Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas Afterglow

Christmas was hands down, one of the best!
Brandon drove in around 11:30 p.m. that eve.
We sat at the table and had a nice chat,
and decided to turn in about an hour later.

Christmas day was incredibly simple and meaningful.
The lasagna turned out great, however it may not make
our traditional Christmas meal, as I found out afterwards,
hubby is not a big fan of lasagna.
It will however be something Brandon and I will make together.
Chances are,...(as cheffy as my kiddo is...)
there will be a modified version of it in the future...
however Grams recipe will always be the firm foundation.

Speaking of foundations...
I believe this year some cracks have been repaired,
clearing done, and healing has taken place in my
(spiritual/soul) foundation.

I am as ready as I will ever be to dive deeper into my coaching course.
 and the discoveries I make along the way.
I will follow my heart and surrender my expectations,
as I stay open to where this leads me. 
There is so much to learn on this path to health and wholeness.

I pray that my journey into the New Year as well as yours,
is one filled with health, happiness and wellness.
May we set our own pace, and savor the steps along the way,
remembering that every step matters.
May our days be filled with the joyful simplicities 
waiting to found in the small moments.
May we trust that love will not fail us,
 believe in ourselves, and believe in the One that 
believes in us. 


"You are never alone.  Divine love sustains you, surrounds you,
enfolds you, protects you. 
Go in peace."

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January 10, 2025

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