Tuesday, October 4, 2022

On the Sixtieth Year

I decided that for my 60th, I would appreciate and celebrate each
day in October. 
I will break my habit of taking myself so seriously all of the time
over such little nothings. Let that s--t go!
I'm giving myself permission to laugh at myself, 
and allow the journey to be what it is,
with all of it's beauty & imperfections.

I will learn to pace myself down the rough and bumpy
paths, and appreciate the flowers along the way.
I will work on the things I can change,
and accept the things I can't.
I will remember that I am loved, 
and when I hear the whispers in the wind, a dove coo, or the noise of a jet...
 I will remember that
I am never alone.

Shareable quotes :

" The butterfly does not look back at the caterpillar in shame,
just as you should not look back at your past in shame.
Your past was part of your own transformation."

" Live your life for you not for anyone else.
Don't let the fear of being judged, rejected or disliked
stop you from being yourself."

" Look at you! Healing those traumas, addressing those bad habits,
holding yourself accountable,
no longer seeking validation from others,
and finally speaking your personal truth.
Seriously, I applaud you!
Growth gets messy, ugly, and painful,
yet here you are growing. We see you !"

"One of the best things you     
Can do for yourself is          
   Taking time to learn to grow. 
               Once you give yourself patience, you 
         Become your best friend. And the 
 Empathy, self-kindness and   
                 Resilience are what you need to grow." 

" Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."



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