Monday, April 10, 2023

New and Improving

" Never stop learning, 
because life never stops teaching."

It is about the most perfect Spring morning.
I am sitting at my kitchen table, door flung open,
the mockingbird belting out variable tunes,
and the sunshine streaming in to meet me.

I am sitting here reflecting.
Lately I've been in rediscovery mode.
Is it a mid-life crisis?
At times it has certainly felt like a crisis.
However, I choose to call it....enlightenment.
Thing is...I suspect I've been going through it most of my adult life!
The good news is....I was teachable.
I searched for & found helpful guides.
I paid attention.
I learned a lot.
(am still...and always....)

Sometimes I want to share everything on here...
and sometimes I feel I want to go back and delete everything I've shared.
I won't. I can't. It is part of my process.

Today I felt like sharing. 
Because there is sense of newness this Spring.
I feel it in a big way.

I've done the hard things.
Dug deep in the dirt.
(literally and emotionally)
After hitting some skeletal remains and some scary bits
along the way....
I see growth,
and I am excited!

With that I will share a few quotes I read today, out of a wonderful book 
my friend Moe gifted me, and I have gifted to others.

The Language of Letting Go Journal
by Melanie Beattie

" Our happiness is not a present someone else holds in his or her hands."

"In those moments when we are trying to reach out and force someone to stop our pain
and create our joy, if we find the courage to stop flailing about and instead
stand still and deal with our issues,
we will find happiness."

"We will heal from the past. We will receive insights that can change
the course of our relationships."

"We will see that, all along, our happiness and our well-being
have been in our hands."

"God help me remember that I hold the key to my own happiness.
Give me the courage to stand still and deal with my own feelings.
Give me the insights I need to improve my relationships.
Help me stop doing the codependent dance and start doing the dance of discovery."

Much love,

" Forget the former things: do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up;
do you not perceive it ?"

Isaiah 43:19


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February 10, 2025

' Imagine how it would be if the things you love, were the reason for your existence. Think about how your life might change if you were...