Friday, May 31, 2024

May Journal

So long May, you've been an amazing month.
Thank you for the not so great moments, that continue to teach me
where I still need to work on acceptance and trust.
Thank you for the letting go, the letting in, and the changes
that have taken place in all areas of my life,
physically, mentally and spiritually.
Thank you for the rain that has blessed our community in so many ways,
after the long horrible drought we cringed through last year.
Thank you for your beautiful cool morning breezes when I walk,
cloud dappled sunsets, and all your springy goodness.
Much love...*kiss*

Little nuggets from my Journal in May:

Make decisions based on what is best for you.

Keep your thoughts focused on the present 
as much as you can.

Find  your voice & sing your song.
Live true to you.

Jump in the center of your own life & get comfortable there.

"The reason you cannot let go of being a victim
is because to do so means deciding for yourself
what else you can be."

See things plainly & keep it simple.

Do not search for security in the world.

Taking responsibility for your energy is as
important as taking responsibility for your behavior.

"Live each day to the best of your ability
and you will soon find you don't have time to worry 
about the future or regret the past.
You'll be too busy enjoying life."

"Much of our discomfort comes from our attitudes."

"A good decision you make today, however small,
may set you on a path to accomplish something very important."

"God doesn't call the equipped-
He equips the called."

"Our power lies in meeting limited circumstance
with unlimited thought."

When things seem all wrong, look for growth opportunities.

You don't have to earn, prove, change, fix, blame, figure, worry.
Just be.

"With every thought we think, we either summon
or block a miracle."

The most important thing to determine,
is what to do right now.

"Enjoy every step of your progress, 
or you will waste a lot of your life
being frustrated about something you cannot change."

Choose what you can do in the present.
Fashion your dreams for tomorrow with the 
choices you make today.

Look for areas you need to let go.

It's important for me to let go & let others
make decisions for themselves.

Let go of attachment & embrace new possibilities.

Self-care is always appropriate.

Liking you is not anyone's purpose in life except yours.

"Never let go of the child within. Be playful.
Laugh often. Do things that don't make much
sense to anyone else."

The purpose of living is to honor life, God and myself.

"It is the mindset we embrace which determines
whether or not we experience peace or turmoil."

"Your spirit, unlike your personality, is not concerned with your comfort.
It is concerned that you have a safe journey on the path of growth."

"Don't take responsibility for matters that are beyond your control-
which include most matters."

"If you let go of everything that is not your responsibility,
you are freed from carrying unnecessary burdens."

Pray about all your concerns.

" Develop an attitude of appreciation.
Decide to see the good in situations & choose to be thankful
regardless of what goes wrong."

Thoughts are just thoughts, they aren't the boss of me.
I don't have to let them control me.
(on meditating)

" Love easily. Hold hands with others.
And don't take yourself so seriously that you forget
how to be lighthearted in this big ol' crazy world."



Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Clearing Space

I've been sorting, pruning, and moving things out.
There were so many things I was holding onto.
It feels good to let stuff go.

" We don't realize how excess stuff draws on our energy
until it's removed"



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Morning Routine

Today I celebrate one week of popping out of bed 
at five in the morning to exercise.
It is the new part of my morning routine,
 before my usual routine.
I'm still amazed at how much
I get accomplished in a day.

"The way you start your day powerfully shapes
how productively you live it."
~5AM Club~



Wednesday, May 22, 2024


During my first coaching circle yesterday,
a classmate was trying to decide what interest to pursue in her life.
She's been an artist since she was 11, loves yoga, swimming, and 
now pursuing coaching with her interest in nutrition.
She is spending a lot of energy trying to wear many hats, 
and it is has started to drain her energy.
We were all allowed to ask her a question, and when my turn came around,
I asked " What is really in your heart? What do you love the most?"
There was a pause. Her head dropped. Silence.
She looked up, her voice shaking with emotion,...
"Art!...I love my art. I love all the other hats too...
but I've always loved art."
She's going to put together a show at the end of the month.
I pray her gift find it's wings.

