Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Lot's of things shifting in my soul lately.
It's weird.
And wonderful.
With a side of bittersweetness.

Robins have been surrounding me lately. They are always here...
but lately they seem to be trying to get my attention.
They are perching on a wire overhead & serenading me as I walk in the mornings,
waiting on the gate as I leave the track,
walking beside me in yard.
I pulled out my "Animal Speak" book this morning.
It's always interesting to see if what I read, resonates with my situation or what I'm going through.
I believe that God gives us little signs along the way
 if we are receptive to them. 
This has been going on for three days...
I felt like it was a sign.

My world has been shifting.  This course along with my spiritual
walk are taking me off my regularly beaten, well worn path.
It's not a clear path now, and I am battling debris, stumbling on rocks, 
and trying to keep my eyes on the way ahead.
It's uncomfortable most days.
 I'd rather see the path,
but I am starting to trust, and feel
more open to what lies ahead.
When my heart leans one way inside of me, 
but I ignore that, and pretend to feel another way,
or act in a way that doesn't feel true to who I really
am, it makes life extremely complicated.

 I've complicated my journey.
I get that now.
It's also what pushed me to find my way.
It's what drove me to find a codependent support group.
It's what makes me passionate about this course, and finding
better ways to take care of myself.
I had to finally see that there wasn't something wrong with me,
 that I just had some faulty programing installed.

The old programming although outdated, 
has been with me all my life.
Changing programs has been challenging.
You have to learn things all over again.
Thankfully, it is downloading slowly...
one minute, one hour, one day at a time.

Robins are a sign of new growth in a variety of areas
in your life. Keep moving forward.



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