deep inner peace.
It is the same for everyone.
You want to be able to sit by a river and be in awe of 
the mountain peaks around you and the water as it splashes 
on the rocks. You want to really taste the ice cream in
your hand, and you really want to feel the excitement of 
seeing someplace new.
At that moment, that's not possible because you're giving
importance to your worries, doubts, and regrets.
Life is passing you by and you're not even aware of 
the magic happening around you.
So, what you need to do is unlearn some of the things
that have held you back.'

You need to shed the mess.
Create a life by design, not default.
Shift the station in your mind from lack, and negativity
to something that is going to pick you up.
It takes practice.
You need to identify the bad habits and change them
into better ones.
Slow down.
Enjoy being in the moment.
Close your eyes.
Focus on being present, and all that you have,
not on your lack.

My morning journal notes...

Open your heart and your mind to all that God has for you.

Talk to Him about your struggles & feelings of 

Do what you do with dependence on God.
Delight in what you accomplish together.

He can weave together something beautiful from the 
broken pieces of your life.

"There are certain attitudes and actions that hinder you from
really knowing God-
and you have to give them up."

Don't stay trapped in your old destructive ways.
Make the choice to move forward with God.

"There is no outside force that can stand in the way
when God chooses to act on your behalf."

"What others think of you is not your concern;
what you think of yourself is much more important."

Make a recipe for the life you want to live.

"If you aim at nothing, you'll probably hit it.
If you don't want to get anywhere, any road will do."

Anything is possible. Anything you can think of can
become real.

God gives you everything, and He wants you to use it.
Stop living by default.

Be yourself.

"You cannot see your reflection in running water,
it is only when the water is calm that you can see."

be well...


February 6, 2025

"There's a lot in this world you can't see that you still believe in, Like love & courage. Well that's the way it is wi...