Sunday, April 30, 2023

Herd Stuff

Hubby needed some help separating the calves from the cows, 
and working our herd yesterday.
He told me  "I might let you go help me today."
( which I've learned is his way of asking) 
"d I was quite honored that he "let me", 
and I was happy to go along.
My job was to record the cows information and drive them up the chute.
It was a dusty, poopy, dirty job
however, I was born for this!
 I really enjoy farm work, and being around the cows.
It took us all afternoon, and the day was perfect for it.

As it turned out, on our way home 
we had to make a quick trip to the market.
Donning a variety of splashes and aroma's only
a farmgirl can be proud of, I decided I'd try to sneak in,
grab the goods, and go.
I got to the check out, and was encircled by the cashiers.
Curious about my appearance, one of them asked what 
I've been "up to"?
Feeling a wee bit self-conscious now I answered,
"I've been working cows today." 
One of them smiled, turning to the others and said,
"Can you believe she's this cute even after she's been working cows??" 

To be honest, I'm still kinda riding a weird ego high.

" I don't believe makeup and the right hairstyle alone can
make a woman beautiful. The most radiant woman in the 
room is the one full of life experiences."
~Sharon Stone~



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February 10, 2025

' Imagine how it would be if the things you love, were the reason for your existence. Think about how your life might change if you were...