Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Doing Things

Today I am...

Enjoying the sound of rain through an open window...
& scratching the essentials off of my "to do" list:
Drink coffee
play with the cat
get my exercise packing and unpacking my suitcase 
(Dadward bound)
while dancing to my playlist.

" Life is about moments.
Create them.
Don't wait for them."

" The world is bursting with new experiences if we show up for them."


Saturday, October 8, 2022

Grateful Scandinavian

Today I am....

celebrating Leif Erikson Day !!
(and 234th day of learning Swedish)

I clicked on a wrong link this morning, and it directed me to 
 a woman ( kvinna) talking about this special day.
So with that, and having bits of Scandinavian blood pulsing
through my veins, I decided  to honor this day.
Cuz without it ?
There's a pretty good chance I wouldn't even be here.
So the story goes, that this is the day, back in 1825 that the Restauration ship
arrived in New York Harbor from Stavanger Norway.
Leif Erikson is credited with bringing the first Nordic people into America.

The reason it was made a day.
" .... our Nation is stronger and more dynamic because of the 
contributions of Nordic Americans.
On Leif Erikson day, we express our appreciation for 
the many contributions of Nordic Americans,
who have enhanced American Society and strengthened 
our cultural diversity."

So Skal Leif Erickson! And tack sa mycket !

" We are all leaders-whether we want to be or not.
There is always someone we are influencing-either
leading them to good-or away from good."
~Leif Erikson~



Winds of Change


Today I am...

feeling the winds of change blow through my life.
I just received a phone call from my sister-in-law.
Her voice sounded very energized....happy and full of zest.
She talked about how she'd just got back from the restaurant down the street.
She had grabbed a ride with a 20 year old guy to take her there,
 because it was raining and she didn't want to walk in the rain.
She "pissed" the teen-age waitress off because she demanded service, 
after she'd been sitting there for 20 min..
She's a little miffed that she can't fix snacks at her place,
 because she's not allowed to have a stove there.

She thought she's like to get her driver's license again, 
 and go buy a beat up car.
That way she can get out more often,
 just to travel down the road.
Then she's second guessing that idea,
because she knows that age will probably catch up to her sooner or later.

It was nice to hear her sounding so energetic
and spunky.
I was happy that she was happy...
and that,
for that moment...
she'd forgotten that she was in a nursing home,
  and she's not been able to walk in over a year,
and that solid foods have not been part of her diet in months.
I love her dearly, and I am so sad that her mind is going.
She's always had a strong mind, even when the rest of her was failing.
I hope that her thoughts always bring her to places of adventure,
and are full of her...

" Sometimes the things we can't change
end up changing us."


Friday, October 7, 2022

Need to Laugh

Today I am...

so dang grateful for the goodness of laughter.

" A good laugh heals a lot of hurts."


Thursday, October 6, 2022


Today I am....

grateful, thankful & peaceful.
I went for a walk with my sister-friend Angela yesterday,
and  I shared my concerning thought...
" I feel like something is wrong with me, 
to NOT feel like there is something wrong with  me."
She laughed, and said " Isn't 60 great?"
I smiled and said...." Yes...yes it is!!"
And my heart is wooed into thanksgiving & praise 
for what has been given me.

" Learn to be present and engaged in the present moment.
Be happy with what you have, what you know and who you are right now.
Don't allow your mind to trick you into thinking that you won't be happy
until you get where you want to get."

Appreciate what's in front of you.



Tuesday, October 4, 2022

On the Sixtieth Year

I decided that for my 60th, I would appreciate and celebrate each
day in October. 
I will break my habit of taking myself so seriously all of the time
over such little nothings. Let that s--t go!
I'm giving myself permission to laugh at myself, 
and allow the journey to be what it is,
with all of it's beauty & imperfections.

I will learn to pace myself down the rough and bumpy
paths, and appreciate the flowers along the way.
I will work on the things I can change,
and accept the things I can't.
I will remember that I am loved, 
and when I hear the whispers in the wind, a dove coo, or the noise of a jet...
 I will remember that
I am never alone.

Shareable quotes :

" The butterfly does not look back at the caterpillar in shame,
just as you should not look back at your past in shame.
Your past was part of your own transformation."

" Live your life for you not for anyone else.
Don't let the fear of being judged, rejected or disliked
stop you from being yourself."

" Look at you! Healing those traumas, addressing those bad habits,
holding yourself accountable,
no longer seeking validation from others,
and finally speaking your personal truth.
Seriously, I applaud you!
Growth gets messy, ugly, and painful,
yet here you are growing. We see you !"

"One of the best things you     
Can do for yourself is          
   Taking time to learn to grow. 
               Once you give yourself patience, you 
         Become your best friend. And the 
 Empathy, self-kindness and   
                 Resilience are what you need to grow." 

" Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."




This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...