Monday, May 1, 2023

Everyday Epiphanies

This morning everything I read, seems to
be about awareness, staying in the now, 
being in the moment, giving life your full attention.

Which reminded me of a moment I had over
a week ago, that still chokes me up when I think about it.
It was a beautiful morning, so I decided to take my 
journaling and coffee out on our front porch.
When it was time for hubby to go to work,
he came out to kiss me bye,
then headed to his truck.
He backs out of the driveway...
backs onto the road, 
(where he disappears for a brief moment behind our bush)
 puts it in drive and off to work he goes.
He always gives me a little wave as he pulls back into sight, and heads forward.
I always anticipate it, and look up from what I'm doing to catch him in the act,
and to give him my own little wave in return.
It's all pretty ritualistic. 
We have had a few no wave days in the last two years.
We won't go there.
 all the mornings that I have sat out there....
I think I can recall only twice-ish that we failed our routine.
The other morning, it hit me like a punch to the gut.
I was overwhelmed with a feeling of appreciation and of great sadness.
 I realized there might come a day I would miss that,
 and how it had become something I just took for granted.

 It hit me so hard....I  ended up gathering my things and moving inside.
I was emotional.

We move through so many of our days unaware of the precious moments.
Then it seems we face an illness
 a trauma, or the death of someone dear, and realize how much
we really do take for granted.
That was a wake up call for me.
I've always been a sucker for the little things in life...
but now?
 I seem to cherish everything a little more than before.

I haven't shared many journal entries lately,
so here are a few nuggets from the last week.
Happy May!

Journal notes:

" Be conscious of the choices you make every day-
each one is a seed you are planting for the future."

"You reap what you sow."

" You cannot find true satisfaction outside of fulfilling
your highest destiny: realization of your oneness with God."

" The Spirit longs to give fully to you."

" The door of receptivity opens from the inside.
Swing it open and expect a blessing that will fill
your heart to overflowing."

" Letting go is like a tree shedding it's leaves in Autumn.
It must let go of them to grow & produce even more beauty in the following 
Spring, Summer."

My leaves: thoughts, things, behaviors, habits, 
relationships, control, attitudes.

" You get to a point where your demons, which are terrifying, 
get smaller and smaller 
& you get bigger and bigger."

" A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
~Ralph Waldo Emmerson~

" We are all immersed in the atmosphere of our own thinking.
This decides what shall take place in our lives."
~Ernest Holmes~

" For outside and beyond the smaller self is our greater self"

" You are in your current position out of choice."

" We are only subject to a negative thought or belief if  we
constantly say it applies to us."

" We are free to choose NOT to buy into a negative thought."

God is training us to set our minds on Him more and more,
tuning our distractions through His help.

When your mind is busy, you cannot hear His voice.

" Your needs are key to unlocking your true potential."

" Your inner greatness has much more power 
than the inner negativity."

"Letting go of our resistance to the willingness to have
something positive happen in the relationship is ALL that is necessary."

*the mind projects on the future with expectation that the past will be repeated.

Bitterness is an unhealed area in our own emotional makeup,
and the effort that we put into healing it will bring huge rewards.

I have the power, I just need to plug into the source.

" Wouldn't it be a mess if the Spirit placed your answer in someone else?"

"To grow Spiritually means to take personal responsibility
for your growth & development.
You drop followship for leadership by Spirit."

" You must follow your own unique pattern of unfoldment directed from within."

" I work with you on things you need to change.
I love you as if you were already perfect."

"Being true to yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give to those
around you."

"There is no randomness about your life."

" Keep your thoughts focused on the present as much as you can."

"If you ask, I will open your eyes & awaken your heart
so you can see more fully all the present contains."

" When you bring your full attention to each moment.
A day is a complete lifetime of living and learning."

" Don't ever take yourself so seriously that you forget
how to be light-hearted in this big ol' crazy world."

" Today  a new sun rises for me; everything lives,
everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me
of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it."



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February 10, 2025

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