Thursday, August 31, 2023

Next Step

"People spend too much time finding other people to
blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being
what they are capable of being, and not enough energy
putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past,
and getting on with their lives."

" I'm too old, I can't, I don't have what it takes"
Yeah...whatever ! I'm done letting my beliefs
run the show.
I took the next step.
 I've enrolled in the course.

"It's always good to have a goal and set
your mind and body to achieving it.
Don't let life get in the way of your life."



Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Force

" It was then, while staring out the window,
that Ed experienced the strangest feeling he would ever have:
a feeling of connectedness, as if all the planets
and all the people of all time were attached by some invisible web...
Everything he'd been taught about the universe
and the separateness of people and things felt wrong...
This wasn't something he was simply comprehending in his mind,

but an overwhelmingly visceral feeling,
as though he were physically extending out of the window
to the very furthest reaches of the cosmos...
In a single instant, Ed Mitchell had discovered and felt The Force.
~Astronaut Ed Mitchell's account of his Apollo 14
mission to the moon, as recounted by Lynne McTaggart~

" Nothing has stopped you yet and nothing can hold you back.
Because you are stronger than you can ever imagine.
You are a force of nature."



Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Awesome God

Right on cue, my nephew's text this morning.
Our song.

"God understands that you feel torn about the future.
He knows that trusting Him more is a process-
one that is often challenging.
But you can do it!
You can put complete faith in Him."

"The only thing standing between you and what 
your heart desires is a step of faith."
                                                        ~Charles Stanley~

" Try new things and be willing to fail.
Don't worry about the end result;
just put in the effort.
Let go of expectation:
whatever happens is happening as it should.
Challenge your own beliefs.
Do the thing that feels difficult.
The only way you'll arrive at the magic
is if you willingly travel
 a few challenging roads to get there."


Monday, August 28, 2023

Good Habits

When I'm focused on the task at hand &
the rest of the world just seems to fade away.
I'm in my zone.

" What comes naturally to you?
Just for a moment, ignore what you've been taught.
Ignore what society has told you.
Ignore what others expect of you.
Look inside yourself and ask,
'What feels natural to me? When have I felt alive?
When have I felt like the real me?'
No internal judgements or self-criticism.
Just feelings of engagement and enjoyment.
Whenever you feel authentic and genuine,
you are headed in the right direction."

~Atomic Habits~



Saturday, August 26, 2023

One and Only

'The world needs you to be you, do your part 
and play your role as beautifully as possible.
Put your limitations aside.
Unleash your inner power, your inner beauty,
your genius, and allow the world to see the real you.'

'See in your mind's eye the life you would 
love to live, the person you want to become and 
the relationships you want to have.
Understand you weren't born to suffer, and you
surely weren't born to live an unhappy 
and meaningless life.
You were born to thrive,
to let your own light shine and to become
the best you can be.'

"Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits. 
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.
What we think, we become."
                                 ~Margaret Thatcher~


Thursday, August 24, 2023

New Beginnings

" Every new beginning comes from the end of something else.
This is the natural ebb and flow of life,
and it asks us to accept 
that happiness often lies on the other side of sadness.
Know that there is always an opportunity 
to begin again as soon as you allow yourself to."

Everything is shifting.
There are signs everywhere, pointing me in a
(I won't say new) direction that feels organic to me.
I am taking cautious steps....not rushing,
following my heart.

There is the old question that is in pretty much every self help book:

" What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

I was faced with a better question this morning:

" What would you do even if you knew that you you very well could fail?"

I know the answer.
 I've been in training all of my life.
I have lived it. 
It's who I am.
The answer is pretty clear.

I've spent so much time searching for my part in life.
And my part was always right in front of me.

" Life always provides us with opportunities for self-correction."

" Get out your proverbial shovel & excavate.
Breathe deeply. Reclaim the ember situated in your soul.
Give it air."


(photo of  a baby cardinal out with it's Dad while I was watering)


Wednesday, August 23, 2023


I have had this sense that there was 
something just beyond the horizon
since last October.

I feel like I've been training for this my whole life.
The course starts in November. 
I have a big decision to make.

" We all get exactly what we need,
 when we need it,
in order to learn what God intends for us to know
so we can be who God intends for us to be."



Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Dear You

Dear you,
Thank you for refusing to give up on the 
part you've been created to play in life.
No matter what has appeared in your path,
you never gave up the vision.
I know you sense God's intention for your life,
yet the doom and gloom can be in your face 
some days.
Believe in yourself,
and be gentle too. Take care of you.
Hold fast to your vision.
There will be a breakthrough.
Good things usually take time.
You'll develop patience, and trust along the way,
and then you'll become the hero or heroine of your own life.

Your life is depending on you and
God will show you the steps to take.
 He's got the best map!
Trust Him.
 What have you got to lose?
He loves you more than anyone else can.
He has your back. 100%!
And if you can't figure things out,
why rely on you ?
Let go of the belief that you are here to do this yourself.
Out source to God.
Just give Him a call.
Oh, and stop being so hard on yourself.
You can't be amazing until you accept that you're amazing.
You are you know, so get out there and
enjoy and savor this journey you are on!
You wouldn't be reading this if you weren't here for a purpose.
You will be who you will be.
God has a plan.

Much love!

" Every hard-earned lesson that you've ever experienced
brought you to this exact place.
You are meant to be here.
You have everything you need now and need in the future.
The only thing missing from your dreams is you.
Now is the time to leap and then soar into the life
you've always hoped for."

Everything is possible in God. Know that He love you so much!
Just the way you are!!
All He wants is for you to connect with Him so He can
show you His love.

"Dreams belong to us. They become bearers of the new
possibility, the enlarged horizon...
giving to our days like the magic of stars."
~Howard Thurman~



Sunday, August 20, 2023

Week-end Notes

"Each morning when you take your head off the pillow,
you have all that you need."

This weeks notes to self:

Truth is. It never changes.

"If you are the sun, you don't feel your own warmth,
but you witness it in those around you."

" Your never ready for the words that matter most to your heart"

Words that spoke to my heart through an email
I received this week from someone who is dear to me.
(and I was not ready.)
" You can pretty much do anything you set your mind to.
The key is to know exactly what you want then go for it!
You know I'll help any way I can and know that I'll
always have your back."

Let love destroy your barriers.
That missel (email) destroyed a bunker.

"Agitation is a form of inner conflict arising in someone 
who yearns  to be valued and validated by others,
who is not valuing & validating themselves."
( I wish I had learned this sooner. )

"The greatest fortune is when you get to be you!"

Sad and devastated can become beautiful.

There's beauty in the sadness if you look deep enough.

The innocence in you just 
wanting to be told that everything is going to be OK,
is the sweetness in fear.

" It couldn't have been any other way,
because that's the way it happened."

"If it could have happened any other way, it would have."

" Every person on your path is taking you further on your path--
not taking away."

"Don't let the things that you think are stupid outsmart you."

You lose yourself when you fill other peoples needs
and disregard your own.
Pay attention to your needs.

"Laughter helps us release the emotions that need to
be healed."

90% of all pain experienced is due to trapped emotions.
Release them and start to heal.

We are not made wrong.

"Think of what you want not what you don't want.
If you keep doing what you're doing,
you're going to keep getting what your getting.
resolve your issue."

I don't know,
and it's OK.



Friday, August 18, 2023

Saying No

You can have what you want. 
There is never a good reason to settle for less.
You have to be willing to receive it.
You do not have to wait for things to be perfect to be blessed.
As hard as it may be, and as frightened as you may be,
you have to let go of what you don't want.

You must say "No!" to what you don't want
to make room for what you do want.



Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Unraveling Judgment

I heard about Matt in a book by Martha Beck.
I've been  listening to him daily for over a month.
He is a Spiritual leader and Empathic healer,

"The minute you stop moving towards what you don't have,
is the moment that what you meant to have starts seeking you."


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Live in Alignment

"Your life is yours alone.
Others can try to persuade you, but they can't decide for you.
They can walk with you, But not in your shoes.
So make sure the path you decide to walk
aligns with your own intuition and desires,
and don't be scared to switch paths
or pave a new one when it makes sense."

" You need to do more than just eat nourishing food,
exercise, and rest to feel you best. You also need to
be around good people. Spend time healing
your emotional history, live in alignment
with your values, say no to people pleasing,
stay open to growth, and deeply embrace change."