" Omaha has to run a mile before he gets his stride."
~newspaper article~

There are a lot of us " Omahas"
in the world, but we can get into our spiritual stride, 
and win the race in the twinkling of an eye.

Follow your intuition, instead of trying to think
things out. Intuition is silenced with reason.
Pay attention to the signposts.
Listen to that still small voice.

"There came a voice before me, saying, 
'This is the way; walk in it.' "
~Isaiah 30:21~

"We can only be a success in a line which interests us greatly."


Saturday, May 18, 2024


This morning I started getting up at 5 again.
I hit day 800 on learning Spanish (which started as Swedish).
Hubby and I finally made it to our granddaughter's soccer game.
(she scored:)
 I've completed day 13 of a 21 day arm workout, 
and finished my 21st. week of the health coaching course.
I still love the heck out of it!!
Yesterday, I got a little wonky and overwhelmed on a microbiome/Ayurvedic eating plan,
but re-righted myself. I've been on it for 2 weeks.
My blood sugar is 95-110 (was 126 or higher)
and I've lost 6 lbs.
The former was the reason to start in the first place, the latter was a bonus.
 I also connected with a sweet girl who reached out to be coached by me
as soon as I am ready.
Hubby is getting around better. Still tender. Still recovering.
I've been taking breaks from technology as much as possible.
I want to spend my time doing more fulfilling things like reading books,
and lounging on the porch listening to the birds while sipping my tea.
Working in the garden, or watching the cat playing with a bug.
 Anything that allows my soul and my mind to quiet down for a bit.

Months ago, my nephew recommended a FANTASTIC book to me.
I started to read it, and then it got pushed aside.
I unearthed it yesterday, and it was exactly what I needed
at precisely the right time.
That seems to happen to me a lot.
I read once, that when a sentence in a book resonates
within, it is the voice of your authentic self.
"Listen to what she/he is telling you.
Spirit is constantly communicating with us." resonated alright.
Every paragraph, every word.
(I sent a text to thank my nephew. Again. 
 He seems to always know what I need when I need it.)

Book Quote: 

"One of the ways the great men and women of the world
avoided complexity was by incorporating tranquility
and serenity into the front part of their days.
This beautiful discipline gave them absolutely essential
time away from overstimulation to savor life itself,
replenish their creative reservoirs,
develop their supreme selves,
count their blessings and ground the virtues that they would then live
out their days under.
Many of the people who fueled the progress of our civilization
shared the habit of rising before daybreak."

~The 5AM Club~



Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Focus Up

" Focus your energy today on cherishing
those who lift you up,
not on being sidetracked by those who don't.

Remember, you may not be able to control
the impolite things some people say
and do to you, but you can decide
not to be endlessly distracted by them."



Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Choose Differently

'Live your life not as a bystander...
not as a prisoner to the false beliefs
and stories that keep you stuck in your seat.

Choose to be present.
Choose to be positive.
Choose to forgive yourself.
Choose to forgive others.
choose to see your value.
Choose to see the possibilities.
Choose to find meaning.
Choose to prove you are not a helpless victim.
Choose to let go of the false beliefs and stories.
Choose to find strength in the truth--your truth--
so that you can take real steps forward,
starting today.'



Monday, May 13, 2024

Precious Time

" Life humbles us as we age.
We gradually realize how much nonsense
we've wasted time on.
And we gradually realize how precious
the present truly is.

Let this sink in today.
The afternoon always understands
what the morning never even suspected."



Friday, May 10, 2024


There is nothing quite as peaceful
as sitting in the backyard early in the morning, 
holding a journal on my lap,
with my furry friend to keep me company.

We can't insist on serenity,
but we can take small actions & be
a willing participant in the process.

"If you feel the world offers no reward to you,
maybe it's because your not cooperating
by rewarding yourself."



Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Thoughts Lately

It's like she knows when I need her,
she showed up 45 minutes before her soccer practice.
Then I walked her to the gym.

The tornado alarms went off at midnight.
I sat in the hallway surrounded by all the pillows and
cushions I could grab, praying for the storms to pass.
I was wearing a bicycle helmet, readers, pajamas and no shoes.
Hubby stayed put and watched the news.



Sunday, May 5, 2024

Don't Stop Praying

Hubby's surgery went very well. 
We stayed with family, to be close to KU hospital.
He is recovering nicely.
We're starting to get back in our groove.

A little late, but here is my Journal Dump from April:

Stop trying to change yourself &
think first about accepting yourself.

Easy does it. Lighten up.

Quiet the mind & open the heart.

" The Holy Spirit is present in situations,
people, and circumstances that you have
difficulty facing or accepting."

So much of my anguish is created when I resist.
So much relief, release & change are possible
when I simply accept.

Not every lesson feels fun while it's happening.

I won't let the beauty of this day slip
by unnoticed.

Don't fight against what you cannot change.

I will not allow old resentments
to drag me down any longer.

Don't waste energy wondering if your adequate
for todays journey.

"Keep up the good work!
Keep putting one foot in front of the other,
taking one step at a time,
moving at a pace that may seem slow
but is steady for sure."

I envision the future as a beautiful thing.

If we stopped examining one another for flaws
and just walked in love,
we could all enjoy life much more.

I will not get so bogged down in dealing with old wounds,
that I forget about new growth.

Sometimes you obstruct the very things you desire
by trying to hard to make things go according to 
your will and timing.
~trust God's

Reject discouragement.

There is a benefit in this challenge
if you'll set your mind to learn.

Detach with love not indifference.

Condemnation hardens the heart and creates seperation.

If you don't like what you feel,
you know it's time to clean up.

Even your mistakes and sins
can be recycled into something good.

Surrender. Ease up. Sit back & simply allow
the magic to happen, & it will.

Live within today's boundaries,
and find joy.

Take a break from your concerns.

You are good enough!
Exactly as you are!

If I'm not giving my all to myself,
I am not giving my all, at all.

Take care of the little things in your heart,
your mind, and your life that have major impact
on your ability to help and give to the world.

Surrender. Accept your discomfort & pray for guidance.

Refuse to accept defeat.

Work on strengthening your trust muscle.

Be thankful for the quiet days when
nothing special seems to be happening.

Even when others are not happy with my decision,
I can behave in a way that feels good to me.

Be more self aware and open hearted.

Grant yourself permission to live the life you want,
there is little in the world that can stop you.
Believe more in faith and less on the limitations.
There is no limit to what is possible.

Speaking to speak out of fear or anger
sabotages my good.

When I wish to put a stop to negative thoughts,
awareness is just a beginning.
I must replace them with something positive.

When I concentrate on my personal progress,
the difficulties over which I have no control
will iron themselves out.

What I go through in life is not as important
as how I interpret the experience.

Give them the love you so desperately 
want them to give you.

Be someone I'd like to have in my own life.

Be conscious of the choices you make every day-
each one is a seed you are planting for the future.

Allow others to say what they think &
allow myself to think about what they say.

Become aware of excessive planning & 
how pervasive it is.

The light within you, will guide, protect &
supply you with everything you need,
at all times, under all circumstances.

Move your attention from the outside world 
to the inside of you.
Know how to plug into your power.
~light within

I am not pushing myself to fit 
somewhere I don't belong.

Pour out your heart to Me,
I am your Refuge.
Psalm 62:8

Maintain serenity in spite of your fears.

Disappointments are inevitable but
discouragement is a choice.

Move on with the grace and wisdom that
you've learned from every yesterday.

LET yourself enjoy life more &
feel better right NOW.

There is a voice that doesn't use words.



This morning I woke up giddy. I'm in the fifth week of the Autoimmune Health Reset, & yesterday's homework was to fill out an in...