Monday, December 11, 2023

Think Good

It's a good morning to have a good morning.
*side note- I am a morning person.
It was a wonderful weekend.
I had my girlfriend Ang here for a few days.
(she recently lost her Dad 💔)
I am getting ready to start on Module 4 of my course today.
I reached out to a MO course mate,
( a total stranger...awkward)
 and planned a connection via Zoom 
( also awkward as I will need to learn how to initiate the meeting)
to meet this Wednesday.
I was invited to go with a friend and her Mom to their church yesterday
to watch the MSU Choral perform.
It was so beautiful we had tears dripping.
It couldn't be helped ( I tried..).
The lumps in my throat were about to explode.
Powerful. That's all I have to stay.

Hubby and I went out to the farm for chores.
He made his rounds...
and I walked the pasture and played with my Buddy boy.
We did turn the herd out into a new pasture,
  I was curious to see
if he'd pick (what's left of) the grass
or me.
Guess what he picked.
 he still loves his human Mama.

I finished Module 3 last night. 
and my big take away is this:
believe in yourself
have fun
don't let any one influence you from your path.
Do one little right thing each day to work towards
your dreams.

My biggest hurdle has always been to believe in myself, (truly believe)
and to stop being influenced by....well...influencers.

It takes a great deal of believing in yourself,
(and in my case, God too)
to dodge the bullets of negativity, doubt, skepticism,
cynicism, fear, insecurities and all the distractions today
and be courageous enough to stay true to yourself.

My biggest tool in the last few years
 is to be more mindful of my thoughts.
(always a work in process)
We can choose what we want to think.
We can use our mental energy positively. 
We can empower the good or empower the bad,
the choice is ours. 
What we empower grows bigger.
Our choices are just a bunch of little habits we can change.
Remember habits take time to change, but it is totally doable.
We can't control much else, but we do have that power,
and it makes life so much more joyful.




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January 10, 2025

Is sounds so cliche, and slightly overused... that gratitude is the key to happiness. I'm always grateful. Mostly. But I have noticed th...