Wednesday, August 9, 2023


"Have a game plan.
Set goals. Plan rewards.
The only way you can fail 
is if you quit."

Yesterday morning I took my kayak out for the first time.
I closed my eyes and listened to the eagles high pitched whistling,
the fish splashing close by and the distant hum of a fishing boat in the cove.
It was incredibly soothing.
While I was at it, I thought I'd meditate.
It pairs well with nature.

I like to meditate on my breath.
(There are so many ways to meditate)
Here is a simple meditation I do when I 
need to clear the chatter and calm the nervous system,
or I'm simply out and wanting to savor the moment.

Breathe in slow...count to 10
Breathe out slow...count to 10
as needed
 3-5 times a day

The top 5 things I am grateful for today:

Coffee & devotionals on the front porch, and RAIN !! (Yay!!!) 
(and hubby swinging by for a rain gauge check :)

That Polly is OK.  She acted wonky this morning, 
wouldn't come out of hiding, and didn't connect, or eat her tuna.
  We think it may have
been the storm. She's back to normal.

Sunkissed skin 


A picture text from Price, of some clay art she made.


Monday, August 7, 2023

I'll Be There

Polly, my morning side-kick, confidante, and Zen master.
I read that cats are big on redemption.

the tune that came to mind

photo of the day

"Today, be grateful for the gift of sharing your earthly
span with creatures that comfort.
Animals are our spiritual companions, 
living proof of a simply abundant source of Love.
None of us need feel alone.
And if there is a gift, then surely a Giver."

Five things I am grateful for today:

fabulous temperatures, below 90

a mini arm workout with my neighbor

BLT's and homemade fries for dinner

Bachelorette night

hubby's "off to work wave"


Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sound of Freedom

My emotions were a bit of a roller coaster all day,
but this is something that needs to be faced.
We went to the farm after dinner, and read. 
My heart is a little heavy tonight.

Movie we saw today

my pic of the day

Quote that started my day

" Courage faces fear and thereby masters it."

Five things I am grateful for today:

Gary fixing bacon on Sundays

the dead branch I brought home from the farm...
(perfect to decorate with twinkle lights)

movie popcorn with extra butter


the sound of the wind this evening


Saturday, August 5, 2023

I See Grace

I can't believe how quickly time goes.
Such a simple thought, but so true.

photo of the day...

the song on repeat in my head

just a thought...
Life is like...a movie.
 If I go to see a movie I don't understand
I keep facing forward until I get it.
Just stay seated and watch.
I will eventually get it.

Five things I am grateful for this evening:

making homemade ice cream with Brandon & Molly's recipe
handed down from her grandma

reading on the porch with a cool breeze and a light rain

seeing Cheri and Willy and making plans to connect more often

 my faded 12 year old kiss on the rearview mirror in the farm truck

"Drywall" (our rooster neighbor) in the morning


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Life Lately

" The strength that you want is on the
other side of the weakness that you are
willing to work through."

I'm all about trying to walk the walk that I talk.
This week I struggled with fatigue and emotions, 
and was all about ready to abort mission.
Hubby had a surgical procedure.
2 days in the hospital.
A lot of conversations with strangers, emotions and... stuff.
We rested on the 3rd day.
The 4th day an early morning drive to the emergency room for a visit.
That's also when my attitude just packed up and headed south.
I was in overwhelm.
It happens.
It happens especially when I'm full of emotions that I can't share with anyone but God,
and have to say my prayers in bursts between distractions .
 I totally need my Jesus time.
I'm not a dabbler with that.
First. Daily. Alone.
My attitude has significantly improved.
Thank God !
Hubby's recovering and
  taking it slow for a while.
We went back to the Dr. today.
Everything is getting better.

We've got this!

" Sometimes you simply have to accept that you can't
accomplish as much as you'd like to.
If you're sick, tired, or hurting emotionally
you just have to do what you reasonably can
and then give yourself whatever you need to feel better.
You may feel like you're falling behind,
but you're not failing.
You're doing what you need to do to take good
care of  yourself, and that's the most important
thing you can do when you're struggling." 




This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...